
  It screamed, opened its mouth, and ejected a blue energy beam.

  Crystal blue energy beams shot straight out of its mouth, and the fiery energy even distorted space.

  Atomic rays!

  Angelus' Atomic Ray!

  Godzilla opened his mouth too, the spines behind him turned red one by one, and a dangerous crimson energy crept up its throat along its back.

  A mass of flames gathered in its mouth.

  Even Angelas felt incomparably terrified of this energy, but it was too late if he wanted to escape.


  Godzilla roared loudly, and the crimson beam of light spurted out of his mouth.

  Super axis light!

  The rays of the two monsters are ray beams that attack with atomic energy.

  Who is stronger or weaker?

  The two rays of light collided in mid-air, and Godzilla came first, completely suppressing Angelas in his aura.

  The two rays of light melted into each other as if they were in essence.

  "Godzilla, win!"

  Some water friends have begun to cheer Godzilla silently in their hearts.

  The two energies were deadlocked for less than a few seconds, and Godzilla's super-axial rays had slowly begun to erode Angelas' atomic rays.


  Godzilla roared, and strengthened the power of the super axis light a little bit.

  The power that burns everything has been enhanced, the crimson light is prosperous, and the rapid penetration burst swallows up the blue beam of light.

  As the blue beam of light became dimmer, Angelas became more and more struggling.

  Taking advantage of the remaining strength, it hurriedly turned over and hid aside.

  It abandoned the move with Godzilla against Po and chose to dodge instead.

  The crimson beam of light swiped across Angelas' body and shot straight into the mountain range behind it, forcing a hole in the thick mountain peak.

  The melting peaks stimulated Angelas' heart.

  How powerful is this?

  Does such a guy really have a monster to contend with?

  "Brother (Zhao Zhao) Sila is indeed the best in the world!" The water friends in the live broadcast room began to cheer.

  It was boiling in the live room.

  Angelas off the field was also extremely shocked.

  It looked at Godzilla's incomparably huge body, and its strong personality gradually gave birth to an emotion called despair.

  Could it be that he is really going to die here, sweating?

  Angelas inevitably thought of this possibility in his heart.

  It doesn't want to die, and it's impossible to beg for mercy, that's not its personality.

  Now there is only one option left - desperately defeat Godzilla!

  It curled up all over, and a chilling breath burst out.



Chapter 169

  Angelas' whole body began to curl up together, and an aura of destruction gradually penetrated from it.


  It bounced straight on the spot and swooped straight at Godzilla like a ball.

  Tyrannosaurus Ball Bombs! ! !

  As Angelas approached, there was a violent gust of wind around him. This move was extremely powerful, like a meteorite hitting the earth!

  Godzilla's eyes also became serious in an instant, and his arms were placed in a cross shape in front of his chest. When Angelas attacked, he just collided with his arms.


  Angelas's curled body kept spinning on Godzilla's arms, and a lot of sparks shot out between the friction between the two.

  Angelas did his best to do this. Under the stimulation of death, he did not dare to hold back. The power of the explosion was unimaginable before!

  Rather Stick to your guns!

  Under the impact of Angelas' burning life, Godzilla's body slowly retreated, and its legs pulled a deep groove on the ground.

  But it never received any damage!

  Don't look at Angelas' attack so fierce, but this only makes Godzilla lose a bit of skin.

  Can't even make it see blood!

  "Is Godzilla's skin so hard?"

  In the command room, the commanders of the mecha squad watched this scene with condensed expressions.

  If it was so hard, the Longwei missile they developed might not even scratch his skin.

  There's still a long way to go against monsters!

  Angelas also felt that something was wrong at this time. Its power was lost minute by minute, and the speed became slower and slower.

  The king of monsters actually broke a bit of skin when he almost gave his life a blow?

  When Godzilla saw Angelas's rotational speed slowed down, it shook his hands fiercely, and directly sent the spherical Angelas out.


  Angelas was knocked out by a powerful force, directly crashing into a mountain range.

  "It's amazing! Godzilla!"

  "Godzilla Race High!"

  "King of Monsters we love you!"

  In the live broadcast room, Godzilla's reputation can be said to have reached its peak.

  They think that only Godzilla can save them, what government-developed mecha is just a pile of scrap metal.

  Only the king of monsters!

  It is the invincible powerhouse!

  Angelas, the ancient resurrected dinosaur, is slowly getting up from the ground. This is the second time it has climbed out of the mountain.

  However, its eyes lost their agility, leaving only despair and numbness.

  I didn’t expect that the blow that I had done with all my strength would be resolved so easily, it was really a blow!

  Godzilla was dumbfounded when he saw that his opponent seemed to have lost his fighting spirit, and he also lost interest.

  I saw that its backstab began to flash a dangerous red light, and the temperature of the surrounding air was also soaring sharply, and finally a mass of red heat energy began to condense in its mouth.

  Super axis light!

  The red beam of light spewed out and descended on Angelas with the power of burning everything.

  The hardest part of Angelas is undoubtedly its carapace. This is a protection formed by a very dense material. The Dragon Mecha can use missiles to cause wounds to its exposed body, but it cannot damage its carapace. Inflict a shred of damage.

  Not even laser weapons!

  And Godzilla has to start from the hardest place.

  The super-axial light it sprayed was directed at Angelas' hard shell.


  The enormous heat of the super-axial light was baking Angelas' carapace.

  Can Godzilla do it?

  The answer is yes!

  But seeing that unparalleled beam of light is melting away Angelas' carapace little by little!

  A few seconds later, the super-axial energy light had penetrated Angelas' carapace and shot its body in the opposite direction.


  Angelas let out a miserable cry, and it fell to the ground without moving, turning into a corpse.

  It only took a few seconds!

  It only took a few seconds for Godzilla's super-axial light to penetrate Angelas' indestructible shell!

  It only took a few seconds to penetrate the carapace of the Veyron Mecha, which could not be shaken by all the bullets!

  "It's really shocking!"

  The commanders in the command room showed incredible expressions.

  "Godzilla is so powerful, do we still have a chance to defeat it?"

  This has become an inevitable question in everyone's mind.

  Do they still have the strength to fight back in the face of such super monsters?

  "Go and appease the people first, remember to speak well, and don't have things like the Sand Bear Empire."

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