It was the first alien monster to kill Ultraman - the cosmic dinosaur Jayton!

  "Huh? That's not Godzilla! What kind of monster is this?"

  General Li Meng was stunned when he saw the monster that suddenly appeared on the screen.

  Even Sun Ze was surprised. The provocation was clearly Godzilla, but why did such a thing come out?

  "What kind of monster is this?"

  "It looks so weird!"

  "Like an insect."

  Not only the two of them, but even the water friends in the live broadcast room have fried the pot. Why does such a monster appear, isn't it looking for Godzilla?

  "Of course, Jayden has to come on stage. If Jayden can defeat this mechanical Godzilla, I can send Godzilla to defeat Jayden again to improve its status. If Jayden loses, I am calling. Godzilla coming out to defeat Mechanic Godzilla can also improve his status in the hearts of the people."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????????

  He You calculated in his heart that no matter what, he would never lose.

  "Then look at Jaden's performance, don't let me down!"

  "Looks like we have to defeat this sudden monster first!"

  Sun Ze looked at Jedon's figure on the screen and said.

  "Godzilla, he really deserves to be the king of monsters, if we don't have some strength, I'm afraid we really can't force it!"

  He turned to the operators behind him.

  "Prepare to attack Mecha Godzilla!"

  The operators got busy right away, their skilful hands fluttering across the console, the result of long training.


  Mechanical Godzilla slowly opened his huge metal arm and let out a long roar.


  It seems to stretch the body.

  It walked forward quickly, without any extra movement, and went straight to Jaden.

  A yellow light flashed from the light-emitting organ in the middle of Jatton's body.



  It was Jayton's cry.

  It also strode away towards Mecha Godzilla.

  The two monsters officially met, and Jaden made a preemptive strike. It put the fingers of its right hand together, raised its right arm high, and used a beautiful and ruthless hand knife to cut down on Mecha Godzilla.

  Jaden's melee ability is quite powerful, proficient in a variety of combat techniques, and its own incomparable strength is enough to make it perfect and flexible to display these fighting skills.

  Mechanical Godzilla did not choose to dodge, it swung its huge fist straight towards Jaden.

  The iron fist was wrapped in a strong gust of wind and went straight to Jayden's chest. Mechanical Godzilla did not choose to block Jayden's hand knife.

  It has to exchange injury for injury!


Chapter 211

  "Huh? Instead of blocking Jayden's hand knife, it attacks the chest. How can it be confident enough to withstand this blow from Jayden?"

  He You frowned as he looked at the direction of Mechanical Godzilla's attack.

  The weapons developed by the Great Xia Kingdom should not be able to adopt such a reckless attack method, choosing to exchange injuries for injuries, especially when facing opponents that they do not understand, doing so will only lead to defeat.

  The reason why the opponent dared to be so big is intriguing, unless it really has considerable confidence to block Jayden's attack.

  Sure enough, the next second, Jaden's hand knife hit Mecha Godzilla's shoulder without any accident.

  Jayton's own bone hardness is 100 times that of steel, plus its strong wrist strength, the strength of this palm is naturally unstoppable.


  A muffled sound came from Mecha Godzilla's shoulder, which was where Jaden's hand knife struck.

  But nothing happened!

  Jaden's hand knife hit it like that, Mechanic Godzilla's shoulder was still intact, no mechanical fragments were cut, nor was Mechanic Godzilla repelled, it was still standing in place.

  What a terrible defense this is!

  In the next second, Mecha Godzilla's iron fist had hit Jayden's abdomen.

  There was another violent sound, and Jaden also took the punch abruptly.

  It couldn't stop backing up again and again, and its body bent down involuntarily, as if it had suffered huge damage!

  "This mechanical Godzilla has some strength!"

  He You looked at the mechanical Godzilla on the screen and thought.

  Not only did he defend against Jayden's hand knife, but also knocked it back with one punch. This is not something that any monster can do. After all, Jayden has the strength to lift Ultraman.

  Mechanical Godzilla continued to pursue the victory, and it took a step and threw a punch, hitting Jaydon's chest heavily.

  Jaden was in pain, the glowing organs flashed yellow frantically, and even his screams became hoarse.

  The brute force of Mecha Godzilla is really about to catch up with Godzilla!

  But it's not over yet!Mechanical Godzilla's combo continues!

  Seeing that Mechanic Godzilla stepped forward to attack again in vain, Jaden hurriedly stepped back, and it stretched out its palm to aim at the advancing Godzilla.

  "Whoosh whoosh!"

  Several cannonballs were fired from Jayden's fingers, hitting Mecha Godzilla with a few wisps of gunpowder smoke.


  Mechanic Godzilla roared and stopped temporarily, seeing that Mechanic Godzilla's offensive was blocked, Jaden quickly retreated and ran to a safe distance.

  In the first round of confrontation, it was quite clear who had the upper hand. Jaden was almost taken away by Mecha Godzilla's strange power just now.

  "You see that black and yellow monster was almost killed by Mecha Godzilla!"

  "Fuck! This mechanical Godzilla's strength is too much!"

  "I wonder if Godzilla can do this?"

  Netizens were shocked by the powerful strength of Mecha Godzilla, and they discussed whether the body Godzilla could have such strength.

  This time, Jaden was not in a hurry to step forward. The opponent's neat attack just now almost killed him.


  Jaden let out a strange scream of unknown meaning, then stretched out his arms and launched a fireball from the yellow organ in the center of his face, flying towards Mecha Godzilla.

  A trillion degree fireball!

  Jayton's own powerful skills, although the one trillion fireball here can't really ignite the fiery temperature that runs through the earth, the power of the fireball it sprays is also quite good...  ...

  The fireball shot straight at Mecha Godzilla, who was walking towards Jaden.

  But this mechanical Godzilla still ignored it, as if the fireball didn't exist at all.


  This huge fireball hit Mechagodzilla head-on, hitting the metal that made up its body.

  "Even if the fireball jetted by Jaden is not as intense as a trillion degrees, the impact and heat are not paper-like. Couldn't it cause damage earlier?"

  He You quietly looked at the mechanical Godzilla on the screen. From the very beginning, this guy's attack was extremely strong and... arrogant!

  It was an air of arrogance!

  Has an unstoppable momentum!

  "The operator's character looks very similar to Godzilla!"

  He You held his head with his right hand and continued to watch the showdown between the two monsters on the screen.

  Mechanical Godzilla directly slammed into the one trillion fireball without any defense. The intense high temperature burned its metal armor, and the violent impact made it a little distorted.

   But none of this can stop it!

  Mechanical Godzilla is still moving forward, and the trillion-degree fireball still can't cause it to take a little damage.

  "Tsk tsk tsk, it's really powerful defense, no wonder it dares to be so arrogant!"

  He You couldn't help sighing when he saw the mechanical Godzilla rampaging on the screen.

  Such defenses are indeed rare.

  It may really have the strength to fight Godzilla!



Chapter 212

  "It seems that the defense of this mechanical Godzilla is really as strong as what you wrote in your report."

  Li Meng sighed as he looked at Sun Ze, who was busy working in front of the console.

  At first he thought Mechagodzilla was going to be repelled by that fireball.

  If the mecha team encounters such a powerful monster, it may be over.

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