The commander gave a long sigh and said, it's useless to think about anything now, you can only take one step at a time.

  "Your research institute will use the information and data obtained this time to do a good job of analyzing monsters."

  He turned to the researchers again.

  There are too many things to do, and the most critical thing at present is how to deal with these frequently appearing monsters.

  The commander rubbed his forehead irritably and painfully.

  "Report sir! A man wearing a mask came outside the door."

  "He said he had a way to deal with Godzilla!"



Chapter 170

  "How are you! The adults of Daxia Kingdom."

  The man wearing a black mask waved and greeted with a smile.

  "Who the hell is this guy? How did you know the location here?"

  One of the officers said viciously with the aura of interrogating prisoners.

  Their command base is located in a remote location, built in a mountain, and the location here also has electromagnetic waves that interfere with satellite-detection.

  Secrecy work can be said to be foolproof. How did this guy know - the location here?

  "Oh, you've done a really good job of keeping things under wraps, and I think it took some time to find this place, which is commendable."

  The man sat down carelessly, as if he had returned to his own home.

  "These so-called "foolproof" protections are just what you think, just like you are confident that the Dragon Mecha can defeat those monsters."

  After all, the faces of the entire conference room were gloomy.

  In addition to the No. [-] machine that went to evacuate the people, the Veyron mecha survived, and the other mechas were all destroyed in the Kunlun Sacred Mountain. This incident has become a sore spot in everyone's heart. Salt.

  "Bastard!" An angry general rolled up his sleeves and stepped forward to teach the mask man a lesson.

  "and many more!"

  The commander-in-chief reached out and stopped him. The old man in his fifties stared at the masked man with his eagle-like eyes and asked, "That's the question, what's your name, and why you're here."

  "My name is Sun Ze, I'm a civilian scientist, and I'm here to help you deal with monsters." Sun Ze responded to the commander-in-chief's gaze without fear.

  "You? We have nothing to do, what can you do?"

  A researcher unabashedly questioned.

  The Dragon Mechas developed by the top scientists in the Great Xia Kingdom are not good enough, what ideas do you Sun Ze have to deal with monsters?

  "Don't say it so dead, now, open it and see."

  The man waved his hand with a smile and said, and then he took out a design drawing from the inner pocket of the sweater and handed it to the researcher.

  "Come on, let's see what you can come up with."

  Under the command of the commander-in-chief, the researchers opened the blueprint with disdain.

  After watching it for a few seconds, his expression suddenly became solemn, followed by a frenzied and obsessed expression.

  "This, is this your own research?"

  The researcher pounced on Sun Ze like a hungry wolf, clutching his sleeve tightly and asking.

  "Of course, how, do you believe my sincerity now?"

  Sun Ze calmly slapped off the hands of the researcher and said.

  The researcher realized his gaffe. He adjusted his clothes, calmed down his excitement, and whispered a few words in the ear of the commander-in-chief.

  The commander-in-chief's eyes widened, and he waved his hand decisively under the eyes of everyone full of doubts and ordered: "The scientific research department, fully cooperate with this Mr. Sun's research."

  "This is a great invention, maybe this is the only way for humans to deal with monsters!"

  From this moment on, the scientific research department of Daxia State started an intensive research......


  "Hahaha, very good, this amount of emotional value is enough for me to build the next monster ruins."

  He You contentedly looked at the total number of his emotions.

  For now, after the battle of Kunlun Sacred Mountain in the Great Xia Kingdom, his emotional value finally exceeded [-] million, and it is still rising. Let's not mention this, in the emotional value obtained now, "worship" ” and “excitement” began to increase.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????????

  It is not difficult to see from the speeches of the water friends in the live broadcast room that now humans seem to be gradually accepting monsters such as Godzilla. When the government was at a loss, Godzilla stepped forward to repel the monsters.

  Then, naturally, people's attitude towards Godzilla gradually changed to love and support, and Godzilla's status also rose.


  All of this is laying the foundation for the monster kingdom he will build in the future.

  "As long as people accept it from the bottom of their hearts, then this matter will come naturally. After all, the mechas developed by the human government are really weak against those monsters."

  He You squinted his eyes and looked out the window pondering.

  Because the mecha's record against monsters is really appalling, people's inherent belief in the fanatical worship of mecha is slowly fading.

  "Next, I can use the emotional value to build a new monster relic and continue to change people's perceptions."

  He summoned the control panel and started sliding his fingers across it.

  "I can find a mysterious, legendary, and curious forbidden place to build. After all, if a legend of monsters can be found, then the improvement of emotional value will definitely be a new height."

  He You dragged her chin, thought for a moment and finally found a good place.

  "There, Bermuda Triangle!"


Chapter 171

  The Hundred Eyes Triangle is located in the northern part of the Sky Eagle Federation and belongs to the northern tropics. There are many kinds of marine life there, and there is a high research price.

  But that's not what it's best known for.

  The strange thing about the Hundred Eyes Triangle is its unusually strong magnetic force. The waves emitted by the ocean and atmosphere here are completely different from those in other sea areas. Therefore, many planes and ships disappear here.

  The number of people missing here is enough to circle the Blue Star several times.

  Therefore, the Hundred Eyes Triangle is also known as the Devil's Sea.

  Moreover, someone has detected an extremely mysterious pyramid under the sea, and it is speculated that it may be a lost civilization...

  Full of riddles and widely circulated mysterious legends, these all meet He You's requirements.

  "Then it's here."

  He remembered that he was still setting up a passage with a geocentric world here.

  "No matter what bizarre legends there are, no matter what relics of civilization there are, from now on, it can only be the relic of the monster I want."

  After completing the distribution of some monuments, He You opened the mall again and picked up monsters in it.

  "It's best to choose a monster with a strong magnetic force, so that it just proves the environment there, and people can be more convinced."

  "Well, that's it!"

  He You selected a monster with a satisfied look.

  That monster has many tentacles that are slightly transparent but with some technical texture, and the tips of the tentacles are sharp weapons similar to three-edged thorns.

  However, its body is similar to a flying fish, with huge limbs.

  It is a hundred eyes!

  Its delicate body has the beauty of mixing mechanical and biological, and it has a strong magnetic force.

  "I can make up the legend that Bermuda attacked the previously missing ship."

  He You thought for a while and finished the monster settings.

  "Then let's sit back and watch the show."


  "Report sir! A large number of flying monsters resembling bats have appeared in the Hundred Eyes Triangle!"

  An assistant officer hurriedly pushed open the door of the armored command room with a stack of reports.

  "give me!"

  Admiral Smith, the commander-in-chief of the command room, took over the report and read it with a dignified expression.

  The previous battle against monsters was really a blow to people's morale. Those flamboyant monsters easily defeated the mechas developed by the military with great effort, which directly disgraced the Tianying Federal Government.

  "In addition, the president called and asked you to repel this wave of monsters!"

  The assistant officer said hesitantly.

  "Your Excellency said, if those monsters are still so rampant, please resign yourself."

  Admiral Smith's expression froze after hearing this. He waved his hand to signal the officer to step back and said, "I see."

  Due to the repeated failures of the Eagle Federation in the face of monster invasions, the people's trust rate in the government has also dropped again and again, and with it, the support rate for O'Lincoln has also dropped again and again. gradually increased.

  Coupled with the covetousness of the total barrel of the enemy.

  In other words, if the Skyhawk Federation's mecha were to fail, O'Lincin's position would be at stake, and he might even be forced to resign.

  "Hmph, to put it bluntly, it's not just for your own sake."

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