While they were discussing, the two indomitable monsters had already fought each other more than a dozen times.

  Mechanical Godzilla blocked Godzilla's fist with his extremely strong armor, and added a few more wounds to Godzilla's body by the way. After a fight, the wounds on Godzilla's body gradually increased. increase, and Mecha Godzilla was only hit by the shock from Godzilla's fist a few times at most.

  Godzilla waved his huge tail and slammed towards Mechanic Godzilla, and Mechanic Godzilla quickly raised his hand to parry.


  The tail called out to Mechanic Godzilla's arm, causing it to back away uncontrollably, which was regarded as opening the distance between the two.


  Godzilla roared, and blue flames spurted out of its mouth, running towards the chest of Mechanical Godzilla.

  Atomic rays!

  Since the power of the flesh cannot defeat Mechanic Godzilla, it is best to attack it with the skills of light!

  Mechanical Godzilla was also a bachelor, and just stood there and let a few atomic rays hit its body.

  Sun Ze has strong confidence in Mecha Godzilla's armor, and he believes that just those few energy rays are not enough to destroy the armor.

  Things really did not exceed his expectations. Several fiery atomic rays accurately hit Mecha Godzilla, but this attack did not penetrate its armor, but left a layer of charred black.

  "Look, this is the invincible defense of Mechanical Godzilla!"

  Sun Ze looked at the screen and said aloud.

  But he also knew that although these atomic rays were indeed not enough to break defenses, Godzilla had more powerful means.

  "Take this opportunity to attack first."

  Sun Ze calculated in his heart.

  I saw Mechanic Godzilla's figure suddenly stagnate. With the rotation of the gear, several gun barrels were ejected from its chest and shoulders. They kept turning. From the direction, these are all Aim for Godzilla.


  Sun Ze immediately ordered after seeing the focal length adjustment.

  "Bang bang bang!"

  Several Hiryu missiles charged towards Godzilla with unparalleled formidable momentum.

  The angle of this attack was tricky, blocking all possible escape routes for Godzilla to dodge.

  In desperation, Godzilla had no choice but to raise his arms crossed in front of his chest and forcibly ate the shell attack.

  The flames exploded in front of Godzilla's huge body, and the scattered shrapnel also pierced into its skin, causing its body to splatter with blood.


  Godzilla let out a painful howl, the lethality of this attack is definitely not weak.

  "Look at Godzilla's wounds aren't healing yet!"

  "Really, it's still bleeding!"

  Several viewers in the live broadcast room instantly discovered something was wrong. Godzilla's wound is still bleeding after so long, which is really abnormal!

  Godzilla's self-healing ability actually failed!



Chapter 218

  "Could it be that there are some special effects hidden in this missile attack!"

  After a while, some active-minded netizens saw the clue. If there were some special weapons against Godzilla hidden in that wave of missile attacks, then it could explain why the resilience of its G cells was short-lived. of lost.

  This netizen really guessed right. When Sun Ze first developed the Feilong missile, he specially considered Godzilla's self-healing ability. This ability mainly relies on the activity of G cells to restore the body's wounds.

  So when Sun Ze made the Feilong missile, he added some other substances - a sedative specially designed for G cells.

  After the Dragon Missile hit Godzilla, the effect of the sedative hidden in it immediately came into play, causing the G cells in Godzilla's body to enter a low activity state, which not only greatly weakened its combat effectiveness for a period of time, but also made it The self-healing ability has almost disappeared.

  Mechanical Godzilla chased after the victory, and it stepped forward and waved its huge mechanical arm to slam Godzilla's head.

  Godzilla was weakened due to his own state and his ability to react was reduced, so he couldn't dodge the blow in time.

  The mechanical fist slammed into Godzilla's cheek, and it was beaten by the force of the punch.

  Without waiting for Mechanic Godzilla to deliver the second punch, Godzilla kicked his foot and kicked straight at Mechanic Godzilla's leg, trying to repel Mechanic Godzilla and interrupt his combo.

  Unexpectedly, Mechanical Godzilla did not dodge at all. It raised its hands and grabbed Godzilla's neck against the damage of this kick.


  A muffled sound came from Mecha Godzilla's leg, but Mechanic Godzilla was not repelled, and Godzilla's low state and armor played a role.

  At the same time, the strength of its hands did not stop. Godzilla's neck was like an iron hoop, and it was still shrinking.

  Mechagodzilla wants to strangle Godzilla!

  Godzilla's eyes bulged out, and even his roar became hoarse.

  Suddenly, a few faint blue rays of light spewed out of its mouth, hitting the mechanical Godzilla who was close at hand without any accident.

  Atomic rays!Godzilla didn't expect this to hurt Mecha Godzilla, but it felt that it should at least have some knockback effect.

  But it was still useless. Mechanical Godzilla's figure was indeed shaken by the powerful impact, but its hands were always on Godzilla's neck and refused to let go.

  "It seems that this guy should be determined to strangle Godzilla!"

  "Godzilla come on! Fight back!"

  "Get rid of its hands!"

  The netizens in the live broadcast room were a little anxious when they saw this. Godzilla's struggle has been getting lower and lower, and I am afraid that it is not really going to be killed like this.

  "Give me more effort!"

  In the operating room, Sun Ze saw that Godzilla was about to finish playing, so he greeted everyone not to slack off.

  A pile of white gas was ejected from Mecha Godzilla's fist, increasing the boost.As soon as Sun Ze saw that the booster had cooled down, he immediately opened it, trying to maximize the strength of Mecha Godzilla to ensure that he could kill the king of monsters steadily.

  Just when Sun Ze thought he could succeed, a touch of crimson appeared on the tip of Godzilla's tail, and then all the way up the spine, lighting up the back spines on its back.

  At the same time, a scorching temperature began to ignite in the air, just like opening the field of flames. The high temperature distorted the space, and a terrifying energy was constantly accumulating.

  Not only that, but the temperature of Godzilla's whole body also began to rise sharply. Mechanical Godzilla's hands could no longer grab Godzilla's neck. It was forced back by the heat.

  "¨"Godzilla should use Super Axial Light!"

  Sun Ze quickly analyzed Godzilla's changes after seeing the changes.

  "Open the shield!"

  Sun Ze stared at the screen and ordered loudly.

  Mechanical Godzilla first stepped back a few steps, and then its head began to spin rapidly, and a translucent barrier immediately appeared around it, protecting itself in it.

  The crimson energy was condensed in Godzilla's mouth, and a flame circled in its mouth.


  But after hearing a sharp shout, Godzilla opened his mouth, and the flame inside shot out immediately, heading straight for Mechanical Godzilla.

  Seeing the heat rushing towards his face, Sun Ze did not panic, but just watched, he also wanted to kiss (Li's) body to experience the power of this terrifying attack.

  The scarlet rays slammed into the shield of Mechanic Godzilla, the intense high temperature scorched it, and the powerful might impacted it.

  In a blink of an eye, some cracks began to diffuse around the protective cover, and the power of the super-axial light was indeed very powerful.

  "It seems that the energy of the shield will have to be strengthened in the next moment."

  Sun Ze stared at the cracks and thought.

  The crimson beam of light was still attacking, and Godzilla increased its power again. The red light became more and more dazzling. In contrast, the translucent shield was as thin as a piece of paper in front of it.

  ...to the end


Chapter 219

  The protective cover is constantly subjected to the impact of the super axial light, and netizens even feel that the protective cover is a little shaky under the attack of the red light.

  "I can't stop it!"

  "Godzilla's attack is more powerful, and the red beam of light seems to be better."

  "Mechanical Godzilla's strength is like that! It's a bit of a skill to be able to subdue Godzilla for so long!"

  In the live broadcast room, netizens began to comment on the mechanical Godzilla. Although its strength is strong, it is inevitable to lose in front of Godzilla.

  "Wait, you see, it doesn't seem right!"

  Suddenly, some netizens found something weird.

  I saw that the diameter of the super-axial light emitted by Godzilla was constantly shrinking, and the crimson light was also declining. However, the shield of Mechanical Godzilla was never broken by 500, at most it was on the top. Just added a few cracks.

  "It's not broken!"

  Li Meng, who was standing on the side, was also a little surprised. At first, he thought that this protective shield should definitely be broken by Godzilla's super axial light.

  "The protective shield at the beginning was indeed cracked a few times by the beam of light, and Godzilla continued to improve the power of the super-axial light. Based on these two factors, do you think that the protective shield will definitely Broken by it?"

  Sun Ze said without raising his head.

  "That's right."

  Li Meng replied.

  "Don't you think that our protective cover is constantly being repaired."

  Sun Ze explained.

  "The way this protective cover works is to first open the protective cover with a certain defensive power, and then if there is a crack in the protective cover under the extremely powerful attack of the opponent, it will mobilize energy from the body to repair it, so that it can continue to resist the opponent's attack. attack."

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