

Chapter 223

  Western Sky Alliance, Grand Isle.

  Grand Island is the largest island in Blue Star.

  It has the title of "green land", but its landform is not as the title says.

  The average temperature in Grand Island is below 0°C throughout the year, and the coldest central inland area can reach as low as -70°C.Standing on the Grand Island and reciting "A thousand miles of ice, a thousand miles of snow drifts" can find a full feeling.

  From the air, it looks like a vast, empty wilderness, where jagged black peaks occasionally pierce the blinding white ice that stretches indefinitely, and where countless precious resources are buried beneath thick glaciers.

  The people who live here live off the resources of the sea and the island.

  The Orville family is no exception.

  "Cough cough!"

  Orville, who was about to go fishing, covered his mouth and coughed twice. At the same time, he felt that his nose was blocked by something.

  "What's the matter? I'm sick?"

  Orville couldn't help thinking in his mind.

  The physiques of the people living here are quite good. After all, it is the first requirement to survive in the severe cold environment.

  Orville thought his physical fitness was not bad, but when he woke up, he suddenly caught a cold.

  "Huh, that's really bad."

  He took out a tissue and wiped his nose, considering whether to buy some medicine to eat.

  As soon as he closed the door, he suddenly heard a slight cough coming from the house.

  That was the sound of his wife and children, who were also sick.

  "Well, it seems that I and them were infected with each other' "."

  Orville frowned and thought, but it was just a small cold, and he didn't take it to heart. His wise and caring wife would definitely take the children to the hospital.

  Orville tightened his thick clothes and continued to walk forward, a little illness was not enough to break him.

  Just after walking for a while, Orville felt dizzy for no reason, his throat began to vibrate, and a violent cough sounded in his mouth involuntarily.

  "Cough, what's the matter, cough! Cough! Cough!"

  He covered his mouth and bowed his body, even his eyes were slightly raised.

  A few strands of blood flowed out from between his palms.

  "Coughing up blood? It's not a cold! What's wrong with me?"

  Orville's eyes widened and looked at the palm of his hand in disbelief. The bright red blood in it stimulated his nerves, telling him that it was not an illusion.

  "No, this may be a new type of disease, I have to go back, my family seems to be suffering from this disease too!"

  While coughing, he suddenly recalled that his wife and children had also coughed. Did they have the same disease as himself?

  "I want to go back and see! I have to go back and see!"

  He turned around and walked towards the door of the house, but his normally strong legs were as heavy as lead, making it difficult to swing them.


  The scene in front of Orville's eyes began to shake and become swirling, and his brain became so drowsy that he could no longer think about problems.

  In the end, his consciousness became dull, and the whole person fell to the ground weakly. When his consciousness was still vague, the only thing he could hear was a violent cough. It was the surrounding residents, and they also suffered from it. Same sickness as him!

  A terrifying plague is sweeping the island!

  Western Sky Alliance, mecha command room.

  General Paul once again snuffed out the cigarette butts in the ashtray, where there were too many cigarette butts to put down.

  He rubbed the center of his eyebrows painfully, and sighed while looking at the documents on the desk.

  The above content is precisely that an unknown plague has appeared on Grand Island, and it is constantly infecting the islanders.

  Originally, this matter was not under the control of the mecha team, but some witnesses said that they saw the phantom of a giant beast on Gran Island, like a circling snake!

  This time, this matter has been handed over to the mecha team to solve it. The staff of the VIA department will assist them in their investigation. The leaders above all suspect that this plague is inseparable from the monsters!

  When the gray-haired General Paul heard the news, an inexplicable anxiety hit his heart.

  The previous elite combat power had all been killed in the battle with Fenrir, the world-destroying demon wolf. The mecha development level of the Western Sky Alliance was not high, and the newly developed mecha had not yet been formed.Now only the mass-produced mechs can be sent to defend against the enemy (Lee's).

  These mass-produced mechas will definitely not be able to match the strength of elite mechas from the name, but they are better at manufacturing, and a large number of them can be produced in a short period of time to make up for the vacancy of the mecha troops of the Western Sky Alliance, preventing Foreign forces are taking advantage of it.

  However, the pilots of this mass-produced mecha were also selected by the short generals, and their quality was far inferior to those of the elite pilots.

  To be honest, General Paul is not optimistic about the combat power formed in this way. He thinks that if he sends them to fight the monsters, it might be a total annihilation!

  But now there is no good way, only let them go out!



Chapter 224

  "Oh, I hope they can come back alive!"

  All General Paul could do now was pray in his heart.


  Grand Island

  "According to eyewitnesses, he saw the phantom of the giant snake on the iceberg in the east of Grand Isle!"

  The captain of the mecha team, Captain Marvin said in the communicator.

  "We landed on the island first and walked there on foot."

  Captain Marvin kept in mind General Paul's reminder and did not dare to be too reckless. After all, the performance of the mechas they were driving was not strong, and their own posture quality was not very strong.


  With the help of orange flames, the mecha team of more than [-] people slowly landed on Gran Island.

  The headquarters knew that their personal combat effectiveness was insufficient, so they had to increase the number of people to make up for this.

  "You are here! I am the chief in charge of the Grand Island virus incident. You can call me Bu500 Luke."

  A middle-aged man in a protective suit trotted over after they landed. This was the docking officer dispatched by the headquarters to explain the situation to them and assist them in their mission.

  "Hello there!"

  The members of the mecha team, who were also wearing chemical protective suits, got out of the mecha and greeted the docking operator one by one.

  "The virus has spread all over the island."

  The middle-aged man said straight to the point, this is the latest news, almost all the residents of the entire Grand Island have been infected, and the speed of the virus spreading this time is beyond their imagination.

  "Researchers from the VIA department have sorted out the information related to the virus."

  Brook took out a document and gave it to Captain Marvin and the opponents of the mecha squad.

  Captain Marvin opened the document and looked at it. He frowned when he saw half of it. According to what was written in the document, this virus was spread through the air, and it would cause some symptoms like a cold in the early stage. But within a few hours, the virus will mutate and begin to attack the internal organs of the patient more violently, causing symptoms such as hemoptysis, and finally causing a coma, and in severe cases, it will directly lead to death.

  According to the drugs currently owned by the Western Sky Alliance, there are very few effective treatments for this disease, and the effect is only to delay and delay the onset of the disease.

  The VIA department is still working overtime to research and make special medicines.

  But the most terrifying thing is that according to the spread of this plague, it may spread to the entire Western Sky Alliance and even the entire Blue Star within a few days, and it may not be possible to develop therapeutic drugs by then!

  "So the current situation is really urgent."

  Captain Marvin spit out the document and said with a foul breath.

  "That's right, maybe only by really defeating the monster on Grand Island can the condition get better."

  Brooke nodded.

  "Our current medical methods are not enough to deal with this disease, so it's your mecha team that really plays a key role."

  He spoke with a very serious expression, and it could be heard that Brook still had strong confidence in the mecha team in his words.

  However, after listening to Captain Marvin, he smiled bitterly in his heart, asking them to save the lives of countless people. This kind of expectation is too heavy for the mecha team. Only they know their strength. If the monsters this time It was the last time that the Fenrir Demon Wolf was at the level of the estimated mecha team that would have to go back and forth.

  "Wait for our good news! This plague will definitely end!"

  Captain Marvin smiled.

  Although he was very insecure about himself in his heart and didn't know if he could do it, he would definitely not say these words.

  All he could do was leave hope to others.

  "set off!"

  Captain Marvin returned to the cockpit of the mech.

  He manipulated the mecha to head towards the east of Grand Island first, followed by the mechas lined up in formation.

  Many people here are watching them, including doctors, residents, soldiers, etc., and they all look at them with a hopeful look.

  The mechas marched towards the east of Grand Island with neat and powerful steps. Along the way, they found that all the lush plants here had a tendency to decline.

  "Has the virus infected plants too?"

  Captain Marvin thought silently in his heart.

  Suddenly, a black shadow crossed in the air above their heads, and before the members of the mecha squad took any measures, they disappeared into the woods again.

  "Shoot all!"

  Seeing this, Captain Marvin gave the order directly and decisively.

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