Sun Ze shouted loudly to the operators.

  Finally, under the control of the operators, Mecha Godzilla stood up with his hands on the ground.


  Mechanical Godzilla roared, the armor on its chest suddenly opened, and the black gun barrel stretched straight out, and you could see the faint multicolored energy condensing and forming inside.

  "Red Dragon Cannon! Fire!"

  Sun Ze ordered.

  The colorful beams of light shot out instantly, heading straight for the Red Lotus Godzilla.


  The multicolored beam of light impacted Godzilla's chest. Godzilla's body was not repelled by the impact of the beam of light, but continued to advance against the beam of light until it slowly approached the mechanical Godzilla's body. in front of you.

  "The red dragon cannon can't repel it! And Godzilla is still advancing with this beam of light!"

  General Li Meng looked at the screen and said incredulously.

  This guy's defense is surprisingly powerful!

  Before Sun Ze and the others in the operating room could react, the Red Lotus Godzilla had already smashed his huge fist towards Mecha Godzilla's chest.

  With a loud bang, the gun barrel on the chest of Mechanic Godzilla was directly smashed by Godzilla, and the Chilong cannon disappeared, and Mechanic Godzilla was also beaten by Godzilla.

  "Now just take advantage of the situation and pursue it!"

  He You looked at the mechanical Godzilla who was beaten up and down on the screen and said.

  "The opponent should have no cards."

  Godzilla took a step forward, followed by a personal bunt, and it threw a heavy punch and went straight to the head of Mechanical Godzilla.

  "Can't let it happen!"

  Sun Ze looked at the line of Godzilla's fist on the screen and said.

  The head is an important part of the mechanical Godzilla's body through which the energy flows. If it is damaged, it may lose its combat effectiveness immediately.

  Mecha Godzilla hurriedly raised its arms to block in front of his head, and at the same time kept moving backwards trying to avoid and dissolve the impact.

  The crimson fist gradually enlarged in Mecha Godzilla's eyes, filling the screen of the entire operating room.

  With a loud bang, Mechanic Godzilla's arms were hit by Godzilla's red fist. The hot high temperature flames melted Mechanic Godzilla's arms almost instantly, and they turned into molten iron and kept dripping.

  However, it was blocked, blocking Godzilla's flaming fist and protecting his head.

  In addition, because its body retreated in advance, it just happened to follow Godzilla's punch and pulled away from its attack range.

  Red Lotus Godzilla stopped directly, and the air around it was directly transpiring with a rolling heat wave, the crimson flames kept condensing, and the red lightning was also crackling.

  It can be seen that a large group of flames has begun to gather in its mouth, and the red of Godzilla's whole body has become more dazzling, as if it is covered with a thick layer of lava...  


  Red Lotus Godzilla let out a scream, it opened its bloody mouth, and the red flames inside shot out immediately, and it also brought red lightning.

  Unlimited Hotline!

  The target of the attack is Mecha Godzilla!

  "Use the light in this form! Hahaha! Finally, I have to personally understand it!"

  Sun Ze laughed frantically and nervously.

  "I don't want Mechanic Godzilla to be charred by this light, hurry up and hold up the protective cover!"

  This laughter caused General Li Meng to look at him sideways, and he thought this guy was really crazy.

  "What a lunatic!"

  General Li Meng commented silently in his heart.

  He couldn't help recalling that when he first met Sun Ze, ever since Sun Ze came to the command room of the mecha squad, the government had organized people to investigate his background.

  As a result, the investigators found nothing!

  That is to say, there is no such person in the database!

  This person seems to appear in this world out of thin air!

  "Mysterious guy."

  Thinking of this, General Li Meng shook his head slightly, who cares who he is!As long as Sun Ze can help the government of Daxia to deal with Godzilla and other monsters, it will be fine. After all, the scientific research institute is about to run out of skills, so he can only use his technology.

  As long as he can defeat the monster, Daxia is willing to maintain incomplete trust in him.

  The battle in the suburbs continued, and in the face of Godzilla's infinite hotline, Mecha Godzilla's head began to spin rapidly.



Chapter 222

  With the rapid rotation of Mecha Godzilla's head, a layer of translucent protective shield began to appear from around it, and it finally took shape before Godzilla's wireless thermal light hit.


  The crimson and powerful wireless heat light slammed into the protective cover of Mechanic Godzilla, and the scorching high temperature kept burning its light wall, the energy shield kept vibrating, and then there were slight cracks.

  If you look carefully, you will find that although the cracks on the light walls are constantly growing, there is always translucent energy repairing them.

  "Can Mecha Godzilla hold back?"

  "I think it should be able to block it. After all, this shield blocked the light wave attack of the previous insect-like monster!"

  29 "That's right, such a strong light wave attack has been blocked. Facing Godzilla's attack in this form, he can at least block it for a while!"

  After seeing Godzilla attacking with light, netizens expressed their opinions one after another. Some people think that the shield of Mechanical Godzilla can block the powerful attack of Jayden's ultimate light, so it can naturally block Godzilla in the form of red lotus. Pull the infinite hotline.

  At least it can last for a while!

  Even Li Meng thought so.

  But they all underestimated the power of the Red Lotus Godzilla wireless hotline!

  That kind of power cannot be matched by Mecha Godzilla's shield!

  It can be clearly found that the speed of translucent energy repairing the light wall is far less than that of the wireless hotline destroying it!


  In the blink of an eye, a humming sound resounded in this world, and the energy shield could no longer withstand the attack of wireless thermal light, its power was too strong!It is so strong that even if it can repair the light wall, it cannot stop it!

  The energy shield suddenly turned into fragments and scattered around Mecha Godzilla's body.

  The energy shield was finally pierced by Godzilla's thermal light!

  The fiery rays of light hit the face, and the powerful impact went straight through Mecha Godzilla's body, even though its armor was indestructible.


  It was the unique sound of steel being melted. Mechanical Godzilla's body couldn't last for too long under the high temperature, and the temperature of the wireless thermal energy exceeded the upper limit it could withstand!

  In just a few seconds, Mecha Godzilla's chest was completely melted, leaving only a huge void.

  The infinite hotline slowly shrank, leaving only the King of Monsters standing in place.


  Godzilla raised his head and roared, a huge roar resounding through the sky.

  "Nice blow!"

  "What a powerful light, it really deserves to be Godzilla, the king of monsters!"

  "Mechanical Godzilla didn't last long!"

  The netizens in the live broadcast room started to get restless, and it was another day to celebrate the victory for the king of monsters.

  "It still failed to block its light."

  Li Meng stared blankly at the huge body of Mechanical Godzilla slowly falling down on the screen, as well as the majestic figure of Godzilla's king.

  "Unexpectedly, even Fenrir couldn't bear the last ray of light, let alone our prototype mechanical Godzilla."

  Sun Ze stood up from the chair and began to move his body.

  "What you said is fine."

  Li Meng nodded slightly in agreement.

  After all, it is the light in the form of Godzilla, and it can kill Fenrir even if it devours the gods.

  "Okay, let's recover the mechanical Godzilla first, and then analyze the power of light."

  Sun Ze walked out of the operating room flickering, but now he can't be in a hurry. It will take a long time to deal with Godzilla.

  Wu'an City.

  He You watched the figure of Mechanical Godzilla lying on the ground on the screen and slowly fell into contemplation.

  "Mechanical Godzilla's strength is comparable to that of Godzilla in normal form. Such technology and technology should not be mastered in Daxia."

  This is not difficult to guess. If Daxia had already possessed this technology, then this mechanical Godzilla would have come out long ago, and there is no need to waste money to build some Wei 500 dragon mecha to fight monsters.

  "And I guess there's a good chance that some guy gave them the technology."

  He You continued to speculate along the line of thinking just now, if the guy with this technology can keep improving this mechanical Godzilla, it will definitely become an obstacle for him one day.

  Fortunately, his reputation has not declined this time, but if he can really create a weapon that surpasses Godzilla's strength, it is very likely that the era of monsters that was about to come will be set back. To be wasted.

  This is not good news for him.

  "Huh, I have to start moving quickly, and of course I have to strengthen Godzilla."

  He You sighed and thought.

  "It's not a bad thing to have a strong enemy in a sense, at least it can help Godzilla continue to grow."

  He You waved his finger to open the system panel, and carefully selected new monsters inside.

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