It is the super axis light!

  "hold head high!!!"

  The crimson energy ray burst out from Godzilla's mouth, and the power that ignited the world exploded in an instant!

  Only a few hundred meters thick, it collided head-on with a jet-black meteorite-like fireball.

  It was unbelievable that the black fireball could not be stopped for even half a second in front of him!

  Its huge meteor-like body collapsed directly under the impact of the red energy.

  The next second, the huge black fireball was scattered in the air by the impact of the super axial energy ray.

  The black fireball only existed for more than a minute and then dissipated into nothingness.

  A fireball that is enough to destroy half of the snowy plain can't hurt Godzilla one bit.

  This is the unparalleled strength of the king!

  Although the volume of this energy ray is not as thick as one percent of it!

  But it is able to crush it through!

  The crimson super axis energy light continued to fly forward, with the power to burn everything, and came to Bafeng in the blink of an eye.

  Bafengte was also very anxious at this time. At the moment when the black fireball was easily penetrated, its chin was almost scared off, and the whole monster seemed to be dumbfounded.

  That was the giant fireball it created with all its strength, it was the ultimate move it was proud of, and it was cracked so easily by the opponent!

  It didn't react until the crimson light appeared in front of him.

  Bafeng hurriedly waved his arm to condense magic energy and drew a magic defense array in front of him.

  It did not expand its range, but controlled it within the range that blocked the energy column, thereby strengthening the defense of the defensive array.

  The magic runes on Baphomet also began to emerge, making the final defense for him.

  Can you stop it?

  Can you stop the devastating blow of the King of Monsters?

  The water friends in the live broadcast room really did not dare to speak. Just now they were slapped in the face for believing in Bafeng too much, and now they dare not jump to conclusions.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????????

  Everyone stared at the screen intently, not daring to speak, witnessing this moment.

  The dazzling crimson energy beam of light surged and collided with the magic circle.


  A terrifying voice that shook the sky and the earth roared violently in this untouched place.

  Block it, block it.

  The magic circle really blocked the terrifying red ray.

  But Baphomet's body was also moving backwards, and his feet carved two deep ravines on the ground.


  Its expression became more and more labored, and the luster of the magic runes became more and more dim, which meant that its energy was about to dry up.

  But it finally stopped!

  Temporarily blocking this blow, it believes that the opposite Godzilla is not easy, and with such a powerful blow, its energy will definitely be exhausted by itself.

  However, the accident happened suddenly.

  Before Bafeng finished thinking, the crimson light suddenly flourished, and the temperature of the beam of light suddenly rose sharply.

  How is this going?

  Bafeng only felt that the power of the beam of light began to increase explosively, and his magic defense formation began to be slowly melted.

  "What happened? The power of Godzilla's Super Axial Light is just as good."

  "Indeed, the rays of light are much stronger than before."

  "Has it not been doing its best?"

  The water friends in the live broadcast room started to discuss with one glance at me.

  Not to mention the judgments of the water friends, even Bafeng himself noticed something was wrong.

  Is it really not working hard?

  How could this be?


Chapter 161

  Godzilla really didn't use his full strength, including now only using less than [-]% of his strength.

  Against Baphomet, it does not need to fight with all its strength.

  Because its strength is not worth it!

  The crimson beam of light slowly melted the magic circle with the momentum of igniting all things, and the runes on Baphomet began to slowly shatter.

  After all, it was still unstoppable, and the opponent did not even fight with all his strength.

  Is this the end?

  Despair slowly appeared in Baphomet's eyes, and the big demon could only face all this powerless after all.

  He could only watch helplessly as his magic circle was slowly dissolved and crushed, until the unstoppable crimson light came to him...


  The red fiery energy beam easily penetrated Bafengte's chest. The high temperature above ignited his body, making a sizzling sound. Drops of magma began to drip down slowly, Bafengte's huge body. It also began to be slowly melted, and the look in its eyes was slowly lost.

  He couldn't even let out a scream.

  The magic runes were also burned and turned to ashes.

  Finally, when the red light dissipated, only Bafengt, who had turned into ashes, stood on the snow field that had melted by half.

  Godzilla stepped forward and threw a punch, shattering its remaining body and turning it into black dust.

  The great demon of Christianity was slaughtered here like this.

  "It's incredible power!"

  After a while, the commander widened his eyes and swallowed.

  Can this possibly even less incomparable monster human really be able to defeat it?

  The people in the command room couldn't help showing sad expressions. The technology they were proud of had no ability to resist the enemy in the face of this monster.

  Where is the hope of mankind?

  "We want the government uniform to give us an explanation? The annual tax can only make such a piece of junk!"

  People who don't know the truth have begun to block in front of the Xingzheng office building of the Sand Bear Empire and start making trouble.

  They think they pay so much tax every year in exchange for torturing an unbeaten piece of junk.

  They have all seen it in the live broadcast room. Facing the demon Bafengte, the mecha could not resist a single move or a half, and was easily shot down by the opponent, and even failed to damage the demon even a little.

  How can people trust the government, but their people are all looking forward to the country's mechas to be more powerful, defeating the monsters that come to protect their personal safety?

  "Come out and give me an explanation! You wine bags and rice bags!"

  A young man holding a sign clapped loudly on the door.

  Maybe he couldn't bear it any longer, or maybe he knew that he couldn't escape. A middle-aged man with a pot belly paced under the protection of a group of bodyguards, opened the door and faced the long guns and short guns of the crowd.

  "I'm an official of the Sand Bear Empire, and my name is Sumalokf."

  With a genial smile on his face, Sumalov said to the irritable crowd.

  In fact, he was also forced to be helpless. The damn boss was unwilling to come out. He insisted on telling himself to come out to appease the masses, and even threatened himself with resignation.

  After Sumarov cursed in his heart, he began to appease the masses.

  "...Everyone must believe in our own country, the Sand Bear Empire will not fall because of these things!"

  Sumaklov said righteously...  

  Although his speech was very impassioned, it was not an exaggeration to say it was touching, but the people in the audience did not seem to buy it, and their eyes were still full of anger.

  Because the promise given by the Sand Bear Empire is too perfunctory, what should be done to create new and more powerful mechas, and what will protect the people.

  These are official words, meaningless nonsense, what they want is the actual situation.

  The mecha of your Sand Bear Empire can't beat others, this is the reality, you should show your action to let the masses see, instead of playing meaningless official words here and deceiving the masses.

  "Let the king of the Killing Bear Empire speak out!"

  Someone in the crowd suddenly shouted this sentence.

  "That's right! With such a big incident, the king should come out and say a few words?"

  "Does the king feel helpless too?"

  A sense of despair and panic began to spread among the masses. Instead of comforting the masses, Sumarkov's speech made the situation gradually develop into an uncontrollable state.

  "Don't worry, the king will definitely come out and give you a suitable answer!"

  Sumaklov was facing a formidable enemy, and he was also afraid that the masses would riot and cause many losses.

  You may even get hurt yourself.

  "Rush in! Discuss!"

  Suddenly, a man began to take the lead in rushing inside, followed by a group of indignant people who also rushed in.

  "Everyone.... calm down!"

  Sumaklov shouted, but unfortunately his voice has been drowned out by the cries of the crowd...

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