
Chapter 201

  Fenrir jumped out directly from the ground, without the slightest sloppy action, and the goal was extremely clear. It opened the big mouth that was said to be able to stand upright and bit Godzilla's neck straight.

  And this time it was an attack from behind, and Godzilla just couldn't see it from the perspective of Godzilla. Fenrir was confident that with his agility, this surprise attack could definitely kill Godzilla in one hit!

  Just when Fenrir thought he was about to succeed, the tips of its teeth touched Godzilla's skin.

  Godzilla moves!

  I saw it bent sharply, easily dodging Fenrir's ferocious bite, as if eyes had grown on its back, and then twisted its body abruptly, and threw its huge tail towards the flying pounce. Shaped Fenrir.

  Fenrir was in mid-air, which gave him nowhere to borrow, and could only watch the tail knock him out.


  A muffled sound came, and Fenrir was swept away by Godzilla again. It fell heavily to the ground, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

  It turned out that when Godzilla closed his eyes, he had been focusing on his ears listening to the activities of Fenrir underground. His hearing was not bad, and he could even hear the sound of Fenrir digging soil. His ears were magnified several times, and Godzilla also grasped Fenrir's movements.

  Later, when Fenrir slowed down, it also understood that the opponent was about to start an attack, so it just stood there quietly to induce the opponent to attack, and at the same time was ready to attack.

  Then, unsurprisingly, Fenrir's sneak attack failed and was countered by Godzilla.

  "Godzilla is amazing! It must have anticipated Fenrir's attack line in advance!"

  "This set of tricks is handsome!"

  "Godzilla, hurry up and deal with Fenrir!"

  Netizens were instantly attracted by Godzilla's set of operations, and gave it a thumbs up from the heart.

  The battle on Langway Island was far from over, and Fenrir staggered up from the ground. The World-Destroying Demon Wolf was obviously a little stunned.

  It found itself somewhat underestimating its opponent.

  Fenrir continued to stare at Godzilla with bright red eyes, its face was extremely hideous, and it would not let go of the person who hurt it.

  Fenrir waved its powerful limbs again, and it came to the back of the mountain, and after a burst of acceleration, slapped it with its claws.


  The steep mountain suddenly cracked open, and the rocks splashed and flew towards Godzilla.

  Although Fenrir's strength is not comparable to Godzilla's, it is not impossible for him to shoot a small mountain.

  Seeing this, Godzilla opened his huge mouth, and from the inside, he could vaguely see blue energy rolling and turning.


  With Godzilla's roar, those energies condensed into blue rays and ejected from its mouth.

  Atomic rays!

  A faint blue beam shot out, facing the gravel rain and heading straight for Fenrir, who was hiding behind the rock.

  The blue beam did not receive the resistance of the gravel at all, and it easily penetrated the mountain and came to Fenrir.

  Fenrir was a little stunned, it did not expect that Godzilla would attack himself with the attack of rubble cracking.

  I saw that the blue light was fleeting, and it was already attacking him. Fenrir had to dodge first. If it received the impact of the blue light, it would definitely be hurt.

  In order to evade this powerful attack, Fenrir took a step and flashed aside. Its speed was still very fast, and the speed of the atomic rays could not catch up with it...  

  The deep blue beam directly burned a large hole several meters deep in the ground.

  Fenrir jumped from behind the ruined mountain to see if Godzilla was badly damaged, after all, it thought that Godzilla's defenses could not resist the impact of the flying stones.

  But when it looked towards Godzilla, the huge wolf head fell into a sluggishness.

  Godzilla is still standing there intact, except for some mounds of dust and small pieces of gravel, there is not even a trace of scars on its body.

  Those gravel strikes didn't do any damage to it at all!

  Godzilla let out another low roar, and its cry was full of contempt and disdain, as if to say that you only have this ability.

  With Fenrir's temperament, he couldn't stand this kind of provocation. It roared angrily, and rushed directly across the ruins to Godzilla.

  Suddenly, Godzilla's back lit up with a red and dangerous light, following the backstab all the way up, quickly converging in its mouth.

  The temperature of the unprovoked Langway Island was suddenly raised rapidly, and the surrounding air was filled with burning flames like a lit haystack.

  Immediately after, the crimson energy beam spurted out of Godzilla's mouth and poured out towards Fenrir.

  Super axis light!

  Fenrir, who was running, was also stagnant, and it also sensed a hint of danger, and tried to dodge to the side, but Godzilla did not give it a chance.

  I saw its head tilted, and the crimson beam of light immediately caught up with Fenrir who escaped and hit its body.



Chapter 202

  The scarlet beam of light hit Fenrir, who was still running, with the terrifying power of burning everything.

  The unparalleled impact slammed it straight into the broken mountain wall behind it, making it unable to even move, and the flames of intense high temperature began to burn Fenrir's black wolf fur, and the stinging demon The wolf kept screaming.

  Godzilla listened to its mournful howl but didn't stop, and continued to attack it with super-axial light, until Fenrir's eyes closed, and there was no more struggle.

  "Fenrir is dead!"

  "I'm going, I really killed Fenrir!"

  "Sure enough, Godzilla, the king of monsters, is the eternal god, and the World Destruction Devil Wolf is nothing compared to it!"

  Net 29 friends in the live broadcast room shouted for Godzilla after seeing the world-destroying wolf Fenrir lying in the ruins, and were proud of its incomparable strength.

  Our king of monsters can defeat the world-destroying wolves!

  As Godzilla's mouth slowly closed, the crimson beam of light slowly disappeared. Godzilla looked at the position where Fenrir fell, and his intuition told him that it was not so simple.

  "Destroyer Demon Wolf shouldn't be killed so quickly!"

  In Wu'an City, He You did not open the passage after Fenrir fell to the ruins and called back Godzilla. He felt that the enemy known to be feared by the gods should not be so casually beaten, and the large amount of emotional value consumed is also Remind him that Fenrir, the monster, is not so simple!

  At this moment, Fenrir's eyes suddenly opened without warning, and his sly eyes rolled in a circle.

  It originally wanted to pretend to be dead to make Godzilla relax his vigilance. If he could, he could even make a surprise attack while waiting for Godzilla to check. How could Fenrir know that Godzilla was not fooled and still stood there. Remain vigilant, and when Fenrir still doesn't see Godzilla relax after a while, it knows that this time it has made a miscalculation.

  This time, Fenrir perfectly concealed his breath, and no matter who perceives it, it is a cold corpse.

  However, the opponent did not relax his vigilance because of its death, but still maintained his vigilance, and seemed to have noticed its perfect disguise!

  Then there is no point in continuing to hide it!

  The huge wolf body stood up suddenly, Fenrir stared directly at Godzilla with its eyes full of endless hatred, and the long wolf mouth began to emit some inexplicable growls, while some runes were on its mouth. Body light up slightly.

  "Damn it! This devil wolf actually cheated to death with this insidious and cunning tactic!"

  "Fortunately, Godzilla did not relax, otherwise it would be easy for him to succeed!"

  "Look at it's body seems to have changed!"

  When netizens saw Fenrir resurrected from the dead, they were amazed at its cunning and forbearance, until some netizens discovered the change in him.

  I saw that the runes on Fenrir's body were getting brighter and brighter, and the dark wolf fur on his entire body was slowly dyed silver-white as if covered by white snow. In its muscles, its two hind legs also became more powerful, supporting the whole wolf body upright.


  Fenrir roared in the sky, and the earth-shattering voice dispelled all the white fog that had been covering the island.

  How could it possibly be defeated by Godzilla so easily as the Demonic Wolf of World Destruction?

  This transformation is what Fenrir uses to burn his own magical runes, and this is what it looks like to destroy those gods!

  This is the real World Destruction Demon Wolf!

  Fenrir stared at Godzilla with even brighter red eyes, and then it was his counterattack!

  Fenrir roared and charged towards Godzilla with great strides. With its heavy steps, the entire Langwie Island was shaking non-stop, as if it could not carry its mighty power.

  Godzilla is also not afraid of the comer. It did not dodge, but twisted its footsteps, and also accelerated to meet it.


  A terrifying loud noise suddenly scattered along the air, and the two huge monsters slammed into each other like this, and the next second they separated due to the strength of each other.

  Godzilla took a few steps back before barely trying to understand the impact of this time. The World Destroyer Demon Wolf really had two strikes!

  On the other hand, Fenrir just took two steps back and stopped, and now it has more strength than Godzilla!


  Fenrir roared again, and the brightness of the magic runes on its body suddenly intensified, as if calling for something.

  "Look at what's in the sky!"

  Netizens with good eyes instantly discovered something was wrong. There seemed to be more black spots in the sky, as if something was about to fall on this small island.

  "I'm going! This is a fucking meteorite!"

  As the black spots approached, netizens finally figured out what they looked like. It was a few small meteorites with flowing flame tails!

  Fenrir actually summoned a meteorite!

  Look at the direction they fall is Godzilla's location!



Chapter 203

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