

Chapter 162

  He You lay on the bed, watching the emotional value coming in one after another.

  There is fear, despair, and even excitement.

  "Sure enough, such a desperate blow is enough to bring in a lot of income."

  The battles in the Eastern Imperial City of the Red Sun Kingdom and the snowy plains of the Sand Bear Empire really shocked the world.

  He rolled over to make himself more comfortable.

  "According to this progress, as long as the Daxia Kingdom has another emotional value, we can build another monster ruin."

  He You sat up and opened the live broadcast room to observe the situation of Kunlun Sacred Mountain.

  "Kunlun Sacred Mountain, Angelas, don't disappoint me too much."


  Kunlun Sacred Mountain, the first sacred mountain in Daxia, the mountain of all ancestors.

  The Kunlun Sacred Mountain has an extremely prominent position in the history of the Great Xia Kingdom, and the ancients called it "the vein of the dragon ancestors".

  In ancient mythology, it is also believed that in the Kunlun Mountains there lived an immortal named Queen Mother of the West.

  At the same time, it is also very mysterious and it is also a forbidden place.

  In the ancient times of the Great Xia Kingdom, there was a myth of the Kunlun Mountains based on the city of Kunlun Mountains.

  One of the most famous is the legend of Kunlun Sacred Mountain Hell!

  Among them, Death Valley is especially famous!

  The valley is full of wolf fur, bear bones, hunter corpses and rusted steel guns.

  They render the horror of death to the world.

  Even so, there are still many archaeology enthusiasts who are not tired of it and come here to explore regardless of the risk.

  "Go ahead and follow this road for [-] meters and you will reach the entrance of the Valley of Death. I, I will bring it here."

  A man dressed as a herdsman said hesitantly.

  He didn't want to take the risk of going in, no matter how much money the other party gave.

  That is the Valley of Death!

  The Valley of Death, where all the herdsmen who entered have died in a very strange way!

  "Okay, this is the reward you agreed to before."

  A man in his thirties with glasses took out a handful of big summer coins, counted them, and handed them over to him.

  "Come on, keep going!"

  The man turned around and waved at the group of people.

  They were all wearing thick mountaineering gear, with heavy bags slung over their shoulders, containing water and food, as well as some tools for exploration.

  They are an archaeological team that is privately funded to carry out exploration work. The man wearing glasses is named Wang Feng, and he is the captain of this team.

  "I have reminded you that this valley is not so easy to enter!"

  The herdsman man reminded loudly as he watched the distant back of the archaeological team.

  "It doesn't matter, archaeology is about taking risks. If you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't get the tiger's son. If you don't have such determination, you won't use it for archaeology!"

  Wang Feng responded loudly.

  His remarks were not only an answer to the herdsmen, but also a reminder to the team members that they should not shrink back because of the bizarre legend of the Breakthrough Valley.

  Wang Feng himself is very famous in the archaeological world, because he dares to take risks, dare to go to some places that other archaeological teams dare not set foot in. Although he often experiences a near-death experience, he has gained a lot.

  It also made him look weather-beaten when he was young.

  However, his excellent experience and flexible mind are also the reasons why other members of the archaeological team are willing to join his team. They all believe that the archaeological captain will be able to complete the task well and lead them back safely.

  Even if this is the legendary Destiny Valley!

  "Everyone check the supplies and prepare to enter the valley!"

  Wang Feng frowned and ordered.

  When they came to the entrance of the Valley of Death, the team members began to tremble constantly, as if there was a potentially deadly threat in the valley, which made them terrified.

  The kind that has goosebumps all over the floor.

  This is the fear of biological instinct!

  "I'm afraid this trip is very risky!" said an archaeological team member who looked older, squinting.

  "How's the magnetic pole here?"

  Wang Feng turned his head and asked a team member with a probe in his hand.

  "The magnetic poles outside the valley are still normal, but those inside the valley are always changing."

  The player wiped the cold sweat from his head and said.

  He had never heard of such a situation, but now he understands the weirdness here.

  "Enter the valley!"

  Wang Feng said loudly to the players.

  He had been preparing for this expedition for a long time, and he even chose this time to come here at the risk of being bombarded by lightning, in order to solve the eternal mystery here.

  Now that we have reached the entrance of the valley, how can we give up halfway?

  Afterwards, the expedition team carefully entered the boundary of Destiny Valley and crossed the gate of hell.

  As soon as they entered the valley, they saw a very beautiful view.

  The blue sky and white clouds form a picture, the river at the foot is rippling with clear waves, and the surrounding flowers are dotted on the yellow earth.

  This is absolutely unimaginable beauty in an industrialized city.

  "A rare sight! This paradise!" Wang Feng couldn't help sighing.

  The other members of the archaeological team were a little fascinated by it. They only felt that they had come to heaven instead of hell.

  However, the surrounding animal bones still made them wake up instantly.



Chapter 163

  The white bones are exposed to the sun like this, it is the animal community that has strayed into this place, and they died suddenly in this picturesque Destiny Valley for unknown reasons.

  The combination of anger and death made the heart of the archaeological team lifted again.

  "I heard that the strange rumors here are very bizarre, but today I don't think it's exaggerated." Wang Feng crouched down and carefully picked up the wreckage.

  How those animals died here is still unknown.

  "There are bite marks on it. Could it be that there are some carnivorous animals haunting here?"

  Wang Feng carefully inspected the traces on the bones, and there were a few small bite marks that made him particularly concerned.


  Before he could think carefully, a female archaeologist suddenly covered her mouth and screamed loudly.

  "what happened?"

  The people who were already worried immediately became alert. They looked in the direction of the female archaeologist's finger and saw a black shadow quickly disappearing into the wasteland in the distance. The speed was only a sight.

  "what is that?"

  The archaeological team members were horrified, and the creature made them instinctively aware of a hint of danger.

  "Keep moving forward!" Wang Feng calmly ordered, "No matter what, you can't give up halfway!"

  When everyone saw this, they had to move on. They were not inexperienced archaeologists. At this time of danger, none of them would dare to leave the team. That would only put themselves in danger.

  Several people continued to move forward bravely. On the way, there were fewer and fewer beautiful scenery, and more and more terrifying skeletons on the ground.

  Just as they stepped into a wide area, the ground suddenly trembled.

  "Don't panic, everyone, go to the surrounding rocks to avoid" "." With sufficient experience, Wang Feng did not lose his composure. He calmly commanded the team to retreat up the mountain to avoid the disaster.

  By the time they all fled to the mountain, the ground shaking was already very violent, and sand and stones could vaguely be seen jumping on the ground, and even their hearts began to beat violently.


  A series of "puffs" sounded, and reptile monsters similar to giant star lizards began to break out of the ground. They had snake tails and crocodile faces like skeletons on their faces, which looked particularly scary.

  It was the skeleton reptile that He You exchanged.

  "What, what is this?"

  Wang Feng and his party stared at them, looking extremely frightened. They had never seen such a huge and strange creature before.

  "Could it be some kind of monster?"

  An archaeological team member guessed that, after all, the monsters now can almost be described with a flood of words. Some people said that they saw two monsters fighting with each other on the snow field.

  Could it be that the strange magnetic poles in this Kunlun Sacred Mountain are caused by monsters?

  But right now they didn't dare to think too much, because those monsters seemed to be coming for them.

  I saw several of the monsters howling and dragging their snake-like tails and rushing towards them.

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