
Chapter 175

  The mural paintings are very easy to understand, as if it was specially designed to show the history more conveniently for the entrants.

  "In other words, this monster has destroyed the entire civilization?"

  "Oh, that's right with the rumors. Someone has discovered a lost civilization here before."

  "I really didn't expect it."

  Seeing the amazement and shocking speeches of netizens in the live broadcast room, He You smiled slightly.

  This is exactly what He You wants, so that netizens will further increase their sense of identity with monsters, and they have begun to slowly accept monsters.

  It was He You's arrangement for those tentacles to grab the Avengers mecha and lure the remaining members of the mecha team to track them into the sea. This was done to show the netizens the ruins of this seabed with the help of the mecha team.

  It seems to be working fine now.

  "However, I just changed the interior of the pyramid. That pyramid was not made by me."

  He You rubbed his chin and thought.

  When he was laying out the ruins in the sea, he accidentally discovered the existence of the pyramid, which surprised him a little.Later, when He You was looking up the information, he saw that someone said that he had witnessed this sunken pyramid in the waters of the Hundred Eyes Triangle.

  "It seems that this is really not a rumor. Maybe some civilization is buried under the sea."

  He You thought that his story was also based on this.

  "Then we will wait for the performance of the hundred-eyed monster." He stretched his back and thought.


  The Avengers team continued to walk inside along the path, and when they reached the end, they felt suddenly enlightened-they came to a huge hall.

  There are many precious gold and silver jewelry here, making the whole hall look resplendent, and the exquisite decorations can be seen everywhere, revealing an intoxicating atmosphere.

  "It's spectacular!"

  The members of Wilson's mecha team couldn't help but exclaim, that this splendid palace made them unable to take their eyes off.

  This visual impact is too strong!

  "Look! What is that?"

  A member of the mecha team suddenly pointed to something like a flying fish a few steps ahead and said in amazement, its body was shaking slightly at this time, as if it was sleeping.

  "Go ahead and check it out."

  Captain Wilson made a gesture, and several team members who were good at defense immediately comprehended the mecha and walked up the steps. They walked very carefully and pressed lightly for fear of waking each other up.

  "It looks similar to the monster recorded in the mural. If the content on the mural is correct, this guy should be the monster with tentacles."

  "It's the bastard who kidnapped our companion!"

  Wilson rolled his eyes and recalled the contents of the mural he had seen before.

  "How cool is the ion cannon?" He thought for a moment and asked on the walkie-talkie.

  "The cooling is over." The team members responded in succession.

  "The ion cannon is in place, ready to attack at any time!" Wilson said as he looked at the Avengers who had already passed halfway.

  This is undoubtedly a kind of insurance, because the mural says that this monster once summoned huge waves to destroy a civilization, which shows its strength, so it is best to be cautious.

  Several Avengers mechas walked to the monster carefully, and I don't know if it was because their footsteps were light, but they didn't wake it up.They pointed their weapons at the monster's body, intending to test each other first.

  "Prepare... to fire!"

  Following Captain Wilson's order, the Avengers mecha instantly pulled the trigger, a few bright fireworks flashed, and the monster's body instantly added several bullet holes with gunpowder smoke.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????????

  Its body also became motionless, as if it had no life.

  "Well, is this dead?" Wilson raised his brows and judged by looking at the monster lying on the ground.

  Is it so easy?

  That doesn't quite match its strong performance to begin with, doesn't it?Could it be that this guy is not the monster who kidnapped the Avengers at all?

  Just as Wilson's mind was tumbling, the monster staggered to his feet again, like a hapless bastard who had been disturbed by others.

...... 0


  A scream came out of its mouth, resounding throughout the palace, and then a dozen tentacles hovering under it slowly extended, each of which was translucent in color, with a tip similar to a three-edged thorn. Shape, they stretched a few hundred feet of body, and then fiercely stabbed at the Avengers mecha with tiger whiskers.

  "Hurry back! Ion cannon shot!"

  Seeing this, Wilson raised his gun and roared loudly.

  Several Avengers on the stage hurriedly stepped back, and even the power of the jet was turned on to the maximum, trying to leave here at the fastest speed. Those tentacles gave them considerable pressure, making their scalps feel numb.

  While retreating, they were also shooting with weapons to try to delay time, but unfortunately they couldn't even knock those tentacles out of the way. They were not afraid of dark blood missiles at all, as if the cell-destroying characteristics did not exist. .

  Several faster tentacles passed by in the blink of an eye, and the Avengers immediately had several deep scars on their bodies.

  Just when they couldn't hold on any longer, a few pure white rays of light brushed past them.



Chapter 176

  Several pure white rays of light shot out from this splendid hall, heading straight for the hundred-eyed monster on the stage.


  The sharp white beam blades slid across the tentacles, and the two collided with a sharp friction sound.

  "How? Can you fix it?"

  "I guess it should be fine."

  "I'm not optimistic about using human mechas to deal with monsters."

  Netizens in the live broadcast room began to become active, but their views changed from being optimistic about mechas and invincible mechas to starting to shake and become distrustful.

  Several ion cannons repeatedly attacked the tentacles of the monsters, but unfortunately they only knocked them back slightly, and those tentacles were completely unharmed.

  "Damn! This monster, the ion cannon can't hurt it!"

  In the command room, after Wilson turned off the communicator and lost practice with the mecha team, the commanders had to use He You's live broadcast to check the situation on the battlefield.

  When they saw that the ion cannon could not do any damage to the tentacles of the monster, their eyes almost flew out.

  The development of the miniature ion cannon can already be said to be the weapon of the Sky Eagle Federation's top technology. If even the miniature ion cannon can be resisted, then they may only have a sense of powerlessness and despair when facing monsters.

  "Report, the nuclear bomb on the military's side has been prepared and can be dropped at any time."

  The secretary walked over to Admiral Smith and whispered.

  "Okay, then follow my instructions."

  Admiral Smith stared at the hundred-eyed monster on the screen and nodded slightly.

  He had a hunch that this time the mecha team might be wiped out.

  "Directly attack its body! Quick!"

  Wilson saw that the tentacles were strong enough to withstand the ion cannon, so he hurriedly changed his strategy and chose to bypass those tentacles to directly attack the monster's body.

  After all, it had dealt damage before shooting at its body with Darkblood missiles.

  Several avengers hurriedly adjusted their posture while the ion cannon could still attack, and aimed the muzzle at the body of the hundred-eyed monster, the flying fish-like body.

  Just as the white light flew towards the body with a hundred eyes, the body in the shape of a flying fish suddenly levitated, and a small light group was spit out from under the body. The light group suddenly increased and swallowed its entire body. .


  The ion cannon flew quickly, bombarding the light group heavily, but it was unable to shoot into the slightest.

  "Damn! Maximum power output!"

  Wilson roared with wide eyes.

  Needless to say, the mecha pilots had already maximized their power output, and the white rays of light became even more dazzling, but they were still unable to open a gap in the light group.

  "Is it still not possible?"

  Wilson had become a little stunned at this time.


  The sudden miserable howl woke him from despair. It turned out that an Avenger mecha was penetrated by a tentacle.

  Even though the body of the hundred-eyed monster was being bombarded by the ion cannon, those tentacles still did not stop attacking!


  Wilson cried out in grief. He angrily threw away the weapon in his hand and rushed forward. He clenched his right fist and slammed it into a tentacle.

  Although the strength of the Avenger mecha is nearly ten tons, after he punched the opponent, the opponent still didn't mean to be injured at all, and he didn't even repel it...  

  The tentacles stabbed towards Wilson fiercely. The latter hurriedly dodged when he saw this. He turned his angle of view to look at the situation on the battlefield, and the intractable tentacles kept attacking the Avengers team.

  Some mechas that are good at defense opened their shields early, but under the frenzied offensive of the tentacles, those shields turned into fragments and fell off their hands in less than a second, waiting for them to react. The next moment was penetrated by those tentacles.

  The light of the ion cannon is also dimming, the width of the beam is also weakening, and its use time is almost up.The pilots with shoulder-resistant miniature ion cannons are still bombarding the large body with ion cannons while avoiding the tentacles. Unfortunately, the effect is very small. The powerful attack power of the ion cannon has never been able to break the defense of the light group. The attack of the ion cannon in front of him seemed to be delusional.

  tragic!Too tragic!

  "Retreat! Retreat!"

  Wilson shouted desperately.

  It can't go on like this!

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