"Go into the cave, hurry up, hurry up!"

  Seeing this, Wang Feng hurriedly shouted.

  The archaeological team members are not fools. Seeing this, they have scattered birds and beasts one after another.


  Suddenly, there was a miserable howl from the team members behind them, and everyone turned their heads away.

  It turned out that the team member was bitten by the skeleton monster chasing after him because he ran a step slower. The monster's bite ability was extraordinary, and the archaeological team member seemed to have no power to struggle in the face of this kind of power.

  Only a creaking sound was heard, and the archaeological team member was cut in half, with his intestines and organs scattered all over the ground, and with the mixture of blood, it seemed that he could still hear the excited screams of monsters.

  Seeing this, everyone ran away desperately, hoping to follow up and get rid of those man-eating monsters.

  "¨" Could it be because of them that the mutilation I saw came in?" Wang Feng's eyes were stunned, he recalled the remaining bite marks, which matched the monster's teeth.

  "Does it mean that these monsters are really the existence of inducing magnetic pole changes?" Wang Feng judged with some doubts.

  The Queen Mother of the West and the snake have a great relationship in the history of archaeology. Now, looking at these monsters that resemble giant snakes, Wang Feng has an intuition in his heart. There seems to be a relationship between the two.

  In fact, he thought too much. This was a monster that He You had just released, and it had nothing to do with the Queen Mother of Naxi.

  The archaeological team members ran for their lives frantically, and finally came to a hidden cave, and the skeleton reptiles were also thrown away by them.

  Rather than being thrown away by them, it would be better to say that they did not dare to approach here.

  "Phew, scared me to death." An archaeologist lay on the ground panting heavily.

  Escape from those monsters is too exciting and exhausting, and they just want to have a good rest at this moment.

  "Captain, did you hear anything?" an archaeologist suddenly frowned and said.

  "Huh? What do you mean?" Wang Feng immediately woke up. He listened carefully, and seemed to hear some grunting.

  It seems that there is a behemoth sleeping here!



Chapter 164

  "Alarm alert! Monsters appear in the Kunlun Mountains!"

  In Daxia Kingdom, in the mecha room, the red warning light suddenly turned on, and the mecha team in alert state quickly prepared to set off.

  A red and mighty mecha turned on the spray god device and took off into the air, heading towards the location of the Kunlun Sacred Mountain at extreme speed.

  "Look! What are those monsters?" a mech operator shouted while looking at the screen.

  Near the Destiny Valley of the Kunlun Sacred Mountain, a crawling snake animal, not a giant monster, is moving forward at an extremely fast speed.

  In front of them is the gathering place of the herdsmen. Through the screen, you can see that the herdsmen are extremely panicked and flee for their lives.

  "Aim at those bastards with skeleton faces!" The captain ordered angrily upon seeing this.

  These monsters are really rampant, and they dare to be so wild on the territory of the Great Xia Kingdom!

  Whoosh whoosh!

  A number of powerful missiles shot towards those skeleton reptiles.

  The tenth generation of the Dragon is the latest mecha developed by the Daxia military. It has the significance of the next generation. It is the pinnacle of Daxia's military research technology. Their configuration is the top in the world, whether it is close combat or long-range attack. It can be extremely easy to exert the greatest power.

  The lethality of the Longwei missiles they are equipped with is comparable to that of small nuclear weapons, and the power of the laser blades in melee combat is also quite powerful.

  This is their first actual combat.

  The Longwei missile exploded in the skeleton reptile, blasting the monsters into pieces, blocking the first wave of offensive.

  Moreover, the operator's skills are extremely superb, and while killing those monsters, the poor people nearby did not receive any damage from the combat Ubisoft.

  After all, they are also elite pilots who have been screened out layer by layer. The purpose of Daxia Kingdom is to use such mechas to fight monsters.

  "Landing, melee!"

  Seeing that those monsters came to the herdsmen, if they attacked with missiles, it would cause unnecessary civilian casualties. The Daxia Kingdom has always attached great importance to the lives of the people. Faced with this situation, the captain also directly ordered all the melee combat.


  The mechas landed quickly, and they pulled out a laser blade with a faint blue shimmer from their waists in a neat and consistent manner.

  The advent of monsters has forced countries around the world to develop various powerful weapons. It is no exaggeration to say that in the past few months since the arrival of monsters, the technological level of Blue Star countries has made great progress.

  For example, this laser knife was made by researchers in Daxia with laser pulses, and it was sharp enough to cut through a material ten times stronger than diamond.

  The mechas stepped forward and started a close-range battle with the skeleton reptiles.


  The tenth generation of crimson dragons waved the blades that could cut everything in their hands, and the pilots relied on the precise control of the mecha, so that every blade could just kill the monster, and no attack was superfluous. Yes, the whole fighting style looks like a smooth flow.

  In less than half a minute, the ferocious Dragon Mecha slaughtered all the incoming monsters.

  And with zero casualties!

  With such a record and such speed, in the world, only the latest mecha of the Sky Eagle Federation can match one or two, and the mecha of the Sand Bear Empire is a bit underwhelming.

  "Huh, tidy up the equipment and we're ready to return."

  The captain glanced at the monster corpses around him and said.

  These residues will be cleaned up by special people, and they will not be responsible for the finishing work.

  Just as they were about to set off and return, an angry roar suddenly came from the Valley of Death.

  Time pulled back to a few minutes ago, when the dragon mecha and the skeleton reptile were fighting fiercely, the archaeological team led by Wang Feng was also groping in the cave.

  The cave they are currently in is almost completely sealed, not to mention the depth, the light here is still very dim.

  It looks very creepy and weird, like a scene from a horror movie.


  Everyone walked towards the front step by step, and there were some ancient historical murals on the rock wall of the cave.

  "These paintings are of great historical value." Wang Feng sighed lightly, placing his hand on it.

  "Captain, what should we do now?" a team member asked worriedly.

  "If we go back the same way now, we will only be attacked by those snake-tailed monsters. We can only go inside." Wang Feng raised a finger and said.

  "The strange sound just now should be the sound of strong wind blowing into the cave. There should be other exits here." Wang Feng pushed down his glasses and said with certainty.

  This is his archaeological adventure experience. Once before, he was also trapped in a box of caves, and he escaped from there by following the wind.

  They continued all the way, following the sound.



Chapter 165

  Soon after, everyone was a little tired, so they planned to rest in place.

  "I'm exhausted."

  One of the male players just lay down, regardless of the dust on the ground.

  They repaired here because they only felt that the sound of the strange sound was getting louder and louder.

  "The exit should be near here." Wang Feng said excitedly after listening.

  "Captain, there is something wrong with the wall here!" A team member suddenly called to change lanes.

  "What's wrong?" Wang Feng responded strangely, and he took three or two steps to the wall of the team members' fingers to examine it carefully.

  I saw that it was covered with striped scales for some unknown reason.

  "Could it be the traces left by sea creatures?" Wang Feng looked at the scales and lost his thoughts.

  "Little Li, bring the toolbox." Wang Feng turned around and instructed, a team member with a heavy suitcase hurriedly came to his side, panting.

  Wang Feng opened the backpack and took out the excavation tools, a hammer and a long-nail.

  He is going to take away these scales, which have high historical value.


  The spikes rubbed out the sparks on the scales, but they couldn't chisel off the scales.

  "It's so hard?" Wang Feng was shocked when he saw that even the nails were bent but still had no effect.

  So he directly abandoned the spikes and slammed the hammer at the scales.

  Anyway, given its hardness, it can't be broken, and I just can try to hammer it down.


  The hammer and scales made a crisp sound.

  Suddenly, the strange sound that I had been hearing came to an abrupt end.

  "What, what's wrong?"

  Everyone was shocked, and they suddenly felt a dangerous breath that was recovering.


  Wang Feng, who was holding the hammer, suddenly screamed, and he himself was so frightened that he sat on the ground.

  When everyone looked at him, they were all shocked.

  The scales growing on the rock wall disappeared, replaced by a yellow eyeball.

  The eyes twitched left and right, conveying a look of anger and irritability to them.

  "We seem to have woken him up." Wang Feng said with a twitch of his eyelids.

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