I saw Godzilla exerting force on his legs and leaping backwards. He wanted to disrupt the movement of the mechanical giant by pulling these tentacles, and then proceeded to make the next counterattack.

  However, the mechanical giant also discovered this. It ordered the tentacles to firmly pull Godzilla's figure, so as not to let it break free, and then adjusted its footsteps along its strength to stabilize itself, and changed its fists into claws. To Godzilla.

  Seeing that this move could not work, Godzilla immediately took two steps forward. It wasn't about to throw itself into the net. When it got close to the mechanical giant, it suddenly kicked its legs and attacked the mechanical giant.

  The mechanical giant didn't think that it came with such a hand, and the tentacles didn't have time to make adjustments. After Godzilla pulled closer, they still maintained a tight state of stretching forward and could no longer recover their strength.

  But listening to the bang, Godzilla kicked the blow with the strength of the tentacles this time even more quickly.

  The mechanical giant who didn't have time to hide was kicked back a few steps, and those tentacles were released.

  Godzilla hurriedly jumped back a few steps to distance himself, and he was able to respond effectively when the tentacles attacked.

  "This strengthened mechanical giant is really ferocious!"

  "That's right, I didn't expect that even Godzilla would be shriveled under its hands."

  "Godzilla come on!"

  Netizens in the live broadcast room were as anxious as ants on a steamer.

  When they saw that their favorite Godzilla was at a disadvantage, they could not wait to end the game and help it teach the mechanical giant.

  Skyhawk Federation, the command room of the mecha squad.

  "Sir, this mechanical giant has the upper hand, won't it just beat Godzilla?"

  The secretary stared at the screen in front of him without blinking. All the officers at the base were attracted by the fierce battle just now. They were all focused on the two giant beasts on the screen.

  Including Admiral Smith.

  "This mechanical giant, this mechanical giant..."

  Admiral Smith suddenly muttered to himself.

  Everyone looked at him strangely, and they thought that Admiral Smith was a little stunned.

  After a few seconds, he suddenly laughed and said, "What is this mechanical giant? This is our mechanical giant!"


  All the officials were stunned after hearing this, not understanding what the general was talking about.

  "Ah, I understand. You mean to declare that this mechanical weirdo is a weapon developed by our Sky Eagle Federation."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????????

  The shrewd secretary was the first to react.

  "That's right! There's no evidence of where it came from anyway."

  Admiral Smith sat upright again, his eyes revived with vigor and brilliance.

  "Also, what we just threw wasn't a nuclear bomb. When Godzilla was on a par with the mechanical giant, in order to defeat it completely, we launched weapons that enhanced the mechanical giant, and made it fuse with the flying fish-shaped monster. , strengthen its strength."

  Admiral Smith finished with a quick breath, and he glanced at the officers and added slowly.


  "That's the truth."

  Everyone present was more active. After listening to them, they also understood what the general meant. This is indeed a good way. The strength of the mechanical giant is obvious to all netizens around the world. It is really suitable to use it as a shield.

  In this way, you can block the public and establish the majesty of the government, and even if the mechanical giant finally loses to Godzilla, it will not let the government lose the trust of the people!

  However, it seems that the possibility of winning is not impossible.

  "Notify the press department immediately, just say this, hurry up!"

  Admiral Smith ordered with a wave of his hand.

  "By the way, I have to call the main barrel back."

  Admiral Smith was excited and didn't forget the still worried Chief Barrel, but he was relieved. With such achievements, he should not be fired.


  Smith let out a long breath and stretched.

  Admiral Smith, who was completely relaxed, turned his attention back to the live broadcast. The battle at Baimuda was not over yet!



Chapter 186


  Godzilla, who had finally pulled away, let out a long roar, and this time the opponent made him full of fear.

  Seeing that the mechanical giant was still rushing up, it hurriedly activated the energy in its body.

  A wisp of blue light gathered in its mouth, and a fiery temperature gradually burned on the seabed.


  With Godzilla's roar, blue energy shot out of its mouth.

  Atomic rays!

  The majestic blue beam of light went straight to the mechanical giant, but the ancient weapons did not escape. He raised his right palm, and a faint blue wave appeared on it.

  In an instant, a layer of blue barriers appeared out of thin air, in front of it, and the mechanical giant still maintained a posture of running forward.

  "Bang bang bang!"

  The atomic rays hit the blue barrier head-on, making a loud noise.


  No matter how the atomic rays impacted, the blue barrier was still intact, and the mechanical giant's charge was not disturbed.

  This defense is not easy!

  The temperature of atomic rays is several thousand degrees Celsius, and the mechanical giant can block it without changing his face.

  "Such a strength can indeed suppress Godzilla."

  He You commented with Erlang's legs crossed.

  He wasn't worried at all that Godzilla would lose, Godzilla, but he wasn't as embarrassed as it seemed.


  Seeing that the atomic ray failed to threaten the opponent, Godzilla hurriedly retreated, and the close combat would only be at a disadvantage and at a disadvantage, repeating the process just now, he might even be entertained by a set of mechanical giants.

  At the same time, it has also been charged.

  A crimson power surged up its spine from its end, dyeing all the spines on its back red.

  The intense high temperature began to expand with the stance of igniting everything, and groups of thick white steam appeared beside Godzilla, blurring his figure.

  A mass of flames gathered in its mouth.

  The mechanical giant's figure was also slightly stagnant, and Godzilla's move put a lot of pressure on it.


  With an angry roar, crimson flames shot out directly from Godzilla's mouth.

  Super axis light!

  The reason why Godzilla used atomic rays in the past was to extend the distance in order to complete the charging of this super axial light. After all, he had already used it once in the face of the hundred-eyed monster and the unfused mechanical giant. Need to restore cooldown to use again.

  Godzilla has already judged the approximate strength of the opponent from the previous fight, so it does not naively think that atomic rays are enough to deal with the mechanical giant.

  The dazzling red light seemed to have an incomparable and unstoppable momentum. It rushed forward, bringing out a white mist, which was the appearance of the seawater being evaporated.

  This time, the super axis light is extraordinarily powerful, and Godzilla pulled out all his strength!

  The mechanical giant stopped completely this time, and such a super axial light made it have to take it seriously.

  The tentacles around the mayfly seem to have heard some instructions, and they stabbed into the soil on the seabed one after another, and lined up neatly and orderly, forming a semi-transparent wall like a solid guard. in front of.

  The defense of these tentacles is also quite good. Before, the hundred-eyed monsters used them to wrap themselves to avoid the damage of the explosion of the atomic cannon, which shows how hard they are.

  What's more, it has also been strengthened by the mechanical giant at this time, and the performance has been optimized...  


  The super-axial light that burned the world directly hit the tentacles, and the strong heat made the tentacles tremble slightly.

  But the red light is no longer there!

  The mechanical giant successfully blocked Godzilla's super axis light with those tentacles!

  Moreover, if you look closely, you can find that there are strange light spots on those tentacles, which are a bit like the strange patterns on the mechanical giant.

  The complicated patterns flashed a strange blue light, and the crimson beam of light seemed to be slowly being absorbed by it, and strands of red energy swam into the body of the mechanical giant through the tentacles.

  "The mechanical giant is absorbing Godzilla's energy?" Admiral Smith narrowed his eyes.

  Could this guy really be able to beat Godzilla?After all, it can even block or even absorb the super-axial light, and according to Admiral Smith's understanding, the super-axial light is already Godzilla's strongest skill.

  If even this trick can be resolved, are you afraid that it won't win Godzilla?


  The red light beam is gradually weakening, its diameter is slowly decreasing, and the temperature is also dropping sharply.


  Finally, the last trace of flame disappeared, and Godzilla took a few breaths of exhaustion.

  This super axis energy light is finally exhausted!

  The heart-pounding attack has finally stopped!

  The mechanical giant stretched out its tentacles, and there was a lot of red energy swimming on it, which was the power of super axial light that could not be absorbed, which made those translucent tentacles with a terrifying high temperature.

  Next, it's time for the mechanical giant to make a move!


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