However, it was temporarily defended, and the body with a hundred eyes also retreated back with the thrust of this beam and escaped into the sea.



Chapter 180

  Baimuda, who had just escaped from the sea, didn't seem so relaxed, the crimson beam of light was chasing after him like a soul chasing rope from hell.

  It frantically and desperately tried to evade by twisting its body with the power of the thrusters while resisting it with its tentacles.

  It's a pity that the crimson beam is not so easy to ask for it. It bites the tentacles with hundreds of eyes and melts it little by little.

  Baimuda can already feel that the hot light is getting closer and closer to him, and the heat of the surrounding air is also rising sharply.

  "Hey! Howl!"

  Hundred eyes roared loudly, and it's up to now - I can only die!

  It began to mobilize the gun barrels under its body, aiming them at Godzilla, and at the same time doing its best to mobilize the blue energy in its body, condensing them, and filling them into the position of the gun barrels.

  The hundred-eyed monster didn't choose to aim the muzzle at the super-axial light, because that force was too hot and too dangerous, and it wasn't sure whether it could be offset by the blue cannon.

  So why don't you just attack Godzilla's body directly!Once Godzilla is killed, the super axis light will naturally disappear.


  The faint blue light beam penetrated straight into the sea and shot towards Godzilla.

  The blue cannon is an attack made by Baimu Da using its own blue energy. It is very corrosive, and even a little bit can easily corrode the ground to a depth of tens of meters.

  Godzilla is also very rigid. It saw that the other party wanted to fight with it recklessly, but it did not escape, and resisted the attack abruptly.

  The two sides are now competing to see who can kill the other first!

  "Guess who will win this game?"

  "It must be Godzilla! Godzilla is invincible!"

  "I support Godzilla too!"

  Seeing this, netizens directly launched a vote, and Godzilla's victory vote was overwhelmingly decided.

  Godzilla is an invincible existence in their hearts!

  As the crimson light became more and more vigorous, the hundred-eyed monster couldn't stand it anymore.

  Most of its tentacles have been melted by this super-axial light.

  The only thing left to resist is that it did its best to support it.

  On the other hand, on Godzilla's side, it was still extremely relaxed, and the faint blue light didn't seem to cause him any harm.

  How could this be?

  Baimuda, who had sorted out the situation, began to cry uncontrollably in his heart.

  I didn't expect that I could even break the opponent's defense with the blow that I tried with all my strength!

  What a powerful defense this must be!

  I can not be reconciled!

  The hundred-eyed monster roared. This was its last thought. In the next second, the unmatched red beam of light had melted its defensive tentacles and came straight towards it.


  The red light shone through, burning the body with a hundred eyes to create an unhealable wound, drops of molten slurry fell from the top, and the body with a hundred eyes stiffened and then fell from the air and fell into the sea. among.

  The red light in Godzilla's mouth slowly disappeared, and this time the wave didn't actually consume much of its energy.

  Such an opponent is also not worth spending too much energy on it.

  It sighed and took steps to enter the passage of the inner world and leave here.


  Suddenly, there were some strange noises under the seabed, which stopped Godzilla, who was about to leave.

  The sound grew louder and louder, even accompanied by the sound of crunching gears.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????????

  "Oh? Is this something going to come out of the bottom of the sea?"

  He You guessed by looking at the screen.


  An explosion sounded, followed by a huge metal monster breaking out of the ground.

  Its body is khaki, and through the transparent shell, you can see that there are several huge and precise gears inlaid inside it that are constantly turning.The hands and legs are extremely thick, and there are several complex patterns carved on the body.

  "What is this? Is it a new monster?"

...... 0

  The netizens in the live broadcast room and the officials in the command room were stunned at the same time. They did not expect that such a giant mechanical monster was buried under the deep sea.

  "I think I've seen these words somewhere. Well, they were originally in the Pyramid Tower."

  He You stared at these complicated patterns and recalled the scene inside the original gray pyramid.

  These words were originally carved on those walls!

  This mechanical giant is the product of that lost civilization!

  "Oh! It seems that something extraordinary has been found."

  He You rubbed his chin and thought.

  "The Baphomet, Angelas, and the Baimu that I just dealt with before were all too weak. They are not Godzilla's opponents at all, and they are not enough to make Godzilla really serious."

  "It's better to let this guy fight Godzilla, just to tap Godzilla's potential."

  Thinking of this, He You snapped his fingers and directly ordered Godzilla to deal with the opponent in front of him.

  "Believe it is a good fight."

  He You narrowed his eyes and smiled.


Chapter 181


  Godzilla let out an excited roar, and the king of monsters also felt the strength of his opponent, and he understood that this battle was likely to go all out!

  The mechanical giant is not afraid of it at all. The exhaust pipe above its head emits wisps of steam, as if it is running a mysterious energy. I see the mechanical giant slowly stepping out and walking towards Godzilla.

  The two quickly met, and without probing, they directly punched each other with a hard punch.


  The fists intersected, and a loud bang suddenly erupted from it. The impact force directly shattered the seabed rocks in the distance, and the aftermath caused countless fish to die instantly.

  Blood began to permeate the battlefield, mixed with some... Godzilla's purple blood!

  That's right, Godzilla's palm was slightly damaged by the punch just now, and blood flowed from the wound.

  This is Godzilla's first real injury after several battles!

  The opposite side is also uncomfortable, the palm of the mechanical giant is also damaged, and some parts are also smashed by Godzilla and floated in the sea water.

  They were also knocked back a few steps by the impact.

  What does this mean?

  This shows that the strength of the two is evenly matched, and the hardness of their bodies is also very similar.

  Their strength is likely to be very close!

  The netizens in the live broadcast room were all excited when they saw this, which was no less than Godzilla facing the mechanical giant.

  "Come on! Godzilla!"

  "Godzilla don't lose to him!"

  Netizens started cheering for Godzilla, and they hoped that Godzilla would win this thrilling battle.

  This time, both sides have a better understanding of their enemies, and they both know that it is difficult to distinguish the winner by brute force alone.

  The mechanical giant sank, and several gun barrels drilled out of its body. The incomparably dark muzzle gave people a feeling of trepidation.

  "Bang bang bang!"

  The muzzle flashed, and dozens of artillery shells with afterimages burst out instantly, blasting towards Godzilla.

  Godzilla's eyes were slightly stagnant, and he understood that this attack was so aggressive that he couldn't take it all by force.

  It moved sideways, dodging a few shells, but that wasn't all, the mechanical giant's shooting angle was extremely tricky, and Godzilla's dodging direction was predicted before shooting.

  Several clouds of smoke exploded on Godzilla's body, which also caused wounds to it, and purple blood also gurgled down.

  The attack of the mechanical giant actually broke its defense!

  It's hard to imagine that such a powerful monster could be built in ancient times!

  "This level of technology is amazing!"

  A researcher from the Scientific Research Department of the Sky Eagle Federation stared at the screen and expressed heartfelt admiration.

  The complexity of these weapons is beyond their ability to measure, and the materials used to make them are unprecedented.

  "It's too advanced! Quick, hurry up and record the data this time!"

  They quickly got busy, and everyone had a hunch that the data this time could help them develop more advanced mechas.

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