"That's natural. In order to defeat the powerful Godzilla, I specially designed a powerful armor for this mechanical Godzilla."

  Sun Ze replied without looking back.

  In order to create a powerful weapon that can deal with Godzilla, Sun Ze specially reinforced the defensive armor of Mechanic Godzilla. The armor on its chest is made of the strongest metal on Blue Star. There is also a miniature barrier formed by energy flow. 29 Even without using any defensive skills, Mechanic Godzilla's defense is still very impressive, and its defense is fully enough to block the one trillion fireballs ejected by Jaden. .

  Even Godzilla might not be able to match this kind of superb defense!

  Mechanical Godzilla came to the front of Jayden unharmed. It didn't give Jayden the slightest reaction time, and threw a punch directly and quickly.

  Fortunately, Jaden was ready before Godzilla rushed over, and he wasn't sure that the trillion-degree fireball would be enough to crush his opponent.

  I saw Jayton put his hands in an L-shaped posture, and immediately there was energy around the body to form a cylindrical translucent barrier.

  Jaden Barrier, this is its defensive skill.

  Jayden is confident that he can use this skill to resist the heavy punch of Mechanical Godzilla, and after blocking it, it immediately starts to fight back.

  Mechanical Godzilla's incomparably overbearing punch slammed into Jaden's barrier in the blink of an eye, and the translucent shield immediately swayed with water-like ripples, and even cobweb-like cracks appeared.

  But fortunately, the barrier was not broken, and it was still standing around Jayden's body.


  Jaden murmured, and after blocking this punch, Mecha Godzilla's movements will definitely be empty.

  Next is it Jaden's counterattack!

  Before Jaeton could make a move, he saw a new change in Mechanical Godzilla's fist.

  The punch that Mecha Godzilla hit on the Jedon barrier suddenly erupted with a large amount of gas spray.

  Suddenly, the metal iron fist regained its momentum, and with a powerful force, it slammed into Jaden's indestructible translucent barrier.

  Mechanical Godzilla has a back-up move!

  This is when Sun Ze designed Mechanic Godzilla with a gas ejector device on its fist. The gas ejection device can provide it with a second powerful propulsion, making Mechanic Godzilla's fist more powerful. Increased power.


  Under the blessing of gas propulsion, Mechanic Godzilla's iron fist smashed straight down, smashing Jayden's barrier into pieces, and then fiercely hit Jayden's chest.

  Jaden was preparing to attack, and naturally he couldn't dodge, so he was hit by an iron fist.

  Without waiting for it to retreat, Mechagodzilla stepped forward directly and punched Jayden with his fists.

  "Bang bang bang!"

  The speed of Mecha Godzilla's punches directly brought up the afterimage, and it slammed towards Jayden's chest like raindrops. Jayden was directly beaten by it without any strength to fight back, and his body was damaged. , a light-emitting organ on the chest was damaged by the beating and lost its color.

  "I'll go, this mechanical Godzilla is so strong!"

  "The speed of this attack is not even comparable to Godzilla himself!"

  "Its strength has approached Godzilla?"

  In the live broadcast room, netizens began to talk about it. The performance of this mechanical Godzilla gave people a feeling of incomparable strength, and this momentum was not much better than Godzilla.

  Suddenly, just when Jaden was suppressed by Mechanic Godzilla's fist, its figure suddenly disappeared from the spot, without any sign, as if it disappeared out of thin air.

  "What happened? Did it escape?"

  "This monster is too unbeatable!"

  "This is the first time I've seen such a cowardly monster!"

  Seeing that Jaden disappeared in place, netizens immediately began to discuss, this monster really has no guts.

  "It escaped?"

  Li Meng looked at the screen and said excitedly.

  This is also the first time humans have successfully driven out monsters, although not with mechas.

  "It's hard to say!"

  Sun Ze frowned, stared at the screen and said, he manipulated Godzilla to stop the attack, it is certain that Jaden is not invisible, and now continuing to let the mechanical Godzilla attack is just a meaningless blow to the air.

  "Don't let your guard down, I feel like it may still be around, waiting to attack us at any time."

  Sun Ze shouted at the operators that the situation may still be unclear, and the opponent is probably not retreating and is still in the suburbs.

  Mechanical Godzilla's perspective kept turning, searching for Jayden's location.

  Just when it was on alert, a yellow-black figure silently appeared behind it.



Chapter 213

  A yellow-black streak suddenly appeared behind Mechanical Godzilla without causing any movement.

  It is the cosmic dinosaur Jayton!

  It used teleportation skills to come directly behind Mecha Godzilla!

  Under the steady control of Mecha Godzilla's double fists, Jaden could not find any opportunity to fight back, and his opponent's proficiency in close-quarters combat was not at all inferior to it.

  In desperation, it had to use this teleportation skill to get out of the predicament.

  And moved to the back of Mechanical Godzilla to prepare for an ambush.

  Seeing that Mecha Godzilla was still turning his head to search for the enemy, Jaedon would not give up this good opportunity, so he hurriedly straightened his arms, the muzzle of his fingers stretched out, and the shells were being filled.


  Jaden's Cannonball Tire skill.

  Several rounds of gasoline cannonballs were ejected directly, and the tail with thick smoke shot straight at the back of Mechanic Godzilla!

  Who would have guessed!

  Mechanical Godzilla's body suddenly turned, and the missiles flew past its back. Then, Mechanical Godzilla's tail moved, and it swung its huge mechanical tail and pulled a puff of dust towards Jay. pause.

  It turned out that Jaden had wrongly judged Mechanic Godzilla's movements. He thought Mechanic Godzilla's perspective was only the eyes of his head, and if he was hiding behind his back, the opponent would not be able to detect it.

  It doesn't know that there are devices such as detectors installed on the back of this Mechanical Godzilla. It can be said that the perspective of Mechanical Godzilla includes a certain range of the front and the back. This is for Sun Ze to be more comprehensive. Designed to control the tide of battle.

  If Jayton looked closely, Godzilla's head was always turned in the front plane, never more than [-] degrees.

  This has already shown that the opponent has the means to detect the enemy's situation in the rear, but unfortunately it is too eager to counterattack and ignores this.


  A heavy blow sounded, Jayden's body was knocked out by Mecha Godzilla's tail, and he broke the mountain directly by the middle.

  "It's so powerful!"

  Li Meng looked at Jaeton who was leaning in the middle of the hill and said in shock.

  This power is comparable to Godzilla, the king of monsters, not even more than Godzilla!

  "Of course, in order to deal with Godzilla, I tried my best to design this mechanical Godzilla."

  Sun Ze sighed and said.

  "This power system is much more powerful than the mecha developed by your Daxia National Research Institute."

  His arrogant remarks attracted the attention of several researchers nearby, but no one tried to refute him. After all, the performance of the device they developed was indeed far inferior to the power furnace in this mechanical Godzilla.

  The built-in power system of Mechanical Godzilla is specially developed by Sun Ze for its huge body, which can make the energy flow easily in all corners of its body, ensuring that the strength of Mechanical Godzilla will not be weakened by long-term battles. attenuation.

  Moreover, this device can also greatly enhance the efficiency of energy utilization. It is still only a prototype and needs to be further strengthened.

  "Mechanical Godzilla's potential is endless, and even Godzilla will not be its opponent at that time."

  Sun Ze thought silently.

  "Okay, give this monster a fatal blow!"

  Jaden staggered up from the gravel pile, and Mecha Godzilla's blow almost hit him hard, and he couldn't get up again.

  It just stood up and saw that the armor on the chest of Mechanic Godzilla had been opened at some point, and a gun barrel inside was slowly advancing forward.

  At the same time, the space in the mechanical Godzilla breastplate began to distort slightly, and there was a faint gathering of colorful energy inside.

  No, the other party is going to make a move!

  An alarm sounded in Jayden's heart immediately.

  Mechanical Godzilla must be trying to kill himself completely with this move!

  At this time, the gun barrel on Mecha Godzilla's chest stretched forward again, and the direction of the gun muzzle was facing Jadon.

  "¨"Red Dragon cannon firing!"

  Sun Ze ordered.

  The Red Dragon Cannon, a weapon mounted on the chest of Mecha Godzilla, is a powerful attack that sprays out from the barrel after concentrating energy.

  The Red Dragon Cannon has the same temperature as Godzilla's atomic ray in terms of temperature, but the impact and destructive power of its energy is better than that of the atomic ray.

  The multicolored light beams condensed into a beam of energy and shot towards Jaden.

  "Okay! Kill it in one go!"

  Sun Ze looked at (Manuo Zhao) Jaeton, who was a little weak on the screen, and said loudly.

  The multicolored energy column slammed straight to Jaedon's chest, and the fiery temperature began to burn its body.

  Since Jaden was hit by Mechanic Godzilla's tail before, its body is now seriously damaged, let alone using teleportation to avoid the energy column, it can't even hold up the protective cover.

  This energy attack Jaden can no longer be avoided!

  "Okay, eat this attack, and this monster will definitely be finished!"

  Li Meng squinted at Jaeton who was hit by the beam of light and said.


  The weak Jaden let out a neigh, and the mutation happened suddenly.


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