Admiral Smith exclaimed.

  Finally, after a while, the sky returned to pure white and tranquility, and the Hundred Eyes Triangle was bathed in sunlight again.

  Captain Wilson heaved a sigh of relief, and seemed to have dealt with his opponent.

  "The mission is over, return home..."

  Before he finished speaking, an accident happened suddenly.

  "Puff puff!"

  Strips of transparent tentacles jumped up from under the sea, splashing water several meters high.

  "There's something under the sea?!"

  Wilson's pupils shrank suddenly, and his good combat literacy made him not panic, and he still controlled the mecha calmly to use the jet to dodge in the air.

  The tentacles swept along like hooks, and it was extremely fast, like a well-prepared hunter.

  "Ah! Help!"

  The fuselage of the two Avengers was tightly hooked by the rope, the force of which was so great that they could not move.

  "Artillery support!"

  Wilson ordered quickly.

  The ion cannon has just been extinguished and is still cooling down. If it is used again in a short time, it will only cause the barrel to overheat and explode.

  It was too late to say that, and after Wilson ordered, several dark blood missiles had already bombarded it.

  A few cremations exploded on the tentacles, and the tentacles just froze for a while, and they were unscathed.

  Immediately afterwards, the two avengers were dragged into the sea by it and disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.


  Wilson's eye sockets were split open, and he never imagined that a new monster would be born after just repelling a wave of enemies, and it was surprisingly powerful.

  "How's the situation at the bottom of the sea? Please answer me if you hear me?"

  Wilson exclaimed over the walkie-talkie to the two players who had been pulled into the water.

  It's a pity that the only answer to him is the sound of "zizi" of the electric current.


  He cursed.

  "Everyone obeys! Let's go down together!"

  Wilson ordered without a second thought.

  Now the life and death of the two team members are uncertain, and he cannot abandon them.

  A white avenger dived into the sea, ready to start underwater operations.

  "The Avengers Squad! Please reply when you hear me! The headquarters now orders you to return immediately!"

  The voice of the command room officer came through the walkie-talkie.

  The tentacles of unknown origin easily kidnapped two Avengers mechas, which shows that its strength must not be underestimated. Now the ion cannon cannot be fired. The most important thing is to return to the flight first and then discuss the countermeasures. .

  "¨"Sorry sir, I refuse!"

  Wilson turned off the communicator after saying that.

  The relationship between their team is like a family. If he abandons those two teammates, Wilson feels that he will definitely live in pain for the rest of his life.

  The Avengers continued to dive, and the mechs had enough oxygen and pressure resistance, which was enough to support their underwater activities.

  At this moment, a tentacle suddenly appeared in their field of vision, but it did not attack the mecha team, but slowly backed away.

  It's like guiding them to a certain place on purpose.

  "Follow the pool!"

  Wilson took the lead to follow the tentacle, and even if he knew that it might be a trap, he had to go for it.

  There is no other choice!

  "Stay in shape and see what the hell this guy is up to."

  The Avengers followed the tentacle and swam all the way down, and after an unknown amount of time, the tentacle suddenly fled away at a very fast speed.

  In the field of vision of the Avengers squad, a gray pyramid-shaped building is standing quietly in the depths of the sea.



Chapter 174

  "This is... a pyramid?"

  The members of the Avengers team looked at this scene in disbelief.

  A gray pyramid is standing on the bottom of the sea, and beside him there are many unseen sea creatures swimming non-stop.

  When the searchlight hit it, everyone fell into shock and shock.

  When was such a grand project built, and by whom?

  "There's an entrance there!"

  A mecha team member pointed below and said.

  "Let's go in!"

  With a wave of Wilson's hand, several Avengers squads formed a formation and slowly approached the gray pyramid with the help of jets.

  Shockingly, when the Avengers team stepped through the entrance, they suddenly felt the water pressure on their bodies suddenly weakened to nothing.

  "There is no water in here!"

  Wilson deactivated the jet flight function inside, and he could feel that he was standing here down to earth.

  "And there's even oxygen!"

  Wilson looked back at the entrance. There was nothing there, no door, no barrier or anything like that as they entered.

  "It's amazing!"

  He couldn't help thinking.

  "Stay vigilant! Keep going! The enemy is probably here!"

  The Avengers continued down the trail, walking through it, along the way, the walls were engraved with words they had never seen before, and there was a mural.

  In the portrait is a giant beast in the shape of a flying fish. It has many thick, long and transparent tentacles, the tips of which are somewhat similar to triangular thorns. The overall appearance of the giant beast is light blue, with a different kind of technological beauty.

  "Looking at the shape of this tentacle, could it have something to do with the guy who attacked us just now?"

  Wilson frowned, and he became more and more aware that something was wrong. Maybe the purpose of this guy grabbing the two team members was to lure them down into the pyramid, and then see these murals?

  "What is this guy trying to do?"

  Wilson did not dare to stay here too much, and the mecha team continued to move forward.

  At this time, another mural appeared on the wall of the passage. On it, there were several guys dressed a bit like primitive people. They folded their hands in a kneeling gesture, and their expressions were extremely pious, as if they were enshrining some great existence.

  Everyone was attracted by these lifelike murals, and they couldn't help looking up and looking at the objects of those guys kneeling down.

  It was the giant beast with tentacles from before!

  "I'm going, how old is this mural!"

  "Is the painting so realistic? The object of worship by those primitive people is actually a monster?"

  "With tentacles, hey, don't say it, the one who just kidnapped the two mechas seems to have tentacles too!"

  "Could it be that the ancient monsters actually captured those mechas?"

  "Wait, I seem to have heard that there are indeed legends in the Hundred Eyes Triangle Sea."

  In the live broadcast room, netizens began to chat with each other, until someone flipped through the legend of Baimu Da, and before that, divers had discovered the Pyramid Pagoda on the bottom of the sea.

  "Come on, I didn't think that this pyramid ruin is actually related to monsters?"

  "So this monster existed in ancient times and was worshipped by the local people?"

  As the mecha team continued to deepen, more and more murals appeared in front of netizens.

  After worshiping the giant beast, the primitive tribe seemed to have acquired some more advanced knowledge, and their technological level had also greatly improved, and they began to get rid of the life style of drinking blood.

  They have their own writing and their own system, and the civilization at this time is slowly developing.

  Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. With the advancement of science and technology, the people of that tribe gradually began to become arrogant and arrogant. They believed that they were the masters of this world, or the omnipotent god.

  Moreover, the worship of the giant beast is also declining, and the frequency of sacrifice is also getting lower and lower.

  Finally, in order to gain the knowledge of the giant beast and its treasures, many people who were dazzled by greed, in the day and night, sneaked into the beast's bedroom with unknown weapons, that is, this pyramid.

  They're going to kill this beast!They will devour its treasures for themselves!

  These stupid guys never imagined that the magic weapon they thought could solve the giant beast would be like garbage in the eyes of others.

  This was a battle without suspense, and those humans were killed without much resistance by the beasts who had already discovered them.

  This incident caused the giant beast to be furious. It saw clearly the ugliness of human beings and the ignorance that no amount of knowledge could save.

  It's going to destroy them!

  The giant beast waved all its tentacles and rolled up the waves that engulfed the civilization in the ocean.

  No matter how people begged it, it was indifferent.

  The overwhelming tide washed over the entire tribe, and the violent waves drowned all human beings.

  After everything is over, this primitive tribe has been immersed in the ocean.

  This golden tower is the last proof that that glorious civilization existed!


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