The two generals put their arms around each other's shoulders and turned to leave.

  But at this moment, an exclamation suddenly sounded:

  "General will...General!"

  "That monster isn't dead! It's swimming fast towards us from directly below our fleet!"

  "It's 1000 meters away from us!"

  "500 meters! 100 meters! 20 meters!"


  The next moment, a ferocious claw covered with scales suddenly broke through the sea and slapped it on a battleship. The thousands-ton battleship was directly overturned by this slap, and the soldiers above fell into the sea like dumplings. .

  Even a few mechas on the deck were shot!


  Immediately afterwards, a huge behemoth suddenly burst out from under the sea, a huge shadow shrouded, and the monster roared angrily up to the sky:



  At this moment, everyone who witnessed this scene was stunned!



  PS: Second more.

  New book for support, flowers for evaluation tickets for rewards~~~.

Chapter 22


  The deafening roar resounded through the heavens and the earth, and the huge monster roared in anger like a giant, and this monster... Naturally, it was Godzilla!

  "How is this possible! It's still alive!"

  "My God! It can actually withstand the bombing of a nuclear bomb!"


  "What kind of monster is this!"

  "too frightening!"


  Looking at the huge monster, Carlos Ludwig and others in the command room were all stunned, shocked and unbelievable.

  What they never thought was that they were proud to gather all the top-notch nuclear bombs, but none of them could kill this monster!

  It just makes them feel unbelievable!

  Not only them.

  Even Cai Limin, Shi Xiang, and many other generals of the Great Xia Kingdom, who were more than ten kilometers away, were shocked at this time. Unbelievable shock.

  "It's not dead..."

  A general said with a shocked expression: "What kind of monster is this monster, is it really a living thing? It can't even be killed by a nuclear bomb!".

  Originally, they thought that this monster would definitely be smashed to shreds by the nuclear bomb, and not even ashes were left, but in the blink of an eye, it was slapped in the face.

  That monster....

  It came over!

  at the same time.

  A total of [-] members including Caroline in the Council Hall of the Blue City of the Western Sky Alliance, Tang Wanmin and a group of core elders in Tiannan Mountain, as well as the Sand Bear Empire, Peacock Kingdom and many other countries who saw this scene through satellite transmissions The seniors were all shocked.

  Who would have thought.

  Godzilla survived a nuclear bomb! ?

  This is too scary!


  The roar gradually dissipated, and Godzilla looked down at everyone on the deck of the aircraft carrier. At this moment, everyone saw it in its eyes...


  And the indifference and majesty of a king!

  "...Activate the super electromagnetic gun immediately!"

  Carlos, who reacted, hurriedly roared: "All mechas are free to attack! In any case, buy time to activate the super electromagnetic gun!".


  Those nearly [-] combat armors of various types hovering over the aircraft carrier fleet immediately launched an attack on Godzilla. Various missile laser weapons shot at Godzilla densely, and the dense bullets formed a chain of bullets. In the dark night, it is like a line of fire.


  What surprised Carlos and others was that the attacks of these mechs didn't work on Godzilla at all. These attacks were like tickling on Godzilla's body. On the other hand, every attack of Godzilla could Several mechas were blasted, and the explosion of the mechas resounded endlessly in the night.


  Everyone was stunned to see that these powerful mechas that they were proud of were being beaten like fireworks, exploding in the air.

  Many people are desperate!

  too strong!

  The mecha's attack can't hurt this monster at all!


  Carlos slammed his fist on the table angrily.


  Ludwig couldn't bear to look directly and closed his eyes. He could see it completely. Whether it was a Sea King-class mecha, or a mecha of any level, it was like an attack by a small fighter mech. As far as the giant beast is concerned, it is like tickling the giant!

  doesn't work at all!


  Someone said: "Super electromagnetic gun is ready!".


  Carlos said coldly: "Aim for its heart!".

  "3! 2! 1!"


  The voice fell, and the man pressed the launch button, but saw that a super electromagnetic gun full of technology on the deck of the aircraft carrier began to charge.

  The barrel of the super railgun faintly flickered with electricity.

  There is a scarlet light condensed in the barrel.


  In the next instant, the super electromagnetic cannon shook, a silver stick-shaped cannonball that was about eight meters long and about the thickness of an arm, and was in the shape of a spiral tip.

  Suddenly, it roared out of the gun barrel, tearing apart the space at a terrifying speed of three times the speed of sound, and blasting towards Godzilla with kinetic energy enough to shred everything. At this moment, a silver streamer shuttled under the night.

  the next moment.

  The silver spiral cannonball hit Godzilla's chest with a bang, and Godzilla's hard flesh was strong enough to resist missiles and lasers.

  At this moment, it was like tofu, and it was hit into the flesh and blood by this silver spiral stick-shaped cannonball. The eight-meter cannonball, five meters directly submerged into the flesh and blood.


  Just when everyone thought this was the end, the silver spiral stick that was inserted into Godzilla's chest burst into a dazzling light under the gaze of one after another. With a bang, the violent explosion and fire shook the night sky!


  The indescribable pain came, and Godzilla immediately let out a deafening roar of pain. The huge power actually blew out a bowl-shaped wound half a meter in diameter in its chest, and the hot blood could not stop. The gurgles flowed and dripped into the sea, and Godzilla was about to fall backwards after being bombed, but fortunately, it grabbed the island of the aircraft carrier next to it with one hand.

  This stabilizes the huge body.

  Godzilla turned around, and everyone could see that the corners of the monster's mouth had a ferocious arc, and Carlos, Ludwig and others who saw this all rose from the bottom of their hearts. Get a chill.

  next moment.

  They saw that starting from Godzilla's tail, the ridges that were up and down like mountains were actually lit up one by one at this moment.


  And the sound of humming electromagnetic pulses.


  The faint blue light gathered in Godzilla's mouth, condensed into a blue light group, and the terrifying temperature radiated, causing the surrounding space to be slightly distorted.


  Before Carlos and the others could react, a faint blue energy beam suddenly shot out. The faint blue energy beam streaked across the night sky and passed over the heads of everyone. At this moment, everyone's eyes widened. .

  This is the breath of the atom!



  PS: third more.

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Chapter 23

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