This shield was originally designed for Godzilla, a monster with high explosive attacks. It has a very strong battery life and can guarantee a certain level of defense. Perhaps the super axis light at the beginning is really very good. Powerful, but that is already its strongest power, and then with the continuous use and consumption of energy, the power of the Super Axial Light is getting weaker and weaker.

  Therefore, after the attack, the shield was still only a few relatively deep cracks by the super axial light, and Godzilla's light attack failed to penetrate the protection of Mechanical Godzilla.

  "Alright! Prepare the red dragon cannon!"

  Sun Ze saw that the super axis light was almost extinguished, so he greeted everyone.

  The operators began to operate continuously on the keyboard.

  Mechanical Godzilla's figure stagnates for a while, the armor on its chest opens with a click, and after a while of metal friction, a dark barrel extends from it.

  The direction of the gun barrel was aligned with Godzilla, who was gasping for breath.

  "Red Dragon Cannon, fire!"

  With Sun Ze's order, the multicolored energy began to continuously condense and shrink in the gun barrel. The scary thing was that the energy distorted the surrounding air just by gathering.

  In the next second, the condensed multicolored rays of light sprayed out from the chest of Mechanical Godzilla and rushed straight to Godzilla.

  Godzilla, who has just released the super-axial light, and was sedated by G-cell sedatives, is also unable to get up to block this attack.

  The colorful red dragon cannon bombarded its chest directly. Godzilla is not the kind of guy who can absorb light attacks, and energy attacks can still cause a lot of damage to it.The powerful shock and energy attack made Godzilla scream.

  "Strengthen the power!"

  Sun Ze pulled the operating lever to the maximum and pulled the power of the red dragon cannon to the peak.

  The power of the colorful light is even stronger now, and it shoots fiercely at Godzilla.

  "I rely on, I rely on, Godzilla don't hang up!"

  "Godzilla! Fight back!"

  "Stand up!"

  Netizens in the live broadcast room saw that Godzilla was completely suppressed and worried, whether Godzilla would just hang up when facing a light attack.

  "Looks like we can fix it this time!"

  Li Meng couldn't help excited when he watched Godzilla being passively beaten on the screen.

  This time, the red dragon cannon might really be able to kill Godzilla.

  "It's not that simple."

  Sun Ze looked at Godzilla who was still struggling on the screen and said expressionlessly.

  With what he knew about Godzilla, the monster couldn't have failed so quickly.

  Sure enough, under the powerful bombardment of the red dragon cannon, Godzilla's skin suddenly began to emit a strong red light, the temperature around the whole monster was soaring violently, and its body was also wrapped in red, imposing manner. I don't know how many times higher than before.

  I saw Godzilla slowly stand up against the red dragon cannon, and then aimed at the energy beam and slammed it with a palm, instantly offsetting its power a lot.


  Godzilla raised his head and let out a strong roar, and it was about to start fighting back.



Chapter 220

  "Oh oh oh! Godzilla is going to fight back! It's that red form!"

  "Great! Really stood up!"

  "Come on! Godzilla! Destroy it!"

  As Godzilla in the red lotus form straightened up under the impact of the red dragon cannon, all the netizens in the live broadcast room shouted, and their emotions seemed to be ignited, and they began to cheer for Godzilla~ .

  "That's right, that's what it looks like."

  Seeing the figure of Red Lotus Godzilla raising his head and shouting, Sun Ze couldn't help but nodded, which was in line with the appearance of the king of monsters.

  This is the match for Mecha Godzilla!

  "The real battle begins now!"

  Mechanical Godzilla also roared, and it strode towards Godzilla.

  In Godzilla's red lotus form, all the effects of toxins and sedatives were evaporated by the intense high temperature, the g cells began to exert their power again, and the wounds on Red Lotus Godzilla began to heal, its weak The state also slowly disappeared, and its combat power began to return to its peak.

  The two raised their fists at the same time, almost in sync, and then swung towards the opponent with all their strength.


  The violent sound resounded in this clearing again.

  The fists of the two monsters collided, and then quickly separated. This time, Mecha Godzilla also turned on the gas jet device to increase the impact of the fist, but he was beaten back many steps to completely resolve the red lotus brother. Sla's punch.

  Godzilla, on the other hand, took a step or two back and stopped.

  "This time, Mecha Godzilla was beaten back!"

  "Godzilla in this form is so powerful!"

  "Godzilla is indeed the king of monsters!"

  Netizens in the live broadcast room saw Godzilla beat the mechanical Godzilla, so they jumped out and swiped it.

  "Look! Mechanical Godzilla is injured!"

  Sharp-eyed netizens instantly discovered something special.

  The angle of view was pulled to the fist of Mechanical Godzilla, and I saw that its huge mechanical fist was damaged, the metal skin was melted by the flames on Godzilla's fist, and even the parts inside were scattered, and even the There is an electric spark.

  This time, Red Lotus Godzilla had the upper hand, and its flaming fist wounded Mecha Godzilla.

  "Not bad! It seems that Godzilla in this form will have high-temperature flames all over his body, and even the metal armor of Mechanic Godzilla can't stop it."

  Sun Ze brought up a picture of the damage of Mechanical Godzilla, where the metal was melted by an extremely intense high temperature.

  "Fortunately, the armor is not too brittle, and Mecha Godzilla still has combat power."

  "It doesn't seem that close combat is going to work next, use long-range attacks!"

  Mechanical Godzilla took a few steps back, pulling away from Godzilla to avoid being attacked by the flames burning all over his body.

  "Crack clap!"

  A sound of gear turning sounded in the body of Mechanical Godzilla, and several black gun barrels extended from its body and aimed at Godzilla.

  "Whoosh whoosh!"

  More than a dozen powerful missiles flew out of their chambers, cutting through the air one after another and flying towards Godzilla.

  Countless sparks exploded in Godzilla's chest in an instant, and the bright light seemed to cover his body with daylight.

  However!Even in the face of such a powerful attack by Mecha Godzilla, the body of Red Lotus Godzilla remained still, and the impact of those missiles seemed to be non-existent on him.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????????

  "What a strong defense!"

  "How can you keep standing there quietly when you are bombarded by so many missiles!"

  "Godzilla is awesome!"

  Netizens praised the thick skin and thick flesh of Red Lotus Godzilla, and that kind of defense can actually be hard to keep bombing with missiles.

  More than a dozen missiles were fleeting, but Godzilla still did not receive any damage. Instead, the missiles in Mecha Godzilla's body were used up first.

  Seeing that the opponent's offensive was a little weak, Red Lotus Godzilla directly resisted the bombing of the remaining missiles and moved forward, and came to Mecha Godzilla in a few moments.

..... 0 0


  Sun Ze's pupils shrank slightly, he really didn't expect Godzilla in the form of red lotus to be so fierce!

  Mechanical Godzilla hurriedly acted. It didn't even have time to retract the barrel, and immediately swung its huge tail towards Godzilla, hoping to drive it back.

  Seeing this, Guren Godzilla stretched out his strong arms and hugged Mecha Godzilla tightly when its tail was thrown.

  This is not over yet, next, Godzilla's hands began to exert force, it dragged the mechanical Godzilla's tail and began to spin in place.

  "Is this about throwing Mecha Godzilla out?"

  Li Meng said in astonishment.

  "It's very possible, after all, Godzilla does have extraordinary power in this state."

  Sun Ze looked at the screen and said.

  Mechanical Godzilla couldn't just throw Godzilla out like this. It began to struggle violently. The huge mechanical claws began to grip the ground hard, and his legs slammed on Godzilla's body wildly.


Chapter 221


  Red Lotus Godzilla let out a neigh!

  Its feet sank, and regardless of Mechanic Godzilla's struggle, it pulled it up from the ground with force. Turn in circles.

  Its struggle failed!

  After a few laps, Guren Godzilla let go of his hands and stopped holding Mechanic Godzilla's tail, and Mechanic Godzilla flew out directly by the inertia of the rotation.


  Mechanical Godzilla fell directly to the ground, making a deafening sound, the ground trembled constantly, and its own limbs were shaking feebly.

  "Hurry up and control it!"

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