
  Seeing this name, Rao Shi, who had been in a hundred battles and was not panic, widened his eyes.

  He also understood why the secretary showed such an expression.

  That's Fenrir!

  People like General Paul who are not interested in myths and legends have said it's famous.

   Fenrir is the giant wolf in ancient mythology, the first child of Loki, the god of tricks, and the giantess Angelboda, the elder brother of the giant snake Yermengard and the god of death Hela.

  Legend has it that when he opened his mouth, his upper and lower jaws could withstand the heavens and the earth.

  Due to Fenrir's extremely ferocious nature, the gods paid a terrible price and finally bound it to Langway with a magic chain called Gleipnir.

  It's on this island!

  This motherfucker is a proper world-destroying demon wolf!

  If the record on that slate is correct.

  How can this mecha team fight?

  General Paul couldn't help but scolded him. He put down the information and fell into deep thought for a long time. The news sounded so desperate!

  The strength of the enemies on the island has exceeded their imagination!

  After a long time, General Paul decided to tell the truth, tell them about Fenrir's information, and let the mecha squad members make their own choices. If they choose to quit, he won't blame them. After all, the opponent this time is too strong. Now, even the gods are frightened when they see Fenrir, and it has not caused any losses or casualties to the Western Sky Alliance.

  Miles and the members of the mecha team fell into silence after hearing this.

  The news was a huge blow to them.

  The strength of the opponent seems to be completely different from theirs.

  "I choose to continue upward."

  Miles said, his voice a little heavy.

  "As members of the mecha squad, we have the obligation and responsibility to face danger for the stability of the Western Sky Alliance."

  He looked around at his comrades and continued.

  "And the records on the stone wall are not necessarily true. It doesn't mention the name of the beast on it, doesn't it?"

  "Maybe it's not Fenrir who is on the top of the mountain!"

  He also makes sense.

  The faces of the members of the mecha team gradually showed a firm expression. They are not people who are afraid of death, and that kind of person will not pass the test of the mecha team.

  "Captain, I'm going too!"

  "Captain, we are willing to go with you!"

  Listening to the words of his teammates and seeing their resolute expressions, Miles smiled, he was really happy.

  "Let's go then! Let's go see what's on this mountain!"

  Miles turned his head and led his teammates to move forward, even if there were unknown dangers ahead, they could not stop their pace.

  "Okay, okay, this is the soldier of our Western Sky Alliance!" General Paul clapped his hands and praised.

  He gave a salute to the figures who were moving away on the screen, silently watching them go.

  "Look! The mecha team continued to go up the mountain."

  "They're really not afraid of death! That's Fenrir, the demonic wolf of destruction!"

  "come on!"

  In the live broadcast room, netizens were shocked by the behavior of the mecha team. Not long after the text on the slate appeared, some big men who were proficient in linguistics had done a good job of translating, so netizens immediately understood this orchid. Ferocious Beasts on Gervi Island  …  

  That is a monster that even the gods are afraid of. Can the Western Sky Alliance really defeat it?

  At present, there are not many netizens who believe that the West Sky Alliance can have this strength, but when they saw the unrelenting figure of the mecha team, they were still deeply touched.

  It is impossible for them not to know how powerful the monster is, but they still continue to move forward.

  What an admirable bunch of fighters they are!

  Not long after walking, the members of the mecha team successfully climbed to the top of the mountain.

  While there, they heard not only the terrifying wolf howls, but also the loud thumping of the ground and the shaking of several chains.

  These came from a cave at the top of the mountain, a deep, dark cave.

  "According to the data, Fenrir was imprisoned by the chains of the gods. In other words, this monster is likely to be imprisoned and bound there."

  "We may still have a chance to defeat it!"

  Miles thought for a while, gave himself a reassurance, and increased his confidence.

  "Turn on the searchlights and let's go in!"

  Miles ordered.

  Bunch of rays of light shot out from the searchlight, but unfortunately it didn't increase the visibility much in the cave. This dark cave seemed to be able to swallow even the light.

  They didn't take a few steps toward the cave when suddenly a figure rushed out and stopped in front of them.



Chapter 197

  The mecha team, who were already very alert, reacted immediately. They pulled the bolt and pointed the muzzle at the figure quickly and accurately.

  After they saw it clearly, they found that it was a white-haired old man, wearing a gray robe, his face was haggard, as thin as a wood, and his two cloudy eyes had a hint of haze.

  And he doesn't seem to have a left hand.

  "who are you?"

  Miles stared at him and asked in a deep voice.

  It's very strange that there are humans here.

  "I don't care where you came from, go back now!"

  The old man looked at them and said with a warning in his tone.

  The strange thing was that although they could not understand the old man's language, they could understand what he meant.

  "We're not going, there's a monster here and we have to deal with it."

  Captain Miles replied loudly.


  Just as the old man was about to say something, a terrifying and angry wolf howl exploded in the cave 29 sides, and then came the crisp sound of chains breaking.

  "It's about to break through the seal! That magic chain can't bear its divine power at all!"

  The old man's face changed, and his expression became solemn.

  "I advise you to hurry up and run for your life. Once that guy comes out, I won't be able to stop you!"

  The old man sighed, turned and walked into the cave.

  "What are you going to do? That's Fenrir, are you sure you have a way to deal with it?"

  Miles saw the old man walking slowly into the cave and hurriedly stopped him and said loudly.

  "So you all know that it is the demon wolf that destroyed the world!"

  The old man stopped in his footsteps, turned to look at them and said, with a wry smile on his thin face.

  "I also know that I am not its opponent at all, but when faced with danger, someone always has to stand up."

  "This is all impossible!"

  After the old man finished speaking, he plunged into the darkness without waiting for any reaction from them.

  After a while, the roar of the hungry wolf was heard inside, and the old man and the old man cried out in pain.

  "Looks like he didn't succeed in stopping Fenrir."

  Miles said with a sigh.

  From the relevant information sent from the headquarters just now, he knew the identity of the old man.

  In the face of the evil wolf Fenrir, the hero who was willing to use his left hand as a bait to make Fenrir be sealed by the magic chain - the god of war Tyr!

  Maybe there is still a conflict between reality and myth, but it does not prevent this old man from bravely challenging the reality of the devil. He is also a respectable person.

  At this moment, there was a flash of lightning in the sky, and the thunder that followed immediately shocked all the members of the mecha squad.

  There was also the sound of the chain breaking in the cave.

  "Let's go! Let's go in quickly!"

  Miles beckoned to his companions and said, the time is urgent, if they wait until Fenrir breaks free of all the shackles, they will be in trouble.

  It was more appropriate now to act while Fenrir was still trapped in the chains.

  "We didn't have to kill it!"

  Miles said to the players.

  If Fenrir's strength surpasses them too much, then recklessly can only die, and now we have to think about some other methods.

  "We can try to fix the broken chain and bind it again."

  The mecha of the Western Sky Alliance has a welding device on it, but I don't know if it can repair the legendary magic chain.

  The mecha team of the Western Sky Alliance remained vigilant, and carefully sneaked in with guns.

  The searchlights could not fully illuminate the place, and it was still dark inside, which was disturbing.

  Suddenly, a trace of blood and some rags appeared on the ground, which were the clothes the old man was wearing just now.

  "The old man was attacked here, indicating that the enemy is nearby!"

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