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  "Huh, when will we humans have such strength?"

  Admiral Smith thought while rubbing his forehead.

  Wu'an City.

  He You glanced at the status of the emotional value. After this fierce battle, the emotional value has been greatly improved. Now it has exceeded the 200 billion mark, and the biggest gain this time is to strengthen Godzilla's The strength also inspired its red lotus form.


  "If there are monster ruins, you have to create a few more, so the speed of raising the emotional value is quite impressive!"

  He You was thinking about where to put the monsters next.

  "The Great Xia Kingdom, the Sand Bear Empire, and the Sky Eagle Federation have all been released, so... set up a monster ruin in the Western Sky Alliance!"

  He Youyi clapped his hands and made a decision.

  The Western Sky Alliance is, after all, the fourth largest force in the entire Blue Star. Although the mecha ability is not even comparable to that of the Sand Bear Empire, the level of technology is still good, and He You has not thrown monsters there!

  "Monster ruins must be created all over the world, so that the people of Blue Star can more generally recognize the existence of monsters!"

  He You thought about it and roughly planned the next action.

  "Let me think about it, since it is in the Western Sky Alliance, I remember that there are many legends of monsters circulating there, and I can take one out and transform it."

  He You called out the system mall and began to look for monsters inside.



Chapter 191

  Western Sky Alliance, Britannia, Arco City.

  The city of Arco is located in the eastern part of Brittany, where it relies on the sea. In the countryside, people rely on fishing to make a living. The fishing industry here is quite popular. Because of its proximity to the sea, the fishermen can get rich harvests every time.

  The same is true for the Jack family. As a native of Arco, Jack has been fishing with his father in the sea when he was a teenager. By the time he started his own family, Jack had become a well-known fisherman. .

  On this day, as usual, he was going to go out to fish, but there was something strange on the sea.

  A white fog suddenly appeared on the endless blue sea, which was not there yesterday.

  "What's the matter? When did the fog appear?"

  Looking at the gray scene, Jack wondered, and somehow the white fog gave him a rather strange and dangerous intuition.

  "Looks like the weather is really bad today!"

  Old George on the side came over and said hello.

  He was an old fisherman, an elder that Jack respected.

  "Yeah, it looks like I can't go to sea today."

  Jack sighed helplessly.

  Navigating the foggy sea is really a dangerous job. If you are not careful, you will lose your sense of direction and get lost in the sea. Even an experienced person like Jack would not dare to try it.

  "You can only cast a net near you to catch fish!"

  Jack stroked his hair to get the net from the boat.

  He had just walked a few steps when a sudden change came from the sea shrouded in white mist.


  It was as if some behemoth was floating out of Haiti.

  "what happened?"

  Jack's heart jumped for no reason. He threw the fishing net in his hand and got out of the boat, turning his head to look at the sea.

  "My God! What is that?"

  His pupils shrank, and he shouted.

  It turned out that an island appeared on the sea without warning, and under the cover of the strange white fog, only a trace of the outer outline could be seen.

  From the outline, it can be seen that the scope of this small island should be very wide!

  Jack could have sworn there wasn't an island in the original ocean, and he'd never seen it in the years he'd been sailing here!

  "I saw it! I saw it rise from the bottom of the sea!"

  Old George shouted in shock.

  His voice attracted more and more fishermen to gather, and everyone gathered around, watching the mysterious island.

  "Wait, you didn't find out, there doesn't seem to be a strong wind by the sea today!"

  George jumped off the fishing boat and shouted.

  "Yeah, there should always be a sea breeze blowing!"

  "Look at the sea, there is not even a single ripple on the surface!"

  The people present were all experienced fishermen, and they also noticed something wrong with Jack's reminder.

  It's too quiet, it's too quiet, here is the edge of the sea, leaning against the ocean, how could there be no sea breeze blowing!

  Weird!Everything looks so weird!

  "Could it be because of that island?"

  Jack murmured while looking at the outline of the island.

  He instinctively felt that this strange island was the source of all this.

  "I've already called the police, let the police come and deal with it." Old George walked to Jack and said.

  This should be the best way to deal with it right now.

  "You said, is it possible that this small island has something to do with the monsters?"

  Jack looked at him and asked.

  After all, in this world, the frequency of monsters has been getting higher and higher...  

  Jack also watched the live broadcast of monsters and knew that some monsters would be born from certain ruins.

  "Should, um, I hope not." Old George stroked his white hair and prayed.

  As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sudden loud noise on the island.


  Everyone's heart was suddenly suspended in the air, their minds were blank, and they all stared at the island blankly.


  A roar suddenly swept through, resounding between the whole world, and the shocked people were so frightened that some timid fishermen even fell to the ground.

  "What a horrible roar!"

  The fishermen's eyes widened, and the roar like a hungry wolf made them a little scared and couldn't recover.


  There was another roar, and suddenly, a boundless resentment and anger that could not be dissipated began to shroud the sea.

  "Monster! Must be a monster!"

  The fishermen panicked, they all fled home, and no one wanted to stay by the sea.

  The roars hit their ears again and again, and some people were even frightened and fainted on the spot.

  Jack also rushed home quickly, his wife and children needed him.

  "I didn't expect the monster to actually appear here!"

  Jack kept thinking in his heart, listening to the terrifying roar in his ear, he hurriedly quickened his pace again.


  Suddenly there was a loud noise in the clouds in the sky. Jack stopped and looked up. He saw a few orange figures drilled out of the thick white clouds, and three long jets were ejected from the propeller behind them. Long flames, with this impact, they flew towards the mysterious island.



Chapter 192


  A blond man in a suit pushed open the door of the command room of the mecha squad with a stack of documents in between.

  This is the command room of the mecha squad of the Western Sky Alliance, where the battle-hardened General Quin Paul sits in command.

  "Report! Mysterious white fog appeared in the waters near the city of Arco in Brittany, and an unknown island was found inside."

  The man handed the folder under his arm to General Paul and added: "According to eyewitnesses, the small island suddenly emerged from the bottom of the sea, and it seemed to have the roar of unknown creatures on it."


  General Paul nodded, and the serious general scanned the report with eagle-like eyes.

  "Send out the mecha team and go to the 29 miles to explore."

  General Paul and the documents ordered.

  "Gentlemen and ladies, cheer up, the battle begins!"

  "Yes, sir!"

  The officials replied.

  Looking at the busy officials, General Paul's expression became solemn.

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