"Is this the World Destruction Devil Wolf? I think the mecha should not be able to deal with it! Even if that powerful mine is used!"

  "Not necessarily, you see they are repairing the broken chain, maybe they can rely on it to deal with Fenrir!"

  Seeing that the bullet couldn't hit Fenrir at all, the netizens in the live broadcast room immediately boiled over. They were amazed at Fenrir's terrifying speed and began to discuss the possibility of mecha dealing with it.

  General Paul in the command room was also amazed at Fenrir's strength. This demon that devoured the gods was really not that easy to deal with.

  "Fortunately, the electromagnetic mines have been arranged."

  Miles looked at Fenrir's incomparably vigorous figure, and his back was wet with cold sweat. Such a speed was far unmatched for the current mecha performance of the Western Sky Alliance!

  Mythical monsters are really scary!

  "Just ask the mines to delay it a little longer."

  Seeing Nadao's huge figure running over, Miles kept praying in his heart.


  Fenrir inevitably stepped on the ambush of the electromagnetic mines - the mech squad set them on the only way to the position.

  In an instant, tens of thousands of volts of current frantically surged out of the ground, and the turbulent currents intertwined to form a blue ocean.

  Fenrir was at the center of this ocean of electricity, and the current ran up its legs, covering Fenrir's body.It can be seen that sparks are bursting everywhere on its body.

  "It's hit! It depends on the effect!"

  Miles was overjoyed when he saw this. Although he did not say that he would definitely be able to control the opponent and win the game, it was good to have hope.

  Blue electric currents swam all over Fenrir's body, brightening his dark skin.


  A loud bang exploded on the wolf's body, and scattered electric sparks impacted people's vision.

  This attack can use all the remaining electromagnetic mines of the mecha squad, and the power is naturally very powerful.

  "How? Are you trapped?"

  "Such a powerful explosion should be enough to hurt Fenrir?"

  The netizens in the live broadcast room only saw that the screen in front of them was pale, and the brightness was so exciting that they could not open their eyes.

  Fortunately, the bright light is slowly extinguishing, and the deep cave in the picture has returned to darkness.

  Netizens also re-see the picture inside.

  Fenrir, the world-destroying demon wolf still stands tall and straight, its hair is still dark and soft, and there is no trace of burns at all.


  Fenrir's eyes turned slightly, it shouted, raised its claws and slapped the mecha team with a strong wind.

  "It's over! It's over!"

  Miles looked at the huge wolf claws and said in despair.

  They haven't been able to repair the chain, the electromagnetic mines haven't stopped Fenrir, and the last hope is gone!

  Fenrir's claws were so fast that they had absolutely no time to react.


  The wolf claws fell heavily, most directly pressing the two mechas into a pile of scrap iron, and the aftermath of the shock made the entire cave shake.

  It wasn't over yet, and then it turned sharply, and the tail was drawn like a whip.

  But after hearing a "bang", the rest of the mecha was directly swept out and slammed into the wall, creating a huge depression.

  The bodies of those mechas were embedded in an extremely twisted posture, and they couldn't die any longer.

  The mecha team actually didn't have time to make a half-point struggle under the attack of this world-destroying demon wolf.

  The mecha team is completely destroyed!



Chapter 200

  "Sure enough...isn't it?"

  General Paul looked at the big screen and said sadly.

  He reached his position with one butt, and stomped his head in despair.

  The mecha is already equipped with the most powerful weapon of the Western Sky Alliance. If even they can't defeat Fenrir, then


  Fenrir let out a long roar in the sky, destroying all the mechs of the West-Sky Alliance.

  Those mechas were so vulnerable that they were all destroyed without exerting all their strength.

  Just as Fenrir stretched freely, a fiery blue light suddenly stabbed in from outside the cave, brightening the entire cave like a bonfire in the darkness.

  Fenrir smelled danger, and the unknown light was clearly heading towards it.

  Fenrir's body quickly twisted and accelerated, dodging the energy shock, and the blue beam of light cut a large hole in its original position.


  This is Fenrir's evaluation of it, but the blue beam of light did not stop because of it, but continued to move along Fenrir's position, as if to force it out of the cave.

  Fenrir roared, the cave was too small for it to perform its actions.

  Fenrir galloped hard on all fours and ran towards the outside of the cave. Its speed was quite fast, leaving the blue energy beam far behind.


  Fenrir sprang out of the dark cave like a gust of wind. It stood on the top of the mountain and looked down the mountain in the direction of the blue light. Sure enough, it found the initiator who forced it out of the cave.

  It was a giant monster in the shape of a lizard, with neat rows of back spines growing on its back, and faint blue energy waves entangled in it.

  It is the king of monsters - Godzilla!

  "Godzilla is here!"

  "Come on! Godzilla! It's up to you to save humanity!"

  "Be careful, Godzilla, that's the demon wolf that destroys the world!"

  Netizens in the live broadcast room were immediately excited when they saw Godzilla, but some people were worried that Godzilla would not be the opponent of the world-destroying wolf.


  Godzilla roared up to the sky, and it looked at Fenrir in the distance with a provocative expression.

  Godzilla is never afraid of fighting, even if the opponent is the legendary Fenrir!


  Fenrir was already angry, and now he was provoked by Godzilla again, and he couldn't bear it any longer. It bared its sharp teeth and went straight to Godzilla along the way down the mountain.

  This time, Fenrir's running speed was faster than that in the cave. The netizens watching in the live broadcast room only saw a black shadow moving rapidly, and they could no longer see Fenrir's appearance.

  This speed has surpassed human dynamic vision, so that they can't capture Fenrir's body at all.

  In just a split second, Fenrir had rushed from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain, and it was wrapped in a strong wind and rushed towards Godzilla.

  Godzilla also set up his posture early, and the pressure Fenrir put on it made it unable to wait for it.

  I saw Fenrir leap up high and bite Godzilla's neck directly.

  It intends to defeat the enemy with one move, directly using its sharpest teeth to bite the opponent's weakness!


  Godzilla seized the moment and punched out, the last one came first, and before Fenrir bit his neck, the punch had already been printed on Fenrir's stomach, a huge unmatched force. Just blast it out.

  Fenrir fluttered and rolled on the ground for a few laps before completely unloading the strange force.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????????

  There was a hint of surprise and fear in its eyes. Fenrir had no idea that the monster's strength was so powerful. It originally thought it could defeat the enemy with one move!

  "well played!"

  "Godzilla is invincible!"

  Netizens in the live broadcast room saw that Godzilla was so powerful, and he knocked Fenrir away with one punch, which was also displayed on the public screen.


  Fenrir shouted angrily again. Its two forelimbs quickly dug through the ground. In the blink of an eye, a tunnel had been dug out, and the entire wolf body had already submerged into the ground and disappeared behind his brother. Sla's eyes.

...... 0

  "Is this a plan to sneak into the soil to make a surprise attack?"

  He You thought to himself while looking at Fenrir's movements on the screen.

  Fenrir's brute strength is not as good as Godzilla's, and the confrontation in the previous round has already explained the problem.

  So the cunning devil wolf planned to hit Godzilla with a sneak attack.

  Seeing that the opponent made this move, Godzilla didn't make any moves. It just stood quietly and closed its eyes, as if it was carefully feeling the opponent's position.

  "Wow hoo hoo!"

  There was the sound of dirt being plucked from the ground, the sound of Fenrir walking through the sand.

  It is also looking for opportunities, and it is not in a hurry, which will reveal flaws.

  The battlefield suddenly became quiet, only the ground was shaking slightly.

  After an unknown amount of time, suddenly, a piece of ground behind Godzilla exploded without warning, and sand and dust splashed all over the place.

  A dark shadow jumped high from the inside and headed straight for Godzilla.

  It is the Wolf of Destruction - Fenrir!


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