The only four remaining mechs opened their jets and slid back, trying to get out of the fight.

  Will the hundred-eyed monster fulfill their wishes?

  Certainly not, after all, He You had given an order to destroy the Avengers team.

  None of them can escape!

  Suddenly, a burst of invisible fluctuations spread out from the hundred-eyed big body.


  Suddenly there was an inexplicable noise from the four mechas that were escaping, and then all the instruments dimmed, and their mechas also fell uncontrollably from mid-air, no matter what they did, it was useless.

  Hundred-eyed monster, electromagnetic interference!



Chapter 177

  "What's the matter? The instrument failed?"

  Wilson panicked and manipulated the mecha and tried to stand up, but the pure white Avenger turned into a pair of scrap irons as if paralyzed.

  The electromagnetic disturbance of the hundred-eye monster is not easy to resist. It can easily paralyze the static and dense instruments. Even if the Avengers team is equipped with protective equipment, it can resist the electromagnetic disturbance in the sea area of ​​the hundred-eye triangle, but it cannot resist its potency.

  Seeing those tentacles getting closer and closer, the mechas of the four are still in a state of being scrapped, and they are not far from death.

  "You can't just die like this!"

  Wilson opened the shield and climbed out of the mecha. He watched the tentacles getting closer and closer, and made a decision in his heart.

  Wilson jumped off his mech and came to the shoulders of an Avenger mech, which contained the tiny ion cannon.

  He opened the operation control panel and pressed it a few times. The originally dim barrel of the ion cannon gradually opened and began to condense a white light.

  "Is he forcibly starting the ion cannon?"

  In the mecha command room of the Sky Eagle Federation, the researchers immediately saw through Wilson's intentions.

  "What do you mean?" Admiral Smith asked, looking at him.

  "The current miniature ion cannon is still in the experimental stage. If it is forced to drive, it may cause uncontrollable hydrogen atoms and cause a large-scale explosion!"

  The scientific researcher answered with his thick glasses.

  "He... wants to die with the monster?"

  Smith squinted at Wilson and muttered.

  "You bastard monster! We can't survive anyway! Come on! Let's die together!"

  Wilson looked up to the sky a little crazy and laughed.

  Their Avengers team is about to perish in the first battle today. Wilson is very unwilling to be such a result. Before coming here, everyone encouraged each other and decided to kill the monsters this time.

  But who would have thought it would end like this? !

  Looking at the broken Avengers mecha, Wilson's eyes showed nostalgia and reluctance.

  He slowly pressed the switch.

  Before coming here, the researchers reminded or warned them of the consequences of using the ion cannon too much, and Wilson also guaranteed that it would be used reasonably...

  Now it seems to be a renegade!


  Wilson said softly.

  A blazing white light suddenly expanded at the barrel, and any matter covered by it turned to ashes, including Wilson and the Avengers, it was an unspeakable terrifying temperature, and even space could be distorted .

  The area of ​​the light group is getting bigger and bigger, and it gradually expanded to the entire palace, and even hundreds of eyes were shrouded in it.


  The deafening explosion sounded violently, and the entire luxurious palace was completely reduced to ashes in an instant, and the gust of wind razed the black pyramid to the ground.

  The dazzling white light illuminates the dark seabed like day.

  "What a mighty power! Where's that monster? It won't die, will it?"

  "Probably not, it looks pretty strong, doesn't it?"

  Netizens discussed it one after another, and most of them thought it was impossible for the hundred-eyed monster to die so easily.

  The dazzling white light slowly receded, and the dim scene at the bottom of the sea reappeared in everyone's eyes.

  The gray pyramid disappeared, the splendid palace disappeared, and the hundred-eyed monster disappeared.

  There was only a translucent huge metal sphere left in the original position.

  "It's... solved it?"

  Everyone in the command room looked at the scene on the screen uncertainly.

  After thinking about it without them, the metal ball began to change, and the translucent stripes on its body began to slowly rotate.


  The stripes rubbed against each other and stretched out from the sphere, revealing the flying fish-like body inside.

  It is a hundred-eyed monster!

  "I didn't expect this guy to be alive!"

  "This is too strong!"

  The netizens in the live broadcast room were all fried.

  It turned out that it wrapped itself with those tentacles in the last second of the explosion, defending against the explosion of the ion cannon!

  Wilson's last efforts also came to naught.

  The officials in the command room fell silent, and the Avengers, who had high hopes for them, were annihilated.The monster shattered their long-standing confidence.

  "Notify the army, prepare to drop a nuclear bomb!"

  Admiral Smith turned his head and told the secretary.

  "Now? Sir, I'm afraid it won't work now?" the secretary replied.

  "Why?" Smith asked in confusion.

  "There was a report from the research room just now that the magnetic field fluctuations in the Baimu Great Triangle Sea area have intensified a lot. If our plane flew over there, it would malfunction and fall."

  The secretary handed a report to Smith said.

  "I just wanted to report this to you."


  Admiral Smith rubbed his forehead irritably. Now that the nuclear bomb plan is on hold, he really can't think of any way to deal with this monster.

  Just when he hesitated and confused, a dark and deep hole appeared deep in the sea.



Chapter 178

  The dark and deep passage suddenly appeared at the bottom of the sea area of ​​​​the Hundred Eyes Triangle. , for fear of touching the mold.

  Baimuda also became a little panicked, all its tentacles began to wave randomly, and the whole body seemed to be in a state of confusion.

  Who is it?


  "It's Godzilla! It's here to save us!"

  The atmosphere in the entire live room was heated, which is not seen when watching the Avengers fight.

  Just because that's Godzilla!

  Godzilla like a king!

  Invincible Godzilla!

  Godzilla dragged his tail slowly out of the tunnel, and with a bang, he landed on the seabed with a hundred eyes, splashing a burst of sand.


  It roared and began to look at the opponent in front of him.

  Although it is the first time to fight under the sea, Godzilla is not afraid at all!It strode forward and went straight to a hundred eyes.

  Seeing that he had nowhere to go, he could only groan, waving those densely packed arms towards Godzilla.

  "Whoosh whoosh!"

  Under the precise operation of the hundred-eyed monster, those tentacles bound Godzilla's limbs as quickly and accurately as eyes, and tightened them, trying to sever the opponent's body like this.

  Godzilla didn't avoid it, but it wanted to see what tricks this hundred eyes could play.

  The tentacles wrapped around Godzilla tightly like poisonous snakes.

  Even if you can't kill Godzilla, let him peel off!

  But is reality really as simple as the hundred-eyed monster imagined?

  The translucent tentacles are curled to a certain extent and can no longer continue. Godzilla's body hardness is beyond the imagination of a hundred-eyed monster. Godzilla's skin is as hard as the strongest metal material in the world. Mura's strength can still be easily endured.

  Suddenly, Godzilla twisted his body quickly, and the tentacles wrapped around him also spun around in a frenzied circle, and even the big monster with a hundred eyes was lifted from the spot, making a circular motion in the sea.

  Unable to withstand such acceleration, the Hundred-eyed Monster began to order its tentacles to loosen Godzilla's limbs.

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