The Blade Ridge Jackals roared, seeing that their ammunition suppression had weakened, they thought they were helpless, so they opened their bloody mouths one after another and rushed towards them.

  The vicious Saberback Jackal will not be afraid of the weapons of the mecha squad because of the massive deaths of his companions, and give up the idea of ​​eating mechas!

  "The mecha team of the Western Sky Alliance seems to be unable to support it!"

  "I saw that they seemed to have some kind of weapon on the ground."

  "Those monsters like wolves are coming!"

  The netizens in the live broadcast room were not idle. They learned that the mechas of the Western Sky Alliance were fighting the monsters, so they came to watch and saw that the Western Sky Alliance was suppressed under the offensive of the monsters. Some people expressed their disapproval of the mecha team. Some people are very optimistic about the mecha team even though he does not know the existence of electromagnetic mines.

  The knife-ridged jackal is getting closer and closer to the mecha team, and the members of the mecha team can clearly see their hideous and terrifying expressions.


  Suddenly, a violent sound erupted from the foot of a dashing saber-ridged jackal. Blue plasma and sparks gushed out from the ground together. The shape was stagnant, and the next moment, the electric current visible to the naked eye rushed into its body, its eyes opened, and the body exploded directly, and the fragments of flesh and organs were scattered!

  This is not over yet. One after another, the knife-ridged jackal stepped on the long-awaited electromagnetic mine, and they were all annihilated by the gushing electric current inside.

  Moreover, the electric currents from the exploding electromagnetic mines gradually attracted each other. After a few seconds, the electric currents combined and intertwined into a blue high-temperature grid. Any knife-ridged jackal who stepped on the grid would be roasted in an instant. into coke.

  This is the power of electromagnetic landmines, a product of the technology of the Western Sky Alliance. In order to add some area damage weapons to the mecha, they set up a research project on electromagnetic landmines at the suggestion of a scientific researcher.

  After the electromagnetic mine is detonated, it can rely on the overflow of the current and the structure of the magnetic field to make the surrounding currents attract each other to form a power grid, and use the violent high temperature to kill the enemy.

  "Bullet attack! Clean up the remaining monsters!"

  When Miles saw that the Saberback Jackals were killed by electromagnetic mines, only a few of them were still jumping, so he hurriedly ordered to pursue the victory.

  The mecha team did not dare to neglect, and they quickly raised their loaded guns and fired to kill the remaining Sabreback Jackals.

  So far, the vicious Sabreback Jackals are finally wiped out.

  "The weapons of the Western Sky Alliance are very powerful!"

  "Sure enough, I said they can!"

  "The ferocious monsters are finally dead, and my heart skips a beat just looking at them."

  The netizens in the live broadcast room were all excited, and most of their speeches praised the courage of the mecha team.

  Even General Paul in the command room was quite satisfied with the performance of the mecha team. Whether it was the operation of the mecha or the use of electromagnetic mines, they were all impeccable, especially the calmness in the face of danger. , which is quite rare.

  "These wolf-like monsters are dead, does that mean that the wolf howls on the island are gone!"

  A team member said that it seemed that the terrifying wolf roar had cast a huge psychological shadow on him.


  Before he could finish his sentence, this incomparably angry roar suddenly came from the mountain, which made every member of the mecha team tremble.

  What the hell is this monster?

  They were closer now and could hear it more clearly. Such a roar could never be made by an ordinary monster, at least not a monster like the knife-spine jackal.

  Their vicious roars are not worth mentioning in the face of this majestic and angry roar!

  "It's all here, let's keep going up!"

  Captain Miles thought for a moment and said, he had a hunch that the weirdness on this island was definitely related to the terrifying wolf roar. If they didn't solve the monster, they might not be able to solve the problem.

  But which monster is definitely not ordinary, it is already difficult for them to defeat the blade-backed jackal group. If they encounter it, it will be a waste of money.

  "We can only talk about it when the time comes."

  Captain Miles frowned. Every time he encountered a difficult situation, he would do it subconsciously, which would ease his spirit.

  There is also General Paul who is also worried. The future is uncertain, and no one can tell how strong the monster is. The mecha team is likely to be wiped out here, but it can't be done now, only Hard on the head.

  "I wish you good luck, don't be careless, and remember to act carefully."

  General Paul reassured and reminded him again on the walkie-talkie.

  That's the only thing he can do now.



Chapter 195

  "Everyone, set up the formation, don't be careless, this monster is definitely not easy to deal with."

  Miles reminded him that he saw the unease of his teammates and then took them up the mountain trail.

  The more they went up, they found that there were fewer sturdy green trees. Most of the trees on the mountain were dilapidated and lifeless. With the wolf howl, the hearts of the mecha team were lifted. This scene It's like the end is coming.

  "It's scary!"

  "Why does the scenery here look so weird!"

  Netizens in the live broadcast room sighed, is the scenery on this mountain completely different from the scenery below it!

  The road on the mountain is not easy to walk, it is not only steep but also twisty.

  The mecha team cautiously walked up the path. They did not dare to use the propeller to fly up directly, because the fog became thicker when they got here.

  It is better to be cautious and reduce the risk ~ low risk!

  "Captain, look!"

  Suddenly one of the team members screamed, and the rest of them looked at them together. There seemed to be some strange marks on the wall next to the road between them. When they got closer, they could see clearly that they were very deep scratches. This scratch seems to have even anger and resentment engraved in it, making people feel a kind of horror-blood coagulation just by looking at it.

  "Let's go, don't stay here for long."

  Miles glanced at the road ahead and said, looking at these heart palpitating traces and listening to the terrifying roar, which made him have a nervous breakdown.

  The mecha team continued to move forward, and they saw some spears, swords and other weapons were inserted in pieces on the side of the road. Those weapons seemed to have been eroded by the years and had already become worn out, and could only rely on them. The remaining outline appearance can still vaguely distinguish their species.

  "Aren't we in some ruins?"

  Miles suddenly thought about this question. If this is the case, he is not surprised. There are not no monster relics in this world now. The gray pyramid in the Hundred Eyes Triangle Sea area of ​​the Sky Eagle Federation was a Monster Ruins.

  "Looks like, what kind of fierce battle broke out here!"

  A team member boldly stepped forward and looked at the weapons carefully.

  "There seems to be something bitten by sharp teeth on it!"

  Without waiting for the other team members to gather around curiously, Miles said, "Let's go, be careful, don't exude unreasonable curiosity."

  The group had no choice but to continue walking towards the road ahead. At this moment, they saw some human corpses being randomly thrown on the road.

  They were all wearing some weird armor, like a group of soldiers killed in battle.

  This mountain is like a cemetery where they are buried!

  This terrifying sight made Miles' brows twitch, and it was too weird and terrifying to see so many terrifying things before reaching the destination.

  The hearts of the players next to them were also cast a shadow, and their morale also dropped.

  Just when Miles wanted to say something to boost his morale, he suddenly noticed that there seemed to be some slate on the mountain wall in front of him.

  Miles leaned up with the gun, he turned on the searchlight, the white fog here was very thick, and the visibility was even lower.

  The above are some bizarre patterns, but their neat distribution makes people think that it is text.

  "It's a bit like the ancient script of some countries in the Western Sky Alliance."

  Miles looked at the analysis and said that these words gave him a familiar feeling.

  "Send those words to the people in the scientific research department for analysis!"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????????

  General Paul stared at the slate on the screen and hurriedly said, this might help the mecha team.

  "You guys first correct in place and wait for a rest."

  He ordered the mecha team.

  It's better to be cautious now, the monster's strength seems to be very powerful, and having a little more information is more conducive to the mecha team's mission.

  "Yes, sir!"

  Miles replied, and he immediately ordered the members of the mecha squad to rest for a while.

  There are also those netizens who are curious, and they also started chatting and discussing in the live broadcast room.

...... 0

  "General, the text has been deciphered!"

  Not long after, the secretary hurried in with some materials.

  The scientific researchers were waiting in the research institute at any time, so the words were quickly translated.

  "These are the words of some countries of the Western Sky Alliance, so the translation by the researchers is very fast."

  The secretary handed the material to General Paul and explained.

  However, the secretary's expression at this time was quite solemn, as if he had seen some bad news.

  General Paul's heart sank, but he still opened the material and read it.

  It is written that in ancient times, there was a ferocious monster that ravaged the world at that time, and the gods and humans hated him extremely. Here, at last, the terrifying monster was imprisoned on this island, a place called Langwie.

  "Langawi Island?"

  General Paul murmured, and he turned to the next page to continue to look, and he was surprised by the explanation of the island.


Chapter 196

  Langvi Island is a famous island in the ancient myths of the Western Sky Alliance. After translating the name of the island, the researchers went to check the ancient myths of the Western Sky Alliance. Sure enough, they really checked the island.

  Langway Island, in myth and legend, is the place where the monster Fenrir was imprisoned.

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