Sun Ze sneered as he looked at Jaeton who disappeared from the screen.

  Jaden can attack Mechanic Godzilla by means of non-stop teleportation, so the damage to it is actually not large, and when it performs teleportation, Sun Ze and other operators must respond extremely fast. Deal with it, otherwise Mechanic Godzilla will be injured by the light attack if he can't react in time, but if he keeps supporting the shield and can only defend, it will consume a lot of energy.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????????

  In fact, even if the performance of the shield is reduced a lot, it can block the light of Jaeton, but the shield of this prototype Mecha Godzilla cannot adjust the level and reduce the cost to activate.

  "It looks like this monster can't be taken down without paying a price." Sun Ze looked at the console, raised his hand and pressed a red button.

  "Everyone is ready, all bombs are fired!"

  Sun Ze said loudly.

  Mechanical Godzilla's body suddenly stopped, and its back and front were all armored, and the dark gun barrel inside shot straight out, standing in front of it.

  The icy gun barrel reflected a dazzling cold light in the sunlight.The barrels are all over Mecha Godzilla's body, and it looks more like a hedgehog now.


  Sun Ze calculated in his heart how long it took for Jaden to disappear every time he teleported and ordered.

  "Bang bang bang!"

  The barrel of the gun continued to make Weng Ming's sound, and the shells flew out, densely covering the battlefield in the suburbs of Wu'an City.

  In an instant, a layer of non-stop flickering sparks spread directly over this field, dazzling white light spurted out, and the powerful shells shook the ground around here, and the huge explosion sound was incessant, and the rising rich Black smoke obscured the pure blue sky.

  At this moment, Jaden's figure also appeared on the hillside not far from Mechanic Godzilla, and its figure was hit by shells as soon as it appeared.


Chapter 216

  A round of flying dragon missiles hit Jaeton directly, the explosion of fireworks kept flashing on its body, and the violent sound covered its miserable howl.

  In the face of Jaeton's teleportation, which is a fast-moving and invincible skill, Sun Ze also directly chose the simplest and rude way to fight it.

  Full blast!Cannon fire!

  All the barrels of Mecha Godzilla are opened, and the range is adjusted so that the trajectory of the shells can spread all over the area here. Such an attack is enough to make Jaden nowhere to hide!

  "This mechanical Godzilla seems to be a big move!"

  "So many cannonballs! The smoke covers the viewing angle of the live broadcast!"

   "Is that monster with a unique voice dead?"

  "Blind guess should have been blown up by this shell!"

  The audience in the live broadcast room began to talk about it. Whether Jaden is dead or not has become a topic of discussion for them. Most people tend to think that the opponent has already died. fierce!

  After a while, the gunpowder smoke on the field gradually dissipated, revealing the original appearance of the battlefield.

  The ground is full of potholes, and the green ground seems to have been tossed off. On this terrifying battlefield, a huge silver-white figure stands quietly, and a yellow-black monster is half-lying weakly. on a slope.

  It was Mecha Godzilla and the already half-dead cosmic dinosaur Jaden.

  "Hahaha! Did you see it? This is the strength of Mecha Godzilla! Even if it's just a prototype!"

  Sun Ze proudly folded his arms and laughed.

  Li Meng and a group of researchers on the side were still immersed in deep shock. He stared at the screen intently. The tragic scene inside made them a little bit speechless.

  The power of this mechanical Godzilla really surprised them!

  But the battle isn't over yet!

  The barrel of Mecha Godzilla turned again, and several missiles flew out, attacking Jaden.

  Jaden was so weak at this moment that he couldn't even drive the energy of the reaction. He could only watch the missiles bombard him and watch the fire engulf him.

  The next second, Jaden exploded directly on the spot, turning into countless smashed powders scattered in the air!

  Space Dinosaur Jayton!die!

  "Clap clap clap!"

  Li Meng applauded directly after seeing Jaden explode, followed by all the researchers who also gave their own applause.

  They were all impressed by the power of Mechanical Godzilla!

  Sun Ze looked at everyone's performance with satisfaction, but he didn't forget his business, and immediately picked up the microphone and said:

  "Godzilla! King of the Monsters! Am I qualified to fight you now?"

  The sound rolled like thunder and quickly spread throughout the suburbs.

  "Godzilla! I can't stand it! Come out and fight him!"

  "That's it! Come on!"

  "I don't know who can win between the two of them? But this world doesn't need two kings!"

  After seeing Mechanic Godzilla killing Jayden, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room suddenly became lively. Countless netizens shouted to let Godzilla come out to meet this Mechanic Godzilla, and the strength of this Mechanic Godzilla was also obtained. Netizens agree that they are all speculating that Godzilla and Mechanical Godzilla are familiar with each other.

  "This guy is right, one world really doesn't need two kings."

  He You looked at the netizens and laughed lightly. He opened the operation panel, grabbed the projection of Godzilla and threw it to the outskirts of Wu'an City...  

  "Look! The king of monsters can only be Godzilla!"

  Finally, amid the long-awaited anticipation of netizens, a black tunnel appeared in an open space in the suburbs, and a huge blue figure emerged from it.

  It is the king of monsters!Godzilla!

  "Oh oh oh!"

  "Godzilla is here!"

  "The confrontation between these two monsters made me tremble with excitement!"

  Netizens suddenly cheered, and their patron saint Godzilla finally appeared!

  At the same time, He You can clearly find that since Godzilla appeared, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room has skyrocketed. Battles are comparable.

  "It seems that this duel is very eye-catching!"

  He You yawned heavily and rubbed his face.

  "You have to fight hard, Godzilla, so many people are watching you!"


  Godzilla raised his head and let out a roar full of excitement and fighting intent. He felt the strength of his opponent, which made his fighting intent boil!

  "It really appeared! Monster Godzilla!"

  Li Meng looked at the huge and majestic figure on the screen and said in a voiceless voice.

  "Ang, it seems that my inference is correct this time."

  Sun Ze stared at Godzilla on the screen, and said excitedly with a sudden push of the joystick.

  There was a terrifying frenzy in his eyes.

  "Hey, I've been waiting for this day for a long time! It seems that I can have a good time this time!"

  "Come on! Godzilla, the king of monsters!"



Chapter 217

  Sun Ze controlled the mechanical Godzilla and strode towards Godzilla, he wanted to take the first attack.

  Godzilla was naturally not to be outdone, and it rushed towards the mechanical Godzilla with a huge tail.

  The two monsters quickly approached and slammed into each other.

  Immediately, a layer of invisible shock wave swayed away from the place, carrying a layer of sand and dust scattered everywhere.

  The two retreated at the same time, Godzilla only took a few steps back and then stopped, and Mechanic Godzilla was directly hit and retreated a lot.

  "It seems that the power of this mechanical Godzilla is a little worse than that of Godzilla."

  Sun Ze stared at the screen, touched his chin and thought, but he was not frustrated. After all, this is just a prototype, and there is still a lot of room for improvement.

  Just as Mechanical Godzilla stabilized his body, he saw Godzilla rushing over.

  "Good come!"

  Sun Ze controlled the mechanical Godzilla to raise 29 fists, and he also opened the jet device on the fist.


  Mecha Godzilla's iron fist brought a burst of white spray and attacked Godzilla straight.

  Godzilla had already put his fist on his shoulder for a long time, and when he saw Mechanic Godzilla's fist swinging over, he immediately punched to meet him.

  The two huge fists collided like this, and a deafening sound resounded through the battlefield in the suburbs, and the gust of wind suddenly roared.

  This time, the two monsters were repelled at the same time, and the distance of the retreat was almost the same, but the difference was not bad, but Godzilla was injured!

  When separated from Mecha Godzilla's fist, it can be clearly seen that there are several not shallow not deep wounds on Godzilla's fist, and purple hot blood flows out from it.

  Godzilla is actually injured!

  On the other hand, Mechanical Godzilla was intact, and its fist still shone with silvery white light.

  "The boxing power of the two is almost the same!"

  "No, look! Godzilla was injured by Mechagodzilla! Its fist is bleeding!"

  "So strong! Mechanical Godzilla was unscathed!"

  Netizens have been talking about each other, and this fight is enough to explain a lot of problems. The strength of this mechanical Godzilla and Godzilla seems to be almost the same.

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