The black energy slapped on Godzilla's body, but it did not cause any damage to it. Godzilla's expression was still light, and there was no trace of pain.

  After Fenrir realized that his attack was ineffective, the whole wolf was shocked. Its own arm had been fractured by the shock force of the shock just now. It was known from the look of the opponent's leisurely wandering. Even the impact can be resisted!

  What a monster!



Chapter 207

  Just when Fenrir was in shock, Godzilla also made a new move.

  In between, it retracted its arms and pushed it hard, and easily pushed Fenrir into a stagger, almost falling back into the lava.


  Fenrir roared furiously, knowing from Godzilla's contemptuous expression that the other party just lost interest in tearing its mouth apart, so he just threw it aside.

  This made Fenrir feel so humiliated that he felt humiliated by Godzilla.


  Fenrir let out a long roar, and it slammed its legs on the ground again, using its extremely sharp teeth to bite Godzilla fiercely.

  Seeing this, Godzilla directly threw a huge right fist and smashed it hard at Fenrir's wolf mouth.

  Godzilla punched so fast that Fenrir couldn't even see its shadow.

  A violent muffled sound came from where Godzilla's fist touched Fenrir's face, and the 29th sound was deafening, and even the air was shaken.

  This was Godzilla's full-strength blow, and it was also the strongest blow in his red lotus form.

  Godzilla also wanted to try to see how strong he was in the form of the red lotus, so he let go of Fenrir's wolf mouth and used it to experiment.

  I saw Godzilla's right fist smashed hard on Fenrir's cheek, and the unparalleled strength made Fenrir fly upside down like a cannonball, and the huge wolf was smack in the air without anything. The struggle, it had been punched by Godzilla to the point of venus, its whole body was weak, and it fell into the lava, and the corners of its mouth even flowed out of white foam.

  The power of Godzilla's punch in the form of the red lotus is too powerful, and Fenrir can't stop it at all.

  The white giant wolf shook its head and reluctantly stood up. It opened its wolf mouth to mourn and was born, but found that its tone had gone out of shape.

  Fenrir's eyes showed shock. He raised his claws and touched his wolf's mouth. Only then did he understand that his sharpest teeth were knocked out by Godzilla's punch!


  Godzilla also roared up to the sky, and it no longer had the patience to continue playing with Fenrir.

  I saw that the flames on Godzilla began to boil, and the red color became more and more dazzling. The surrounding air gradually became distorted under the sudden change of violent high temperature, and a powerful heat that burned everything in the world began to gather in Godzilla. in the mouth.

  The heat on the island of Langawi is rising steadily, and the entire evil magma is eclipsed by this powerful heat.

  After the terrifying energy gathering was completed, Godzilla aimed in the direction of Fenrir and released the red dazzling energy.


  The red beam of light instantly ignited the air, and the red thunderbolt lightning rushed towards Fenrir with an unparalleled momentum.

  Wireless thermal light!

  This is a ray attack in Godzilla's red lotus form!

  The red beam of light hit Fenrir directly, the fiery temperature scorched its pure white hair, and it was baked into a pitch black just by touching it, and the red lightning also took advantage of the situation to penetrate its skin.

  Fenrir's eyes widened, it didn't want to be killed by this wireless hotline!

  A faint glow suddenly appeared on the giant wolf's body, and strands of mysterious patterns were suddenly lit up.

  Those are the magical runes on Fenrir's body, they are helping Fenrir resist the attack of this infinite thermal light.


  Seeing this, Godzilla roared, and once again gathered strength to instantly increase the power of its infinite hotline.

  The diameter of the crimson energy beam suddenly increased several times, and the red was brighter and more dazzling.

  Fenrir's pupils shrank suddenly, and it quickly defended with all its strength. The incomparably dark magic runes on its body could no longer withstand such high temperature and impact, and cracks began to appear, and then a crisp sound was heard. , It was like the sound of glass breaking suddenly, and those magic runes suddenly turned into shards.


  The subsequent red beam of light swept away the rune fragments and slammed into Fenrir's body, knocking it back a few steps.

  Fenrir's expression became more and more painful, and the look of despair permeated its face, but even the magic rune of the last protection had been broken, and the means of defense had been exhausted, and he was directly exposed to the infinite. in front of the hotline.

  The powerful wireless hotline began to burn Fenrir's wolf fur, the snow-white hair on his chest began to darken, and then began to burn his flesh!

  The entire attack process lasted less than a few seconds, and the crimson energy beam penetrated Fenrir's chest, and then shot straight into the magma, and the impact force splashed thousands of feet of sparks. .

  The vitality in Fenrir's eyes gradually dissipated, and its huge body slowly fell backwards weakly.

  With wireless heat running through its heart, Godzilla can be sure it's doomed.

  Fenrir's body fell straight into the magma, and a generation of world-destroying demon wolves finally perished!



Chapter 208

  "Godzilla wins!"

  "Godzilla is still quite powerful, even the World Destroyer Demon Wolf can be killed!"

  "As expected of the king of monsters!"

  Netizens in the live broadcast room started cheering when they saw Godzilla destroying Fenrir.

  He You swiped the chat records contentedly. From the words of netizens, he knew that human beings around the world had begun to slowly accept Godzilla, and would no longer regard it as an enemy.

  "Maybe it's because Godzilla defeated some very evil-looking monsters."

  He You rubbed his chin and thought, Godzilla was the one who protected humans when monsters attacked humans before. At this time, the comments of netizens turned to worship, love, and even the emotional value of these two items. increase status.

  "But now that they have slowly accepted Godzilla, I can relax a little."

  He You lay back on the bed, throwing monsters in a row, monitoring the battle situation made him a little tired, and planned to sleep first.

  "Huh, as long as we create more monster relics in the future, we can make the people completely accept the setting of monsters, and let them respect monsters as protectors, which is easy to handle, after all, human mechas and weapons are all It's too weak, and these few battles have made humans lose confidence in the weapons they developed."

  He You closed his eyes and fell asleep.


  "Dr. Sun, the weapon has been debugged!"

  A researcher wearing a white coat on the side said respectfully to a young man wearing a mask.


  Sun Ze stood on the hanger, quietly admiring the weapon he was proud of in front of him.

  It was a huge monster, but its body was entirely made of metal, reflecting the silvery-white color under the light of the light.

  Mechanical Godzilla!

  To be precise, it is the second generation. Daxia has obtained a skeleton that is suspected to be Godzilla before, but the researchers and high-level officials decided to use this skeleton to start a project. They wanted to use the skeleton to create a mechanical brother. Sla fought against Godzilla, but with the growing strength of Godzilla, it has far exceeded the original estimated strength limit of Mechanical Godzilla, so the half-finished scientific research project was stopped. .

  However, since they learned about the technology brought by Sun Ze, the project has been restarted again, under the guidance of Sun Ze, and other top scientists from the Great Xia Kingdom cooperate to create a new generation of mechanical Godzilla.

  After this period of intensive research, this mechanical Godzilla was finally produced. Although it is only a prototype, its power is quite powerful.

  "Just let it go and meet Godzilla for a while."

  Sun Ze looked at the behemoth in front of him, and an imperceptible smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

  "You said you were going to put Mechanical Godzilla in Wu'an City? Why is that?"

  A silver-haired old man walked in the distance. The old man had a resolute face, and at first glance he looked like a battle-hardened veteran.

  This old man is Li Meng, the commander of the mecha squad of Daxia Kingdom, which specializes in dealing with the invasion of monsters.

  "Do you know where Godzilla first appeared on Earth?"

  Sun Ze looked at Li Meng and asked without answering.

  "It's in the waters of the Great Xia Kingdom."

  The old man frowned and replied that he was a little dissatisfied with this young man's arrogant attitude, but he didn't dare to really vent it, after all, it would depend on him to deal with the monsters and save the official reputation.

  "What about the second time?"

  "Well, it should be in the Mecha Academy in Wu'an City, but it's not long."

  Li Meng recalled the previous intelligence information, the second time Godzilla did appear in the Mecha Academy, but only for a few seconds.

  Suddenly, as if he had thought of something, his eyes suddenly lit up.

  "That's right, two times. The first two times all appeared in Daxia Kingdom, and the civilization of Tianxingdui, where you also excavated Godzilla's skeleton."

  "¨"In other words, Godzilla is very likely to be in Daxia. And it is very likely that he is still in Daxia now."

  Sun Ze let out a low laugh and said what General Li Meng had in mind.

  "This is just your speculation, it should be in the inner world now."

  General Li Meng looked at him and reminded.

  "What happened in the inner world? According to my speculation, that so-called inner world is a space higher than our dimension, and Godzilla probably inhabits there."

  Sun Ze said slowly.

  "Our researchers have studied this."

  Li Meng nodded and said that Daxia had indeed organized manpower to study this strange inner world.

  "Then you (Manuo Hao) haven't speculated, maybe the dimension of the coincidence of the geocentric world is in Wu'an City in Daxia Country?"

  "After all, that's where Godzilla haunted in the first place."

  Sun Ze looked at him and asked.

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