However, the officials in the command room headed by Admiral Smith don’t think so. This nuclear bomb carries their hopes. The destruction of the Avengers has made their mood unbearably low, and their morale has also fallen to the bottom. If you seriously injure two monsters in one fell swoop, you can save some face.

  They stared at the screen, hoping it would work.

  The huge amount of dust was swept away by the flow of sea water, revealing the battlefield for fighting.

  turn out?Smith stared, wishing he could see clearly.

  As the smoke cleared, little by little outlines were drawn.

  It looks like Godzilla.

  The first to be discovered was Godzilla, the king of monsters!

  It still stood quietly on the bottom of the sea, making a long hiss.

  This appearance seems to be mocking the incompetence of this nuclear bomb, and it seems to be mocking the incompetence of the military.

  "Godzilla survived'"!"

  "I knew it would definitely be able to withstand a nuclear bomb!"

  "The military's weapons really don't work."

  Netizens cheered for Godzilla one after another, and some people began to ridicule the weapons of the Eagle Federation, which was simply garbage.

  The more they talked, the more addicted they became, and even began to accuse the incompetence of the president of the Sky Eagle Federation.

  Is it time to change the president?

  Under the manipulation of the president's political enemies, some topics of changing the president began to circulate in the live broadcast room.

  This made the president of the Sky Eagle Federation, who was watching the live broadcast, instantly feel a lot of pressure.

  He raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat, and hurriedly ordered his subordinates to start some recovery work. After explaining, he hurriedly called General Smith and asked him to come up with an explanation.

  In the command room, Admiral Smith looked at the big screen in front of him, which happened to show Godzilla's figure emerging from the smoke.

  Faced with their attack on the nuke it transformed.

  This guy was only slightly injured!

  The elderly commander staggered and fell backwards. Fortunately, his secretary was quick enough to react, and hurriedly supported him, and then helped Smith to his position.

  "Doctor! Doctor! Come here quickly!"

  The secretary turned around and waved.

  Several officials also rushed over, and they hurried to check Smith's physical condition.Once this command room is without Smith, it will be finished as if it has lost its backbone.

  Everyone looked at Colonel Smith eagerly while saying things of concern, hoping that he would quickly issue the next order.

  Admiral Smith closed his eyes slightly and pressed his chest to barely heal.

  He allowed the doctor to check the situation for himself, and at the same time he knew that the total barrel must be more uncomfortable than him now.

  "¨" Now I have to think of a good rhetoric to stabilize the mood of the people. I can't make the mistake of the Sand Bear Empire."

  He rubbed his forehead a little irritably, the words were too hard to think about, mainly because the mecha was always shriveled when facing monsters, and it was always destroyed.

  If there is no good reason, I am afraid it will be difficult to stabilize the people's hearts. Citizens of the Tianying Federation are not fools.

  "What should I do, my position is about to be lost so much!" Admiral Smith wanted desperately.

  "Sir, Mr. President is calling. He wants you to give him a reasonable explanation." The secretary beside him said in his ear.

  "Got it." Admiral Smith nodded irritably.

  Explain, explain, why the fuck don't you want to explain it yourself?He cursed in his heart angrily.

  What an incompetent guy!

  "Look! What is that?!"

  At this time, an official pointed at the screen and shouted, attracting the attention of everyone in the command room.



Chapter 184

  The smoke and dust on the other side of the submarine battlefield gradually dissipated, and the ancient mechanical giant appeared in front of people's eyes.


  It's already very different from the original!

  I saw a flying fish-like object appearing on its back, and more than a dozen transparent and sharp tentacles were growing on the object, which were moving unconsciously.

  It is the dead monster with hundreds of eyes!

  How is this going?This hundred-eyed giant actually merged with the mechanical giant?

  The netizens in the live broadcast room and the officials in the command room all widened their eyes and looked shocked.

  Only He You could see it clearly. When covered by the explosion caused by the nuclear bomb, the ancient mechanical giant jumped backwards to the vicinity of the fall of the hundred-eyed monster, and then it curled up, as if to resist the attack of the nuclear bomb.

  He You also thought that it was just its defense mechanism at first, but a question arose in his mind, why did he come here on purpose if he could defend himself by curling up?

  Unless it has something to do with that hundred-eyed monster!

  Sure enough, just when He You finished the analysis, the shock wave of the nuclear bomb also came, and the back of the mechanical giant began to melt, which is very unscientific!

  Its body is as hard as Godzilla, and it is impossible to stop the attack of the nuclear bomb. After all, the nuclear bomb can only wipe off the skin of Godzilla.

  That leaves only one possibility, this guy did it on purpose!

  The mechanical giant wants to do something with a nuclear bomb!

  After a few minutes, waiting for the powerful shock wave to dissipate and the flame of the explosion to disappear, the mechanical giant shook his body and scattered a pile of parts and metal fragments.

  Except for a large part of the back that was melted, the rest of the mechanical giant can be said to be almost intact. It stepped forward to Baimuda's side and reached out to lift it up.

  And those melting places show a strange symmetry.

  The position where the mechanical giant curled up just now blocked the power of the nuclear bomb for the hundred-eyed monster. It seems that the purpose is to protect the integrity of its remains!

  The mechanical giant put the hundred-eyed monster on his back and pressed it in. After a sound of mechanical parts splicing, the hundred-eyed monster was embedded in the mechanical giant's back.

  Because part of the body of the hundred-eyed monster is made of machinery, it can be merged by the mechanical giant. Just when he was fighting Godzilla, the mechanical giant noticed the hundred-eyed monster lying in the distance. The idea of ​​using it has already emerged in its heart.

  Because after its own calculations, if it wants to compete with Godzilla, it is still a bit of a disadvantage, and Bao Qi will be defeated by the opponent.

  Therefore, it can only rely on the power of the hundred-eyed monster. The mechanical giant thinks that it has a good affinity with the hundred-eyed monster!

  It happened that the Eagle Federation threw a nuclear bomb down, helping it to take the opportunity to open the distance from Godzilla, and the mechanical giant also used the power of the nuclear bomb to melt the back and better integrate the hundred-eyed monster.

  After the mechanical giant merged with the hundred-eyed monster, a faint blue light pattern appeared on the body of the hundred-eyed monster, and its tentacles began to move slowly.

  The hundred-eyed monster seems to have regained its vitality!

  "It's really interesting, it's very interesting!"

  He You couldn't help laughing at the changes of the mechanical giant.

  "I really didn't expect that there are such monsters that can merge."

  He sighed and exclaimed, it seems that the combat weapons developed by this civilization are not simple!

  "Then let's see who is stronger than Godzilla, if it's too weak, it won't be interesting."

  He You stared at Godzilla and thought.


  All the parts in the mechanical giant's body turned, and the steam pipe above his head kept spewing white mist at night, just like a machine started to output full power.

  It took a few steps forward and rushed forward, throwing a huge and powerful right fist straight towards Godzilla's head.

  After the fight just now, the mechanical giant also had a perception of Godzilla, and it believed that the head should be the relatively vulnerable part of the opponent's entire body.

  Seeing that the giant metal fist came with a series of bubbles, Godzilla didn't dare to let his opponent attack like this.

  But things didn't turn out to be as simple as they imagined!

  Seeing this, the mechanical giant suddenly changed his moves halfway. It was short, its waist and shoulders sank, and even its arms pressed down a little, just rubbing Godzilla's fist and continuing to move forward. He also avoided this punch perfectly.


  Godzilla didn't have time to react. It was punched hard in the chest, and its huge body was also beaten back again and again, and there was a smear of purple blood on the corner of its mouth.

  After the fusion of the hundred-eyed monster, the mechanical giant has indeed become stronger, and its strength and speed have also been greatly increased compared to before.

  It was a punch that knocked Godzilla back and injured it!

  This is not the end, the mechanical giant has another move!



Chapter 185

  The tentacles on the back of the mechanical monster rushed out like a poisonous snake hunting.

  Godzilla is still digesting the punch of the mechanical giant at this time, and there is no time to react. While it is still standing, those tentacles have already tightly entangled its body.


  Godzilla roared, it was struggling, but those tentacles were still tight, and it couldn't break free from the divine power that pushed down a hill.

  These tentacles are different from the tentacles of the hundred-eyed monsters so easily. They have become stronger and stronger after being restarted by the mechanical giant and infused with new power.

  Those tentacles held Godzilla firmly in place, which provided favorable conditions for the next attack of the mechanical monster.

  The mechanical giant waved his arms and clenched his fists hard.

  Feeling this tyrannical force, Godzilla sensed a dangerous aura.

  It is now bound by tentacles, unable to defend, unable to escape, so the first task is to get rid of these ~ tentacles.

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