Immediately afterwards, the inside of the cave began to shake violently. The ground was shaking, as if some beast was slowly waking up.


  A roar resounded through the sky.

  "There is a change in Destiny Valley!" said the captain of the mecha squad with wide eyes.

  Before they could take any action, they saw a giant monster suddenly rise from the ground.

  Its back is covered with a hard carapace covered with thorns, and it has a hard and huge mallet-shaped tail that looks like an Ankylosaurus.

  It's Angelas!

  "Dinosaurs come back to life?"

  In the mecha command room of the Great Xia Kingdom, the commanders were all shocked by the sight in front of them, and a dinosaur-shaped monster suddenly appeared in the mountains that had not been moving just now.


  Angelas yelled angrily. Its temperament is not gentle. Someone disturbed it to sleep just now, which made it very angry.

  Angelas first waved his tail and smashed a rock on the mountain.

  The rocks fell, just hitting the archaeologists.


  Under the wailing of captain Wang Feng, the archaeological team members were buried in the Valley of Death together with these historic cultural relics murals.

  But even so, Angelas' anger still did not dissipate, and it walked out of the mountain with strides.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????????

  "Aircraft No. [-] is going to evacuate the civilians, and the rest follow me to block the monsters!" The captain hurriedly ordered.

  Several crimson mechas spurted orange-red flames from behind, and with their help, they flew directly into the sky and flew in the direction of Angelas.

  Before he got close to the captain, he felt an inexplicable pressure.

  "Damn, this monster's strength is too strong." He couldn't help thinking.

  It's bound to be a tough fight.

  "Look, it's the Dragon Mecha of the Great Xia Kingdom!"

  "Our Daxia country's mechas are strong!"


  "That's a must, praise for the motherland!"

  In the live broadcast room, the water friends began to get restless, because the power of the Daxia country mecha made them feel that they had vague hope of killing monsters.

  Those crimson mechas cut through the sky, and they were full of fire before they got close, and the target was exactly where Angelas was.

  Dozens of Longwei missiles landed on Angelas in no particular order, blasting out clouds of smoke and sparks.

  "How about it, does it work?"

  The captain stared at the screen with bated breath. Humans' battles against monsters have been failing. Whether it's the Eagle Federation or the Sand Bear Empire, their advanced weapons are almost ineffective against monsters without exception.

  The Sand Bear Empire's electromagnetic orbital attack run didn't even cause a little damage, in other words, it couldn't even break the defense.

  Can you do it this time, can you fight off the monsters?

  People in the command room are also paying attention to the netizens in the live broadcast room.

  The hope of mankind has almost disappeared. Can it be successful this time?

  Soon, the smoke dispersed with the wind, revealing Angelas' body.


Chapter 166

  The smoke and dust dissipated with the wind, revealing Angelas' body, and the solid shell was still unscathed, as if it were brand new.


  Although its carapace was unscathed, its exposed flesh was blasted with several bowl-sized wounds, and dark purple blood could be seen flowing out of it.

  "I go really effective!"

  "Our country's technology level is really not bad!"

  "Come on, Daxia Kingdom!"

  The water friends in the live broadcast room are all boiling!

  Proud of the motherland!

  "It works! It works!"

  The people in the mecha command room hugged each other happily, tears welling up in their eyes. This was the first time they had caused damage to a monster. Humans were finally not on the passive side.

  Although the wound is only the size of the mouth of a bowl, it adds up to a lot, and this time, it might be possible to kill this prehistoric dinosaur!

  "That's great!" Even the captain of the mecha waved his hand involuntarily, and cheers from the mecha team members came from the communication channel. This is the first time that he has been able to fight back against monsters. Not exciting.

  "Then just..."

  Just when the captain was excited to take the next step, an unexpected change occurred.

  Angelas was not as excited as they were. He was shocked, and saw that the wounds began to grow into granulation and slowly healed.

  After a few seconds, several scattered wounds had healed.

  "This..." The captain, who was originally quite excited, really couldn't say a word at this moment.

  Not only that, but even the commanders in the command room fell silent.

  The original warm atmosphere was as if it had never existed.

  Not only that, but the water friends in the live broadcast room were all dumbfounded.

  Does this relationship cause no harm to anyone at all?

  Those wounds can also heal quickly, so what's the point of hitting this damage?

  "Bastard! All ammo fired!"

  The captain roared with wide eyes angrily.

  Bring back your hope!

  A hard-earned hope!

  All the ammo of the Dragon Mecha is fired at once, this time it is a stud of all the ammo that is not left in hand.

  Facing the attack of a large number of Longwei missiles, Angelas lowered his head and curled up his body, exposing only the hard outer shell.

  "Bang bang bang!"

  Countless sparks bloomed on the armor, and the ferocious offensive made people breathless.

  When the smoke cleared, Angelas' shell was nothing but a little charred black.

  It stretched out its body and looked at the Veyron mecha team impatiently.

  Does that look with some provocation seem to be saying that there is only so much ability?

  "Melee, with a laser knife!"

  The captain shouted hysterically, and after he finished speaking, he drew the hilt from his waist and rushed towards Angelas.

  The shape of the laser knife configured in the Veyron Mecha is imitated from the ancient embroidered spring knife.

  The knife posture is stretched, the blood groove of the knife body is neat and powerful, and the cutting edge is sharp.

  Embroidered clothing springs when Xiao Han stands, and colored clothing is trending toward the courtyard every day.

  Several mechas stepped forward and surrounded Angelas in the middle.

  With the boost of jets, they flew in mid-air, ready to fight.


  When the formation was ready, the captain ordered.

  The Dragon Mechas slashed towards Angelas with their knives.

  However, Angelas is not a stake, he will not stand there foolishly and let the Dragons cut it.

  Angelas moved.

  Its four claws stepped on the ground hard, denting the soil, and then the limbs exerted force, and the whole body was ejected like a cannonball, hitting the advancing Veyron Mecha.


  Its speed is quite fast, and the target driver was slammed and flew out and fell to the ground before he had time to react.

  The remaining pilots had no time to grieve, knowing that the best way to honor their comrades was to decapitate their enemies.

  The next moment, several mechas swarmed up and slashed at Angelas with their blades.

  The laser blade swiped frantically on it, and in less than a moment, the knife marks had spread all over its body.

  However, apart from the scratches on its exposed body, only partial traces were left on the carapace.

  And the scratched part also healed in a short time in a way beyond people's imagination.

  That is to say, until now, the Dragon Mecha has only caused extremely weak or even negligible damage to it!

  "Can't we really beat it?"

  The captain's eyes gradually revealed despair. Could it be that everything they did and the sweat they put in couldn't be exchanged for a victory after all?

  Even if it's just to injure the other party?

  The executives in the command room also looked at the big screen in disbelief. This was a strength they could not imagine. They used to fantasize about being able to kill each other, but now it seems that it may be just a fantasy.

  It's all just their fantasy.

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