Miles made a gesture for everyone to slow down, set up their weapons, and be on guard.

  "Boom! Boom!"

  A rhythmic heartbeat suddenly sounded inside the cave.

  That heartbeat is so powerful!


  With the roar of incomparable anger, a pair of huge and red bloody eyes suddenly lit up in the darkness ahead, watching the members of the mecha team with ferocity and brutality.

  "Shoot! Attack!"

  Fortunately, the well-trained Miles was not frightened by such eyes, and he calmly directed the team to shoot.

  Dozens of rounds of ammunition were shot out of the chamber in an instant, exploding around the eyes, and then the gleam of the burning powder, the team members finally saw the outline of the monster.

  It was a huge wolf head with jet-black hair, surrounded by a frightening aura, its ferocious expression seemed to tell it that it wanted to swallow you alive.

  "This is the demon wolf Fenrir?" Captain Miles murmured with wide eyes.

  Sure enough, it has an aura of destruction!


  Fenrir's expression was impatient. Although the bullets couldn't do any damage, they still angered him completely.

  It roared angrily, opened its bloody mouth, revealing extremely sharp fangs and biting towards the two mechas.



Chapter 198


  Fenrir's incomparably sharp teeth easily penetrated the solid defense of the mecha, and held the two mechas of the Western Sky Alliance in his mouth.


  The terrified wailing of the two pilots came from the walkie-talkie, but it was fleeting, replaced by a "click".

  Miles knew that it was the sound of Fenrir chewing on the mecha, like the sound of chewing potato chips, and he also saw the electric sparks from the destruction of the mecha in the dark. There was a twinkle, and then I saw Fenrir's tongue rolled, and they were swallowed in his belly.


  Miles' eyes were covered with blood red in an instant, and he screamed and frantically pulled the trigger, letting the bullets tilt out.

  go to hell!Beast!

  "Bang bang bang!"

  A storm of bullets struck Fenrir's wolf head, but despite the flickering fire, it was still unscathed.


  Fenrir roared and dived back into the depths of the cave.

  "Damn! Damn! Come back! Asshole!"

  Miles raised his head and shouted, he felt extremely grieved for his incompetence.

  "Don't lose your cool! Miles!"

  On the walkie-talkie, General Paul reminded loudly.

  "Don't forget your mission! Now is not the time to be sad!"

  General Paul paused and ordered, then added.

  "Hoo! Hoo!"

  After listening, Miles lowered his head and gasped for a few breaths, forcing himself to calm down.

  Now is not the time for grief to stop, Fenrir is about to break free from the shackles, and if it goes on like this, it will be completely freed, not to mention avenging his teammates, he will die here.

  The most urgent task now is to deal with Fenrir as planned and deal with this world-destroying demon wolf.

  Imprinting the death of the two players in his mind, Miles turned to greet the players with some heavy legs and said, "Let's go, deal with Fenrir first, and avenge the brothers" !"

  The mech squad reloaded its ammunition and set up to march into the unknown darkness.


  A chewing sound came from the deep cave, accompanied by a tearing sound.

  "Could it be that Fenrir was trying to break the chain with his teeth?"

  Miles suddenly thought of this possibility.

  "Quick! Let's go! That beast is likely to get out of trouble!"

  He waved his hand hastily.

  The team members were all shocked when they heard it. They didn't care about maintaining the formation, and they lost their caution, and flew the propulsion device with full firepower towards it.


  A crisp sound came from the depths of the cave, stirring the nerves of the team members.

  "Could it be that the chain is broken?"

  Miles couldn't help thinking with wide eyes.

  Between the thoughts, several mechas of the Western Sky Alliance have driven into the bottom of the cave. The ground here is open, and compared with the narrow cave passage, it can be said that it is suddenly clear.

  The drivers hurriedly turned on all the searchlights, and they always felt that something was staring at them in this darkness, which made these young people's heart skip a beat.

  "Look! Those chains!"

  The mecha who was on guard suddenly pointed to a black chain on the ground and said.

  Everyone hurriedly turned on the searchlights.

  It was a giant pure black iron chain with intricate patterns and characters engraved on it. One end of the chain was tied to a boulder. There were many scratches and bite marks on the chain, and Miles was not surprised. found a fracture on it.

  Fenrir escaped!

  It has broken free from the shackles of the magic chain.

  "This monster is still around! Everyone be careful!"

  Miles reminded loudly.

  "¨"Benjamin, Sam, you go and fix that chain, it's our only help!"

  Miles gave another order, and the two mechas immediately crouched down and began to try to re-weld the chain.

  The other mechas are holding guns and weapons to maintain a state of vigilance, in case of a sudden attack by Fenrir.


  A low roar suddenly came from the top of the cave, and the mecha team hurriedly turned on the searchlight, only to see a black shadow flashing past, and the team members with good eyes even saw the scarlet eyes.

  "It's on top!"

  The team members shouted alertly.

  "Shoot! Make it invisible!"

  Miles looked at the gun above his head and fired, the bullets kept flying out of the barrel, and the hit (Mano's) made a crisp sound of ding ding ding at the top of the cave.

  The shadow seemed to be greatly impatient with them. It jumped down from the top and landed in front of the mechas very smoothly.

  It has soft, dark hair, staring at them with blood-red eyes like a demon in hell.

  The members of the mecha team were stared at by it as if they were falling into ice, and they only shivered.

  "This is that mythical monster..."

  General Paul looked at the screen and stood up from his seat at once, muttering.

  "The demon wolf of the world, the executor of Ragnarok - Fenrir!"



Chapter 199


  Fenrir screamed, it was very angry and excited, and as soon as he broke free of the damn chain, he saw several mechas firing frantically at him, which made him particularly want to kill them to move his muscles and bones.

  This roar also shocked the mecha team, and they quickly increased their firepower to try to repel Fenrir, but unfortunately it was of no use.

  Quickly "arrange electromagnetic mines!"

  Miles shrank his pupils and ordered quickly.

  Since guns are useless, use electromagnetic mines to delay it.

  He never had the thought of killing Fenrir with an electromagnetic mine. Miles clearly realized that the strength of this magic wolf was beyond their imagination!

  The weapons their mechs carry can't do any damage to it at all!

  "How's that iron chain welded?"

  Miles asked while looking at the two team members who were squatting on the ground with chains and trying to repair them by electric welding.

  "There is progress! But it will take some time!"

  The two teammates replied at the same time, and they also understood that the key to this battle was still on them.

  The weak have the weak and there is a way to fight against the strong, this chain will be the last hope of the mecha team!

  Fenrir also started to counterattack at this time. It danced four powerful thighs towards the mecha team, and the speed was so terrifying that the mecha team could only see a figure with an afterimage in the dark. Jump, the muzzle can no longer be accurately aimed at Fenrir's body!Bullets can only land in empty spaces.

  "I'm going! It's so fast! My eyes are dying!"

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