Such strength is truly incomparable!

  However, the mechanical giant will not choose to back down because of the strength of Red Lotus Godzilla. It threw a heavy punch and took steps to attack Godzilla.

  It will crush Godzilla with absolute force!

  Godzilla still stood there still, and when the mechanical giant got close and the fist was already coming towards him, Godzilla finally moved.


  The vibration broke out again on the bottom of the sea, and the fist of the mechanical giant was firmly grasped by Godzilla, unable to move at all. He could also see thick smoke coming out of Godzilla's right palm, and a few drops of hot magma. dripped down.

  That is the word produced when the fist of the mechanical giant is melted!

  The temperature of Godzilla's whole body in the form of red lotus is several thousand degrees Celsius, and the fist of the mechanical giant in its palm is naturally unable to escape the fate of being eliminated.

  In order to save his right hand, the mechanical giant hurriedly changed his moves. It took a few steps back, and at the same time opened the blue protective cover to drive Godzilla back and let him let go.


  Red Lotus Godzilla roared, it forcibly resisted the retreat of the protective cover, the right hand tightly grasped the fist of the mechanical giant, and the left hand clenched and burst out.


  The faint blue protective cover was instantly shaken by the burning fist, and the cracks like spider webs began to spread, the entire protective cover became fragmented, and the overwhelmed protective cover directly turned into a light spot in the next second. dissipated on the seabed.



Chapter 189

  The dark blue shield was smashed by the red lotus Godzilla with a punch, and then the red fist, which was still in strength, continued to move straight forward, and slammed into the mechanical giant fiercely.


  The scorching flames and the rushing heat immediately swept through the entire body of the Mechanical Giant, almost completely burning and melting its surface.

  This is not the end of the overwhelming mighty force, but the mechanical giant flew out, its right fist was forcibly torn off because of Godzilla's strong hold.

  You can clearly see some wires and broken parts left on it.

  The fist of the mechanical giant lost its energy supply because it was separated from the body. It only took a few seconds to save it into molten iron in Godzilla's hands.


  Godzilla roared hard, as if venting his anger and mocking the uselessness of the mechanical giant.

  The mechanical giant glanced at the arm that lost its fist. It moved slowly back, and a faint blue energy was taking advantage of the situation to repair the wound.

  A thick white mist sprayed out from the top of its head. It can be seen that this guy is running energy frantically, and it wants to make a final struggle.


  With a crisp sound, many gun barrels popped out of its body, but unlike before, these gun muzzles were not facing Godzilla this time.

  Some of these muzzles are slanted and some are straight, and along the direction of the ballistic trajectory, it can be found that they meet a little in front of the mechanical giant's chest.

  What is this going to do?

  The netizens in the live broadcast room were all confused.

  "Isn't this guy confused by Godzilla's punch?"

  "Impossible, how could such a sophisticated machine be broken by one punch? It must have some plans!"

  Some netizens think that the mechanical giant was destroyed by Godzilla, and some netizens think that the mechanical giant is planning something.

  But seeing its breastplate open, a wide gun barrel slowly stretched out from it. It was originally a weapon with a hundred eyes, but now it was transplanted into the body of the mechanical giant.

  At the same time, several gun barrels on the mechanical giant began to flash with a blue sheen, filled with a dangerous atmosphere, exuding terrifying fluctuations.

  Bunch of blue energy columns suddenly spewed out from the inside and converged in front of the mechanical giant, forming a huge blue ball of light.

  The blue ball of light is particularly good just by looking at it, and there are some tiny substances gathered around it, and even the space is distorted, which makes it look deadly!

  "This should be its killer move!"

  He You looked at the light ball in front of the mechanical giant and speculated in his heart that this kind of powerful energy fluctuations can make people jump through the screen.

  When the ball of light was gathered, it was already half the size of Godzilla.


  The mechanical giant aimed the ball of light at Godzilla and launched it. At first, its speed was relatively slow, but then it became faster and faster. When it was in front of Godzilla, it had reached supersonic speed. level!

  Facing the attack of such a ball of light, Godzilla was not cowardly. He didn't hide, he stretched out his arms to look at the position of the ball of light, and slammed it together, holding the huge ball of light in his arms. in the arms.

  Can the ball of light damage Godzilla?the answer is negative!

  The energy that makes up the sphere of light has a corrosive quality, and it is competing with the flames of Godzilla's arms that want to melt.

  The supersonic propulsion of the light ball was also suppressed by Godzilla's power!

  Seeing that the light ball could not take down Godzilla, the mechanical giant had to force the uncooled barrel to fire ammunition.

  It's a pity that those ammo hit Godzilla like a tickling at all.


  Godzilla roared loudly, his arms violently exerted force, and even the flames attached to it became even hotter!


  A tiny explosion sounded from the ball of light, and in the next instant, it suddenly shattered into tiny dots of light, and then was swallowed up by flames before dissipating on its own.

  After finishing the blue ball of light, Godzilla looked at the mechanical giant. The gun barrel on the latter's body was already exuding white smoke, and the whole body seemed to be sluggish.

  That is the performance after its energy operation is overloaded. The light ball attack has overdrawn it. Now it can only maintain the basic operation of the body.

  Godzilla respects this opponent who makes him fight with all his strength, and he will use his strongest tricks to send off the mechanical giant!

  I saw it opened its big mouth and let out a long hiss.

  A wisp of red hot energy gradually poured into its mouth from its whole body.

  Godzilla's blood was boiling, his body's temperature was rising sharply, and the white mist from the sea water around him became more and more intense.

  The power of a god of death began to appear around!Red lightning also crackled beside it!

  When the heat and energy condensed to the peak, Godzilla suddenly ejected the crimson beam of light!

  Infinite heat rays!

  This is a more powerful skill than Super Axial Ray!The lethality and temperature are more than ten times that of it!

  It is also the first killer move in the red lotus state!


  The burning beam of light, accompanied by red lightning, easily penetrated the body of the mechanical giant, burning its chest out of a huge cave!

  The mechanical giant could no longer endure such intense damage, and its body staggered and fell backwards.



Chapter 190


  With a loud bang, the incomparably huge body of the mechanical giant fell straight to the bottom of the sea, bringing out a string of foam.

  Immediately after, the super thermal energy of the infinite hot wire began to incinerate its body, every piece of metal, every part, and after a few seconds it had turned into a pile of ashes.

  The violent energy in Godzilla's body also began to cool down slowly, and the bright crimson slowly receded from its body, replaced by a deep blue, which is the usual color of its body, Godzilla withdrew from the red ~ Lotus state.

  After all, it takes a lot of energy to maintain the red lotus state, and it has not been able to fully control this state. This time it was only stimulated by the bombardment of the military nuclear bomb.

  This battle also came to an end with the destruction of the mechanical giant.

  Seeing Godzilla standing on the seabed like a king, netizens in the live broadcast room were very excited.

  "So handsome! Godzilla I love you!"

  "King of Monsters! Legend of the Undefeated!"

  "The mechanical giant created by the Eagle Federation is still not as good as Godzilla!"

  Seeing the netizens frantically brushing on Godzilla's invincibility, He You nodded contentedly, that's what he wanted.

  On the other side of the ocean, in the command room of the Sky Eagle Federation, Admiral Smith looked at the final result and showed a trace of disappointment.

  After all, he originally thought that he would be promoted by virtue of the mechanical giant's record of killing Godzilla, but he did not expect such a turning point.

  But fortunately, at the beginning, the rhetoric that he described the mechanical giant as the Federation of Sky Eagles was widely circulated among the people, and they more or less gave hope to the government.

  And the death of the mechanical giant also solved a big problem - if the mechanical giant survived, its movements would be very difficult to control. This is not easy to explain to the public. If it also causes citizens to be injured, the Sky Eagle Federation will be even more difficult. Bad explanation!

  If you think so, it seems that the death of the mechanical giant is the best ending!

  "General! A salvage team has been sent to the Baimu Great Triangle to salvage the remains of the mechanical giant!"

  At this time, when the secretary spoke, Admiral Smith woke up from his sluggishness. He looked at the secretary and said, "Okay, let them search carefully, and don't miss a single part!"

  The composition of the mechanical giant has extremely high scientific research value. The scientific and technological level of that lost civilization is far higher than that of the Sky Eagle Federation. If its remains are obtained, it may be of great help to the improvement of the level of science and technology. That is to say Those remaining parts are of immeasurable value to the Sky Eagle Federation!

  Therefore, after the battle at the bottom of the sea, Admiral Wilson organized a large number of manpower to salvage them in the waters of the Baimu Triangle, even if it was just a screw, it was of great value!

  Although the mechanical giant was burned to slag by Godzilla's infinite hotline, before the appearance of the red lotus, when the two sides were fighting, some parts of the mechanical giant were dropped and scattered in the sea. Those parts were not destroyed by Godzilla. Pulled and burned, they should still be at the bottom of the sea.

  "It looks like we are picking up trash!"

  Admiral Smith laughed at himself, and he picked up the report at hand and looked at it.

  "This battle has destroyed the ecological environment on the other side of the Baimu Great Triangle!"

  Admiral Smith said to himself while looking at the text on the report.

  The fierce battle between Godzilla and the mechanical giant caused the death of tens of thousands of marine creatures. At the same time, the evaporated seawater lowered the sea level of the entire Hundred Eyes Triangle by tens of centimeters. Change.

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