"We really didn't think about it here, we just looked at its properties."

  Li Meng frowned and replied that they all ignored this point. According to the previous analysis, maybe the dimension of the inner world really coincides with Wu'an City in the Great Xia Kingdom.

  "So, the first stop for Mecha Godzilla is Wu'an City."

  Sun Ze walked to the console and said.

  "I want to see how strong the so-called king of monsters is!"



Chapter 209

  Daxia Country, Wu'an City

  The clear sky hangs with fluttering white clouds, and the sun shines warmly over the whole city, giving people a peaceful atmosphere.

  Suddenly, a behemoth appeared in the sky. It was huge and floated over the tall buildings, blocking the sunlight.

  Pedestrians only felt that a shadow was cast over their heads, so they stopped and looked up at the sky.

  Their perspective was limited, and they could only see a piece of silver-white metal slowly floating in the sky.

  "What it is!"

  Someone exclaimed.

  Some people hurriedly took out their mobile phones to take pictures of this abnormal situation and sent them to the circle of friends.

  In this era of information explosion, in a short while, the news of the appearance of unknown flying objects in Wu'an City has spread all over the country.

  "Could it be some alien aircraft?"

  "Aliens invaded Blue Star?"

  "Godzilla come and save us!"

  Online forums, post bars, as long as there are netizens talking about this matter, most of them are very scared to discuss the possibility of aliens attacking Blue Star, but a few people think that this is not a big problem, they still have Godzilla came to save them.

  They thought Godzilla would kill the aliens just like the monsters.

  This incident also disturbed He You, who had just woken up.

  "I'm going! Alien civilization invaded in advance?"

  He You couldn't help but be startled when he looked at his phone. At first, he thought he had slept for dozens of days!

  "This should not be the creation of some alien civilization."

  Soon, He You came to a conclusion when he opened the curtain and looked at the floating object.

  He has seen those alien spaceships from the pictures given by the system, which is completely different from this one, and this flying object has not attacked humans for so long, and it does not match the phenomenon of alien civilization invasion.

  "Well, since it's not a civilization in appearance, could it be that this giant metal floating object is something made by Daxia Kingdom itself?"

  He You looked at the metal floating object and thought.

  "After all, Daxia Country has not given any statement yet, nor has it dispatched mechas or fighter jets to intercept it." He You brushed the news, but did not see any official action from Daxia Country.

  "It seems that I guessed right, it was made by the Great Xia Kingdom. So what is this thing? Something to deal with monsters?"

  Thinking of this, He You suddenly froze.

  "Huh? Why did things that deal with monsters appear in Wu'an City? No monsters have appeared here! Or what did the people in Daxia Country discover?"

  His eyes narrowed slowly, and he recalled his previous actions again in his mind.

  "It seems that I was careless and let Godzilla fly around the Mecha Academy."

  "They should have discovered the clue based on this."

  He You stared at the metal floating object and thought that this huge metal block was floating in the direction of the outskirts of Wu'an City.

  The citizens of Wu'an City are also looking at the metal floating objects, most of them are just curious.

  Sun Ze in the operating room was very satisfied with the performance of the citizens. What he wanted was this effect, using this huge metal floating object to attract the attention of the citizens of Daxia.


  He pressed a few times on the console, turned on the microphone, and cleared his throat before speaking:

  "Where is Godzilla? Come out and fight me!"

  "I'll be waiting for you in the suburbs of Wu'an City!"

  "Hey, the metal object spoke."

  "It's looking for Godzilla!"

  The sound from the metal object resounded throughout Wu'an City, and all the citizens heard this sentence without exception.

  This is a provocation to the king of monsters!

  "This guy is too arrogant!"

  "Yeah, actually dare to challenge Godzilla! There's no scum left without fear of death!"

  "That's it!"

  "Godzilla fix it quickly!"

  On the Internet, netizens have denounced the arrogance of this metal object, believing that it is purely courting death.

  He You frowned when he saw this. He didn't want to pay attention to it at first, but now he doesn't want to expose too much.But this guy dared to blatantly provoke, and he also stirred up the emotions of the people.

  This is more serious. He You's purpose was originally to make the people accept the existence of monsters. If this time cowardly, the people's favorability towards Godzilla and other monsters will decrease, and it will be difficult to accept them.

  At that time, the officials of Daxia might have another wave of fan ignition, and they themselves will send fighter jets to repel the metal object, and take the opportunity to gain a wave of favorability and support among the people.Then I demeaned the monster, lowered its status in the hearts of the people, and brought this era back to the control of the mecha.

  Then He You's efforts will be in vain!

  This is what He You doesn't want to see.

  "Looks like I have to fight this time!"

  "But I'll have to check if you're worth fighting Godzilla first."

  He You stared at the metal object floating away by the window, he chuckled softly, he had already thought of a plan in his mind, this time he would also use this metal floating object for his own benefit.

  He sat back on the bed again, opened the system's mall panel, and carefully selected the monster.

  After a while, his fingers stopped in front of a monster.

  "Then it's you who chose this time, cosmic dinosaur."




Chapter 210

  Wu'an City, suburb.

  The outskirts of Wu'an City are located in remote areas. There are almost no people living here. It is backed by mountains and shaded by trees. It has a good view that is rarely seen in the city.


  A huge metal object suddenly fell from the sky and landed heavily on an open space, splashing a burst of sand and dust.


  In the operating room, Sun Ze ordered that several operators immediately acted on the operating table, and saw that the metal objects in the suburbs soon began to change, the metal body began to deform, and returned to it after a clack. The original appearance was a giant lizard-shaped monster, somewhat similar to Godzilla.

  Mechanical Godzilla!

  Its massive metal body reflected a dazzling silver-gloss in the sunlight.

  "Okay, let's wait for Godzilla."

  Sun Ze looked at the mechanical Godzilla on the screen and said with Erlang's legs crossed.

  "I'm going! It turns out that this metal object actually looks like this!"

  "Isn't that similar to what Godzilla looks like?"

  "Hmm, Godzilla made of mechanical metal? Mechanical Godzilla?"

  In the live broadcast room, netizens were all shocked after seeing the real appearance of mechanical metal. They never imagined that this guy actually looks similar to Godzilla.

  "Oh, I didn't expect it to be Mechanical Godzilla."

  He You thought to himself as he looked at the huge mechanical monster on the screen.

  "It seems likely that it was made from that Godzilla skeleton."

  He grabbed Jayden's virtual image and threw it towards the suburban location of Wu'an City on the map.

  "Don't worry, your opponent is here."


  "It seems that your speculation is wrong. Wu'an City is not a place where Godzilla lives."

  Li Meng looked at the time on his watch and said that it had been 15 minutes since they dropped Mechanical Godzilla in the suburbs, but nothing happened.

  "Wait a while, we have to be patient."

  Sun Ze's hands crossed the corners of his mouth, still with a faint smile, as if everything was under control.


  Suddenly, a figure appeared out of thin air in this open space in the suburbs, facing Mechanic Godzilla from afar.

  It has a black and white body, the head, abdomen and back are black in color, and white dots are distributed on the back of the beetle-like carapace.The head has silver-grey horns resembling that of a bull.

  In addition to the thumb, the other four fingers are connected together.There are pentagonal protrusions that are close to trapezoid on both sides of the face, a yellow light-emitting organ grows in the middle, and two oval-shaped light-emitting organs grow on the chest.

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