
  Under the dark night, a sturdy blue energy beam suddenly shot out of Godzilla's mouth. This spectacular scene shocked countless people.


  Under the gaze of countless eyes, the atomic breath directly hit an aircraft carrier in the distance, under the terrifying temperature of the atomic breath.

  I saw that the steel aircraft carrier was melting at a speed visible to the naked eye. The next moment, with a bang, the aircraft carrier exploded violently. The deafening explosion sounded like thunder, and the shock wave swept away instantly.

  Set off a turbulent wave!

  "Shit! What is that!"

  "My God! This monster has super powers!?"

  "It actually blew up an aircraft carrier directly!"

  "Damn it! What monster are we fighting!"


  There was an uproar full of shock, and everyone was shocked and unbelievable. They just felt that the scene in front of them was too sci-fi!

  In the command room, Carlos, Ludwig and other senior commanders, as well as Cai Limin, Shi Xiang, and Caroline in Bruce, as well as Tang Wanmin and Wu Wenlong from Tiannanshan, etc. The powerful bosses, at this moment, are all stunned and shocked.

  Obviously they were all terrified by this scene!

  at first.

  In their hearts, they thought this monster was nothing more than an ancient creature that lived longer, had thicker skin, and grew taller.

  They didn't take this monster seriously.

  But at this moment.

  When they saw this monster, a sturdy blue energy beam was ejected from its mouth, and a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier of [-]-ton class exploded in front of them. .

  They were completely stunned!

  In their hearts at this time, that is...

  What the hell is this monster!

  They just feel like their worldview is collapsing!

  at the same time,

  The atomic breath that Godzilla sprayed out, after blowing up an aircraft carrier, its head turned, and the atomic breath also followed.

  It's like anti-aircraft lights at night.

  The only difference is that.

  Godzilla's "anti-aircraft lights" are blue.

  And the scythe of the god of death with terrifying power!

  "Hide away!!!"

  Seeing the atomic breath sweeping towards him, a mecha master in the cockpit of a mecha hurriedly roared in the communication channel, and he controlled the mecha to dodge.

  Bang bang bang!

  However, how dense the mechas are in the air, Godzilla's atomic breath swept across, and the mechas that were swept, no matter what level of mecha, all exploded at this moment, and the parts of the mecha were flying everywhere.

  There were also some mechs who wanted to eject and escape.

  As a result, as soon as it was ejected from the cockpit, it was hit by atomic breath and turned to ashes.

  Not even a single scream came out!


  Carlos, who was watching this scene, was horrified by the pale face of shock. If someone hadn't helped him, he would have slumped on the ground long ago.

  At this moment.

  He finally remembered what Ludwig had told him before.

  "I hope you don't get scared to pee your pants when you see a monster!"

  He had sneered at this sentence before, thinking that Carlos, as a dignified general, had never seen such a scene before. He was just an ancient creature that lived a little longer, how could he scare Carlos into peeing his pants?

  but now.......

  He only had one thought, and that was to get out of here quickly!


  His pupils shrank suddenly, because he saw that the terrifying blue energy beam burst towards him. Fortunately, the target of the atomic breath was not the aircraft carrier they were in, but another not far away. a battleship.


  After the battleship was hit by the atomic breath, it exploded instantly. The dazzling fire was extremely bright in the night, and the air waves generated by the explosion swept away.

  "Let's go, General!"

  An adjutant next to him said anxiously: "This monster is too terrifying. If we don't leave, we won't be able to leave any of us!".

  Carlos, who had been frightened for a long time, hurriedly left the command room under the escort of a group of officers. Then Carlos sat in the supersonic mecha that had been prepared, and the engine on the back of the mecha spurted out orange flames. .

  A strong thrust erupted, and the mecha immediately soared into the sky.


  Looking at Godzilla, who was killing all directions like a god of death, Ludwig sighed heavily. There was no other way, and the fleet could not retreat safely.

  Right now, I can only withdraw as much as I can!

  But it is conceivable that when the two of them go back, what they will face will definitely be the angry roar of General Esmond, and I am afraid that they will be dismissed lightly.

  Thinking like this, he sat in the cockpit and drove the mecha into the sky, the mecha turned into a stream of light, and disappeared into the night in the blink of an eye.

  In the face of Godzilla's terrifying atomic breath, these giant-level aircraft carriers are just bigger moving targets.

  Some of the mecha stayed behind to stop Godzilla, and the other part was running at full speed to escape, and at the moment, they could only escape as much as they could.


  The two ace legions in the Pacific Fleet, known as the Sky Eagle Federation, fled in a panic like a bereaved dog with its tail between its tails.

  And this scene was naturally transmitted in real time to Cai Limin, Shi Xiang, Caroline and others in Blue City, and Tang Wan and the people in Tiannan Mountain.


  At this moment, they are in the room.

  It's dead silence!



  PS: Fourth more!

  There is one more update, kneeling and begging for flowers~~~.

Chapter 24


  In the command room, looking at the large-scale killing ring on the screen, the giant monsters like gods, as well as the third and fifth two major mecha corps who lost their helmets and armor, fled in embarrassment, Cai Limin, Shi Xiang and other senior commanders.

  At this moment, all of them are stunned, everyone, you look at me, I look at you, you can see the unbelief and shock from each other's faces.

  What did they see?

  A gigantic creature was able to eject a faint blue energy beam from its mouth, and even blew up an aircraft carrier in front of them!

  They saw the third, fifth, and two major mecha legions, the so-called ace legions, who were beaten and fled, and the two generals ran for their lives in mechas!

  If they hadn't seen this scene with their own eyes, I'm afraid they wouldn't believe it if they killed everyone here. After all, this scene is really incredible!


  Shi Xiang let out a sigh of relief, and he couldn't help laughing: "Although I don't know whether the appearance of monsters is good or bad, I can be sure that the strength of the Pacific Fleet of the Eagle Federation will definitely be greatly reduced after this battle!" .


  The crowd nodded in agreement.


  at the same time.

  Located at the headquarters of the Blue City of the Western Sky Alliance, the atmosphere in the hall seemed extremely heavy, and the faces of Caroline and others were full of shock and disbelief.


  Caroline let out a sigh of relief. After looking around, she pretended to be calm and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, please express your views next!".


  "How can there be such a terrifying monster on Earth!"

  "What did I see just now? That monster sprayed a column of energy that thick from its mouth? It even exploded an aircraft carrier? What the hell is that? Is it some kind of high-power laser weapon?"

  "I have reason to suspect that the monster is actually some kind of biological weapon developed by the Great Xia Kingdom! Look, the blue energy column ejected by the monster is like an extra-large blue laser energy beam?"


  Everyone, you said every word, I could tell from the fear on their faces. Obviously, the noble grandfathers present were all frightened by Godzilla.

  "In any case, I think we should set up a relevant department in advance to study these ancient giants. This department is not only responsible for researching monsters, but also responsible for developing weapons specifically for monsters!"

  Caroline said solemnly: "After the establishment of the department, all departments of their project must give the green light all the way, and all the funds will be borne by the alliance!".


  The people below naturally have no opinion.

  Someone said: "What should the department be called?".

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