After a successful blow, the mechanical giant did not relax, and its muzzle continued to spray powerful cannonballs.

  Godzilla shuddered, and it felt fear. Although its self-healing ability was amazing, it would be a bit overwhelming if it received such a continuous attack.

  While walking and avoiding, Godzilla was also activating his own energy, but he saw a red light lit up from its backstab and passed to its throat...  


  Godzilla let out a roar, and it started to fight back!

  Super axis light!

  A red energy beam with a diameter of the size of the mouth of the bowl was ejected from its mouth, rolling up the fiery temperature and attacking the mechanical giant.

  The mechanical giant straightened its right arm without hesitation, and after a while of metal stretching, a huge metal shield formed on its right arm.


  The red beam of light burned this extremely thick metal shield.

  Unlike the tentacle shield of the hundred-eyed monster, which was melted in a few seconds, this metal shield steadily blocked Godzilla's super axis light.

  However, in this way, its action was also hindered, and the burst of artillery fire was forced to be interrupted.

  "It's amazing! This mechanical giant!"

  "Who can win in this fight?"

  "Godzilla come on!"

  Netizens quarreled again in the live broadcast room, but most people still prefer Godzilla to win.

  He You also stared at the screen seriously, and the evenly matched fight between the two also attracted his attention.

  "This time, it will be dragged into a bladder situation, and it can only last longer than anyone else."

  He took a sip of water and said.

  To be honest, he was really worried about Godzilla's safety this time.

  After all, that mechanical giant is really powerful!

  However, this is also an opportunity for Godzilla. If he defeats the mechanical giant, he can take his own strength to a higher level.

  Just when he was thinking about it, when the mechanical giant was fighting Godzilla, a plane quietly appeared over the sea and threw something down.



Chapter 182

  "Report! With the death of the tentacled monster confirmed, the geomagnetic field in the Hundred Eyes Triangle has returned to normal!"

  The secretary reports to Admiral Smith.

  This is what Admiral Smith requested. He ordered the researchers to keep testing the magnetic field of the Hundred Eyes Triangle, in order to throw a nuclear bomb there.

  "So how is the processing of the nuclear bomb?"

  Since the battlefield this time was on the bottom of the sea, Colonel Smith specifically asked people from the scientific research department to add a device similar to a thruster to the nuclear bomb, so that it must be able to reach the bottom of the sea.

  And according to the previous information, the monster Godzilla is probably not afraid of nuclear bombs. Not only that, the nuclear bombs can neither cause damage to it, but may also replenish it with energy. In the previous nuclear power station, it was did something similar.

  Therefore, the interior of the nuclear bomb must be modified some, and some adjustments should be made according to Godzilla's data.

  "The researchers of the Scientific Research Department have completed the transformation of the nuclear bomb and are ready to release it at any time!"

  The secretary replied respectfully.

  "Very good, inform the military, prepare to dispatch fighter jets to drop nuclear bombs!"

  Admiral Smith ordered with a wave of his hand.

  This time, we must kill the mechanical giant and Godzilla. If not, we must cause heavy damage.

  Admiral Smith thought as he tapped his fingers on the table.

  Whether I can keep the commander-in-chief's black hat depends on this nuclear bomb!

  Success or failure is here!


  The fighter jets flew out of a military base in the Sky Eagle Federation, and went straight to the Hundred Eyes Triangle with the transformed nuclear weapons.

  In the blue sky above the Baimu Great Triangle, the fighter slowly opened the hatch and dropped an extremely heavy nuclear bomb.


  It was the sound of heavy objects falling into the water, and the jet-black nuclear bomb traveled to the bottom of the sea under the propulsion of the accelerator.

  "This is?"

  It was He You who first discovered the problem. When he was monitoring the battlefield, he saw the nuclear bomb traveling very fast in the ocean.

  "Is this a weapon developed by the military? Could it be a nuclear weapon like a nuclear bomb?"

  He You suddenly had a guess in his heart. The previous monster battlefields were all places where humans gathered. Due to the helplessness of the global live broadcast, the military would definitely not dare to use any lethal weapons, but this did not mean that they did not have such a weapon. In terms of weapons, the trump cards of those countries have never only been mecha armed.

  "They must have not dropped the nuclear bomb because of the magnetic interference of the hundred-eyed monster in the first place."

  He You looked at the screen and said.

  "Well, let's see what new tricks you can play!"

  He lay back on the bed and continued to monitor the movements of the seabed.

  As the nuclear bomb got closer, both Godzilla and the mechanical giant stopped, and they looked up at the sea level overhead, where something dangerous was approaching them.

  "They seem to have found it! Ready to detonate!"

  When Admiral Smith saw the movements of the two giant beasts on the screen, he immediately understood that they might have felt the threat of the nuclear bomb, so he hurriedly ordered the people on the military side to deal with it.


  Godzilla felt the threat first, it roared, and a huge amount of heat began to gather in its mouth, and it was ready to blast this nuclear bomb with super axial light!

  The ancient mechanical giant also opened all its various gun barrels, and the cold muzzle flashed with a metallic luster, and Qi Qi pointed to the location of the nuclear bomb.

  They all want to prioritize addressing this threat!

  "Why did you stop? What happened?"

  "Something dark in the sea seems to be approaching them?"

  "Is it a military weapon? Godzilla and they seem to have to deal with that first!"

  Netizens in the live broadcast room saw the clues from the performance of the two monsters, and even some sharp-eyed netizens saw the things above Godzilla and the mechanical giant.

  What exactly is that thing?Let Godzilla, a mechanical giant truce, take priority to solve it!

  "Hurry up and inform the military department to detonate the nuclear bomb! Right now! Quick!"

  When Admiral Smith saw the posture of the two monsters, his eyes flew out in a hurry.

  If the nuclear bomb is blown up by the two of them, what kind of lethality can it have!

  Seeing that the crimson beam of light is ready to be ejected, and the muzzle of the mechanical giant has also begun to operate.

  After receiving the order, the operator of the military quickly took a photo of the button to detonate the nuclear bomb.

  After all, the military's action was still a step ahead, and the black nuclear bomb finally exploded before the attack of the two.


  A terrifying loud noise exploded on the seabed, and the shock wave generated went all the way up, setting off a monstrous wave at the sea level.

  Huge flames filled the entire Baimu sea, and tens of thousands of tons of nuclear equivalents began to fission and fuse with each other. The large-scale energy reaction it released instantly produced unparalleled lethality.

  On the bottom of the sea, the sky was filled with sand and dust, and the bright firelight and gunpowder began to permeate, expand, and cover everything.

  Including Godzilla and the mechanical giant who are still in the posture of preparing to destroy the nuclear bomb.



Chapter 183

  The nuclear bomb descended on the seabed with an unrivaled force of destruction, and the smoke and fire devoured all life here.

  Godzilla and the mechanical giant are also covered in flames.

  "Well, this power looks so strong!"

  "They don't just die, do they?"

  "Hope Godzilla is okay!"

  The water friends in the live broadcast room were all stunned by this terrifying and terrifying explosion. Even Godzilla couldn't be okay with this kind of power, right?

  "Is this a nuclear bomb? Godzilla is not afraid of nuclear bombs at all!"

  A netizen recognized the culprit of the destruction.

  Some Godzilla fans just breathed a sigh of relief when they saw someone speaking downstairs.

  "Don't the military know that Godzilla is immune to nuclear bombs? I guess this is a nuclear bomb specially modified for Godzilla! There may even be some raw materials in which Godzilla's ability is restricted!"

  A netizen expressed his conjecture after a little thought.

  "Yes, I thought so too."

  "This guy said it well."

  A group of netizens immediately followed the reply below. They felt that the IQ of the military could not be so low. They knew that Godzilla was not afraid of nuclear bombs and would use nuclear bombs to blow it up, so it must be some kind of weapon transformed by the military.

  However, for Godzilla, they still believe in the ability of the king of monsters. Netizens generally believe that Godzilla will definitely survive such a blow.

  Because it is the king of monsters!

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