"Actually summoned magma?"

  "Look at the entire island being swallowed up by magma!"

  "What should I do, Godzilla won't just be swallowed up by the magma?"

  In the live broadcast room, netizens began to worry about their king of monsters. The temperature of this magma is no joke, especially the magma summoned by Fenrir seems to have some indescribable strange magic.

  The color of the magma had an evil black, as if it was going to devour the human soul.

  Now Godzilla is standing on a boulder, and the magma has swallowed almost all the ground of this Langewi Island. Godzilla has to stand here to survive.

  Although Godzilla's skin is very strong, even a nuclear bomb can't hit it, but this time he is facing the magma called by Fenrir's evil power. The temperature of this magma is not bad at first glance, Godzilla La understands that once he sinks in, even if it can block it for a while, it can't be burned by the magma all the time.

  The black-red magma was still bubbling, and the intensely high temperature made Godzilla feel a little uncomfortable. Just when it wanted to shoot another atomic ray, there was a sudden instability under its feet, and its huge body was a little shaky.

  Fenrir is standing in the lava in the distance, it is not afraid of this high temperature ~ baking.

  It waved its paws and rolled up a wave of heat towards Godzilla.


  Godzilla couldn't dodge in time, and was directly overturned by the heat wave, and his body fell back into the lava-.


  Godzilla roared in pain, and his body gradually sank into the magma.


  "I'm going! Godzilla won't just die like this, will he?"

  "I can't believe it!"

  In the live broadcast room, netizens suddenly fell into mourning. If Godzilla died, countless people would surely cry.

  Fenrir roared in excitement after watching Godzilla fall into the lava.

  Finally got rid of this guy!

  But is it really that simple?

  Just as Fenrir relaxed, a violent heartbeat suddenly came from the bottom of the magma.

  "Bang! Bang! Bang!"

  Fenrir's wolf ears moved.

  It also thought that he had heard it wrong, so he listened carefully again and found that there was indeed some abnormal sound coming from under the magma.

  That beating sound is so strong, symbolizing a heart full of infinite vitality.

  Fenrir's pupils shrank, is Godzilla resurrected?This is absolutely impossible, he has been swallowed up by the magma, and there is no slag left that should be burned!

  Before it could finish wondering, an incomparably huge figure jumped out of the magma.


  It was a crimson figure. It was huge, and its entire body was covered with a strong red. It looked majestic and full of infinite power. There were even red lightning around it, showing this figure. terrifying combat power.

  Godzilla!Red lotus form!

  After sinking into the magma, Godzilla's body was completely enveloped by the magma, and the intense high temperature was transmitted to him along the magma, which filled his body with fiery heat, and also aroused the power of the red lotus in his body.

  The heat of the magma completely released the power of the red lotus in Godzilla, making it evolve into a red lotus form!

  Instead of killing Godzilla, Fenrir's magma attack promoted its evolution.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????????

  "Godzilla is resurrected!"

  "It's the new form of the last battle against the mechanical giant!"

  "Godzilla will definitely beat Fenrir now!"

  Seeing Godzilla's resurrection, the netizens in the live broadcast room were all excited.

  Crimson Godzilla walked towards Fenrir.

  Now Godzilla can move freely in the magma with his red lotus form, just like Fenrir.

  Fenrir also recovered from the state of shock, and it looked at Godzilla and roared fiercely.

  Fenrir was furious that the lava didn't solve it and gave it more power.


  But it didn't dare to be too careless. It smelled a very dangerous breath on Red Lotus Godzilla's body, which caused a feeling of fear in its heart.

  This guy is strong!

  Fenrir walked towards Godzilla, the brutality imprinted in its soul would not let it flee.

  The two finally meet, and this is the first time that Fenrir has faced Guren Godzilla.

  It is carrying a fiery flame that is burning Fenrir's soul. In Fenrir's heart, Godzilla's fighting power in this red lotus form is no longer inferior to those of the gods.

  Even above the gods!


  Godzilla roared and took the lead.

  I saw it clenched its fist, and then threw it out, heading straight for Fenrir's head.

  The red fist roared and rushed towards Fenrir with a violent high temperature. Fenrir raised his wolf claws, and there was a faint black power flowing on it.


  The two collided, making a loud noise!



Chapter 206


  Fenrir cried out in pain, and when the two were wrestling, the fiery flames on Red Lotus Godzilla's hands were also burning its wolf claws, and the intense temperature even exceeded the flames it summoned.


  Godzilla also shouted, it twisted and slammed, and threw Fenrir directly into the air, and fell heavily into the magma, and the heat wave splashed.

  After evolving into the red lotus form, the toxins in Godzilla's body were eliminated by the high temperature of the red lotus, and the wounds on its body had already completely healed, and the current combat power is also full.

  "Yeah! Repel Fenrir!"

   "Godzilla in this form is really powerful!"

  "Fenrir is dead this time!"

  In the live broadcast room, netizens cheered when they saw Godzilla throwing Fenrir into the lava. In this form, Godzilla is an invincible king, and even Fenrir can't defeat the gods!


  Fenrir stood up slowly with his wolf claws on the ground, and suddenly his pupils shrank, and it turned out that several bullets of crimson light flew towards him.

  Fenrir hurriedly raised the wolf's claws to protect him in front of him, and a few bullets hit its arm, and the remaining impact made it write first and fall into the magma again.

  Terrifying power!

  Fenrir's eyes gradually showed fear, and he looked down at his arm, and the snow-white wolf fur on it had turned a little dark.

  This is the trace of being burned by the flames of light just now!Which means it's hot enough to scorch Fenrir!

  Fenrir knew in his heart that this might not be the opponent's full strength, and it must do its best to face Godzilla!

  Fenrir's eyes turned hideous again, its legs exerted force, and the speed of the entire monster instantly broke through the speed of sound.

  When the eyes of netizens froze, it has moved to the side of Red Lotus Godzilla.

  Fenrir is not stupid. It will not stay in place and wait for Godzilla to attack it with light. Who knows how far Godzilla's light skills have evolved in the form of red lotus!

  So it still played its original advantage, that is, speed, and it planned to use its best speed to defeat Godzilla!

  Fenrir rushed towards Godzilla with a dazzling afterimage. Its target was still Godzilla's neck. Fenrir believed that as long as he bit its neck with his own bite force, Godzilla absolutely insisted. But it will die in a minute.


  At this time, Godzilla, who had been standing still, finally moved, and its two arms suddenly stretched out without warning and grabbed Fenrir's wolf mouth.

  Fenrir was also surprised, seeing Godzilla's movements, it was obvious that he could keep up with his speed.

  Godzilla's speed can equal his own!

  Fenrir's eyes slowly became terrified, and his speed could not even match the fastest among the gods. So far, no creature can reach his speed.

  Except for Godzilla in this red lotus form!

  Just when Fenrir was stunned, Godzilla was the first to grab the upper and lower jaws of Fenrir's wolf mouth with two powerful hands.

  Fenrir's whole body shuddered directly, and Godzilla's movements reminded him of the years when he was imprisoned by the gods.It was trying to struggle, and the two wolf claws scratched Godzilla's body frantically. Unfortunately, Godzilla in red lotus form was covered in red lava, which is its strongest armor, Fenrir's Not only did the wolf claws not break the defense to cause damage, but also burned their own wolf claws due to the high temperature above.  …  


  Godzilla roared loudly, and its hands violently pushed open Fenrir's wolf mouth slowly.

  According to legend, Fenrir's wolf mouth can stand upright when it is opened, but after all, it is a legend. Fenrir's mouth is not that huge, but Godzilla wants it to be that big now.

  As the strength of Godzilla's hand gradually increased, the corners of Fenrir's mouth were also torn, and blood was flowing from it, causing tears to appear in the corners of Fenrir's eyes.

  It hurriedly struggled, and the wolf claws quickly hit Godzilla, but it was still to no avail.

  In the end, Fenrir was ruthless, and it concentrated all the black energy in the right palm, and then quickly slapped Godzilla's chest.


  The wolf claws slapped Godzilla fiercely on Godzilla's body. This force was enough to collapse a hill, but Godzilla didn't dodge or evade, so he just took the blow.

  However, Godzilla was not harmed by Fenrir's full blow!

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