
Chapter 187

  "Isn't it? Godzilla's super axis light didn't work!"

  "That mechanical giant devoured Godzilla's light!"

  "Come on, Godzilla!"

  Netizens in the live broadcast room cheered for Godzilla one after another, but a minority began to support the mechanical giant. They believed that the mechanical giant seemed to be more powerful.

  However, any battle is full of variables, and no conclusion can be drawn until the last second!

  The mechanical giant was shocked, and many black and cold gun barrels suddenly appeared from its body.

  The blue energy began to gather inside. This is the power of the hundred-eyed monster, and it is now well controlled by the mechanical giant.

  Not only that, the red energy also appeared on it, making those shells a little more explosive.It is to give back the power of Godzilla to it.

  The top of the mechanical giant's head kept spewing steam, the barrel moved to Godzilla's position, and a devastating 29 momentum spread out.

  it's over!

  The next second, the gun barrel began to rotate, and a jet-black shell burst out from the chamber, dragging its blue-red tail to bombard Godzilla!

  This time, the mechanical giant didn't hold back, even if it could suppress Godzilla, it also understood the reason why the lion still needs all the strength to fight the rabbit.

  "Bang bang bang!"

  Godzilla was so tired that he didn't even have the strength to dodge, and the dense cannonballs exploded on its body, and its purple blood splattered along with it.


  Godzilla roared in pain, and after the baptism of the cannonball rain was over, it couldn't stand still anymore, its head was thrown back, and its body fell heavily to the ground, splashing a splash of sand.

  Godzilla is dead?Godzilla was killed by a mechanical giant?

  The invincible king of monsters has fallen?

  For a moment time seemed to stand still, the world was quiet, and even the air was full of dead silence.

  The people in the command room looked at the screen in stunned eyes wherever they went, and Godzilla fell silently to the ground.

  As if lost his anger.

  The mechanical giant has won!

  Smith almost jumped up with joy. He was happy for his wise decision just now.

  The mechanical giant killed Godzilla, now he can be promoted!

  On the other side, the general barrel of the Sky Eagle Federation was also relieved. The Ministry of Information announced that the mechanical giant was the secret weapon of the Sky Eagle Federation a few minutes ago.

  "Look! Godzilla is dead!"

  "How could this be? Godzilla just lost like that?"

  "The mechanical giant that merged with that tentacled monster actually killed Godzilla?"

  In the live broadcast room, the water friends were still discussing the results of the battle, some expressed their sadness for Godzilla, and some worshipped the power of the mechanical giant.

  "I just read the news, that mechanical giant is a secret weapon developed by the Sky Eagle Federation!"

  Suddenly, a piece of news that could be called an explosion appeared in the live broadcast room, which attracted the attention of countless water friends.

  "Ah, it really is, this is their official certification, that bomb was dropped to enhance the strength of the mechanical giant!"

  "Indeed, after the bomb exploded, the mechanical giant merged with the hundred-eyed monster, improving its strength, and then killing Godzilla!"

  "Really or not, so the technological level of human beings is quite powerful?"

  "I think it's fake, after all, that mechanical giant was drilled from the bottom of the sea!"

  Netizens suddenly felt that the level of human science and technology was quite powerful, but some people were skeptical about this news. They felt that it was news released by the Sky Eagle Federation on purpose.

  He You reluctantly browsed the latest news, in which the president of the Eagle Federation was giving a red-faced speech about the mechanical giant's victory over Godzilla.

  Of course, he also personally admitted that the mechanical giant is the weapon of their Sky Eagle Federation.

  "It's shameless!"

  "If you can't beat it, make up such a lie."

  He You shook his head, he couldn't help but scolded Tianying Federation for being shameless after he knew about the operation of Tianying Federation.

  This will affect his plans.

  "In order to gain the support of the people, they are doing everything they can!"

  He shook his head.


  He You glanced at the chat records in the live broadcast room, and there were not many people who expressed their confidence in human technology.

  Although it was the mechanical giant who killed Godzilla at this time, it did not restore the people's confidence in humans.

  But no matter whether the mechanical giant wins or loses, the face of the Eagle Federation has been preserved.

  The mechanical giant planned to leave after confirming Godzilla's defeat, but before he took two steps, a dangerous aura emerged spontaneously.

  This makes it alert.

  The mechanical giant stopped directly and turned his huge body to look at the corpse of Godzilla over there.

  This kind of change also grabbed the hearts of netizens. Could it be that there is still a turning point?

  Admiral Smith almost put his face on the screen when he saw it.

  He is also very concerned.

  Suddenly, a powerful heartbeat sounded in the silent seabed, arousing the nerves of countless people.

  The fallen Godzilla suddenly opened his eyes.



Chapter 188

  Godzilla opened his eyes, his eyes also turned, and then he slowly stood up with his huge body and stood on the bottom of the sea again.


  "As expected of the king of monsters!"

  Netizens who originally sang grief spoke excitedly, saying that they hoped Godzilla would stand up again!

  Of course there are also unhappy people.


  Smith slapped the table angrily, and the chance for meritorious deeds was finally gone.

  He is now looking forward to the mechanical giant to get rid of Godzilla sooner.

  Seeing that Godzilla stood up again, the mechanical giant gave up the idea of ​​leaving and stepped forward, intending to solve it completely.

  The mechanical giant was originally a weapon created by that lost civilization to destroy everything. It is no exaggeration to say that it will destroy all living things!

  Facing the mechanical giant who came forward, Godzilla didn't panic, but he didn't dodge either, but just stood there.

  It took a deep breath and let out a loud roar.


  Along with Godzilla's roar, a raging flame began to transpiration on the seabed, which was the fiery heart bursting out of its body!

  The flames turned into lava and began to wrap around Godzilla's body, his skin became brighter and redder, his every breath was fiery, and his eyes became angry and hideous.


  You can also vaguely see the rushing red lightning beside Godzilla.


  With another heavy murmur, this violent and fierce red image was officially revealed in front of the world.

  Red Lotus Godzilla!

  "This is Godzilla's new form!"

  "Looks much better than before!"

  The netizens in the live broadcast room became very excited when they saw Godzilla's indomitable appearance. They thought that this time they could definitely kill the mechanical giant in one fell swoop!

  "It's actually activated into a red lotus form!"

  He You was also shocked. He was ready to use G cells to resurrect Godzilla.

  "Could it be because of that nuclear bomb?"

  He You knocked on the table and thought.

  He You's guess is right, the substance aimed at Godzilla in the nuclear bomb dropped by the Sky Eagle Federation did have an impact on it, and when dealing with the mechanical giant later, Godzilla's strength was also not able or not. fully play out.

  However, after Godzilla was killed by the mechanical giant, those substances began to react again. They began to contact and fuse with Godzilla's corpse. Godzilla was resurrected from hell and was still under the action of those nuclear substances. , evolved into Red Lotus Godzilla!

  The mechanical giant looked at Red Lotus Godzilla and did not go forward. Its processor told it that this monster was quite dangerous, so the mechanical giant operated the tentacles to test the other party's details.

  The tentacles rushed over densely, and the sharp tips cut through the sea and poked straight at Godzilla.

  Looking at the swarming tentacles, Godzilla gathered a ball of fire and sprayed it out. The fire flashed and devoured them in the blink of an eye.

  The flames scorched the bodies of the tentacles, and the mechanical giant could feel that they were trembling, trembling under fear, so he quickly withdrew the tentacles.

  When the tentacles escaped from the fireball, they could find that their translucent bodies had become charred black, as if they had been exposed to the sun.

  The mechanical giant is a little dignified now. Such an attack could not be done before Godzilla evolved. Before the evolution, its super axis energy light could not do this step. Now any fireball can have such a degree of damage. .

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