The three top forces of the Great Xia Kingdom, the Sky Eagle Federation, and the Sand Bear Empire's Blue Star have all been shriveled by those monsters, and the mecha squads have also been wiped out again and again.

  As for the secret weapon of the Tianying Federation's external propaganda city, the mechanical giant who fought back and forth with Godzilla, this kind of rhetoric is just a trick played by the guests, just to appease the hearts of the people, he is unbelievable.

  General Paul had watched the live broadcast of the monster battle and had a clear analysis of the mecha strength of the three major countries.

  If you compare the strength of the military armour of the mecha squads of the Western Sky Alliance, they are far less than the three major countries, although the technological level of the Western Sky Alliance is not bad.

  This shows a very serious problem. If even those countries can't stop the pace of monster invasion, what should they do?

  If you rely solely on mechas, I am afraid that it is not enough to defeat the monsters at all, even if this latest mecha is the crystallization of the wisdom of all scientific researchers in the scientific research department.

  They also don't have nuclear bombs to attack monsters, and the Sky Eagle Federation has been hindering their development of this technology.

  Since he can't handle it himself, he can only come to seek foreign aid, but the three major powers have just been defeated, and there is no extra capacity to help them.

  "Take a step, take a look, I hope this time the monsters won't be too powerful!"

  General Paul prayed that he was born in a foreign country, and naturally he did not want his motherland to be destroyed.


  Several red mechas shuttled through the clouds, gradually approaching the mysterious island.

  The white fog shrouded the sky and the earth, making the mecha team not dare to lower the height of the flight, so they would enter through the white fog. God knows if they will lose their sense of direction after entering, and sneak around in it. It's even worse when you hit something.

  So I had to choose to enter directly from the sky.

  "Gentlemen, I suggest you reduce your flight speed in case of unexpected events!"

  General Paul's order came through the walkie-talkie.

  "The situation in this white fog cannot be detected on the satellite, it should be isolated by this white fog. So you must remember to act with caution!"

  "Understood! Sir!"

  Captain Miles replied seriously.

  The captain looked at the scene on the big screen. They had come to the top of the white fog and could vaguely see the outline of the island. They were now on top of it.

  "Everyone is ready! Adjust the direction of the thrusters, and we will enter the white fog!"

  Captain Miles said loudly.

  The mecha team quickly organized the formation, reduced their flight speed and entered the mysterious white fog together.

  It is still foggy inside, and the visibility is almost non-existent. Everyone is flying down by feeling.

  "Don't think about anything, just slow down like this, we are above the island!"

  Captain Miles quickly reminded.


  A terrifying roar came, and the sound suddenly sounded like thunder.


  The panicked screams of the team members came from the walkie-talkie.

  In such a white fog where all the hands could not be seen, the team members were already a little panicked, and coupled with this frightening roar, their fear was ignited at once.

  Although Miles was also shocked, he managed to stabilize his emotions and said loudly on the walkie-talkie: "Steady! Hold! Don't panic!"

  Once the drivers make mistakes, the landing location will be deviated, and the integrity of the mecha squad will be destroyed. This is quite dangerous, and it is not conducive to dealing with unexpected situations and fighting the enemy.

  The members of the mecha team are also well-trained, and they adjusted quickly. They carefully controlled the mecha, and finally landed without any danger.

  When they stepped on the solid ground, the hanging hearts returned to their original positions.

  "Is this the island?"

  Miles looked around and said.



Chapter 193

  After entering the island, the sky suddenly became dark. Fortunately, the white fog on the island was relatively sparse, and the surrounding environment could be seen more clearly.

  The soil here is very soft, covered with grass and wildflowers, and it looks like an ordinary island.

  At least on the surface!

  If it weren't for the terrifying wolf howls that were often heard back then.

  "Prepare! We're heading northeast."

  Miles looked around and saw a raised mountain from which the eerie roar came from.

  "At present, it is speculated that the wolf-like roar came from the monster's mouth. After landing on the island, the mecha team should take this as the investigation direction and give priority to search."

  This was an order from the command room before departure.

  "Our current location is not very far from that mountain. Don't fly for now, just walk there."

  Miles is now cautious and does not dare to take overly reckless actions, which are too risky.

  The mecha team sorted out the formation and headed towards the stone mountain.

  "Very good, stay alert!"

  General Paul has been paying attention to the movements of the mecha squad, and he is very satisfied to see them act with such caution.

  Keeping vigilance and walking for a while, the mecha team came to the foot of the mountain without any accident.

  The scenery is very good, the trees are tall and straight, the grass is green, it is a forest.But the more normal it is in this place, the weirder it is.

  Suddenly a scream rang out in the forest.

  Immediately afterwards, there was a rustling noise in the grass, and monsters that looked like jackals rushed out from inside. Their eyes flashed violently, stabbing the mecha team like knives.

  fierce!brutal!This is their most direct impression.

  The spines of these guys are partially exogenous, covered with fibrous spines, as sharp as iron wire, and they look extremely energetic and very threatening.

  It was the sword-spine jackal that He You had exchanged!

  The blade-ridged jackals slowly approached. Although they also sensed the power of the mecha, their brutal and bloodthirsty nature still drove them, making them full of desire for destruction.

  "Prepare for battle" "!"

  Upon seeing this, Miles ordered directly.

  The mecha team quickly set up guns and weapons, and the group of knife-ridged jackals put a lot of pressure on them.


  With a sharp scream, a knife-ridged jackal swiftly pounced, and they could not wait to bite with their sharp teeth.

  "Bang bang bang!"

  The mecha squad of the Western Sky Alliance opened fire quickly after taking aim. The flames kept flickering on the muzzle. Some Saberback Jackals fell down in response, but some Saberridge Jackals kept charging despite the hail of bullets.

  The weapons of the Western Sky Alliance are really not comparable to those of the Great Xia Kingdom and the Sky Eagle Federation. Their guns and guns are too old, and their rate of fire and power are not good. In the face of an agile monster like the Saber-Spine Jackal, it is even more suitable. strenuous.


  In the blink of an eye, a saber-ridged jackal had already broken through the defense line.

  It was chewing on the mecha with its extremely sharp teeth, and the tines even rubbed the metal to spark sparks. If time was enough, it might really be able to tear the mecha apart.

  The brutal performance of the Saberback Jackal directly scared the team member to hurriedly use the short knife he was equipped to kill it. Until his death, the Saberback Jackal still hung on the arm of the mecha by the bite of his teeth, and its fierce character can be seen. generally!

  "Damn it!"

  Miles scolded severely as he shot.

  More and more knife-backed jackals were surrounding from all directions, and the members of the mecha team simply couldn't deal with so many enemies. Nearly half of the mechas were bitten by the knife-backed jackals.

  "¨"If this goes on, we are likely to be entangled to death by these animals."

  Miles thought to himself as he slashed to death a knife-ridged jackal biting his shoulder.

  "Everyone, use electromagnetic mines!"

  he said aloud.

  The Western Sky Alliance, although the technology of the mecha is weaker than that of the Great Xia Kingdom, the Sand Bear Empire and the Sky Eagle Federation, its scientific and technological development is not weak, the technology level is very high, and some powerful high-tech weapons can still be produced. of.

  For example, this electromagnetic mine is a technological product of the Western Sky Federation.

  After Miles gave the order, the mecha team of the Western Sky Alliance began to act. Under the cover of their companions, several team members manipulated the mecha and took out a disc-shaped (mo Qian Zhao) thing from the waist. After a few operations on it, it was placed on the ground.

  The indicator light on the disc flashed a few times and then sank into the soil on its own.

  "Back! Back!"

  Miles glanced at the electromagnetic mine, and then slowly retreated with the team members. They were going to use the electromagnetic mine to blow up these vicious knife-backed jackals.

  "Did they deploy electromagnetic mines?"

  General Paul stared at the mech squad members on the computer screen and said.

  "I don't know if this electromagnetic mine can kill those damn monsters."

  General Paul knocked on the table and thought, and now he can only pray for the mecha team.



Chapter 194

  The Western Sky Alliance mecha team stepped up the offensive and retreated, and all members finally retreated safely behind the mines.

  But at this time their guns had run out of ammunition and were ready to reload.


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