The enemy that made the mecha team helpless was solved so easily, and Godzilla didn't seem to use much effort.

  He knew that Godzilla was strong, but he didn't expect it to be so strong, and their strength was completely incomparable to it.

  "Maybe you can only understand it by experiencing it yourself!"

  Captain Marvin looked at Godzilla, still holding a gun in his hand, and they had not given up their vigilance, fearing that Godzilla would suddenly explode and kill them.

  However, General Paul was relieved to see this. He thought that this time the mecha team was destroyed like this.

  No matter what purpose that Godzilla had, at least it saved the lives of these mecha squad members, and General Paul had no reason to have a good impression of Godzilla.

  "Maybe it really is some kind of savior!"

  General Paul thought with his chin on his hands.


  Suddenly there was another neigh, and a few more Kings of Icarus flew in the sky, and the sound of the battle just now must have alarmed them.


  Godzilla also let out a roar, turning his head to attack them, spraying atomic rays from their mouths.

  "Okay, let's go first and leave it to Godzilla here."

  Captain Marvin glanced at Godzilla and said.

  The current epidemic is urgent, and they have no time to delay here. They have to find the ghost of the giant snake as soon as possible and solve it to solve the current predicament.

  Moreover, Godzilla did not express a harmful side to them, plus the disparity in strength, Captain Marvin did not have to stay here to solve it.

  The mecha squads quickly moved towards the east of Grand Island.

  After walking for a while, even the roars of those monsters gradually weakened in their ears, and the members of the mecha team finally came to the eastern part of Grand Island.

  This place is covered with ice and snow all the year round, and icebergs can be seen everywhere. According to the eyewitness, it is here that the phantom of the snake is seen...  

  "Look at the golden gate there!"

  Suddenly a team member pointed to an iceberg in front of him and said.

  At the foot of the iceberg, there was actually a golden gate embedded there. There were many strange patterns on the gate. No one knew what they represented.

  "These should be some ancient words."

  Captain Marvin stared at the patterns and symbols and said.

  These characters do not seem to be used by the countries of the Western Sky Alliance, but I don't know if they are ancient characters.

  "Those texts have been handed over to the personnel of the scientific research department for analysis, we can wait for a while now."

  Captain Marvin said.

  Still have to be a little careful, after all, they can take very few risks, and everything has to be treated with caution.

  However, the result disappointed Captain Ma Wen. The staff of the scientific research department could not analyze these words, and they did not know what the meaning was.

  "Okay, then let's explore it first."

  The outbreak on Grand Island has not improved, and the virus has begun to spread around the air.Captain Marvin didn't dare to stay any longer. With a wave of his hand, the mecha team of the Western Sky Alliance quickly lined up to go to the Golden Gate to explore.


  Captain Marvin, who was walking at the front, took a deep breath, and then he put his hands on the golden gate, and then suddenly exerted force, and both palms began to push forward. The golden gate was also in Captain Marvin. Pushed by the palm of his hand, it slowly opened to both sides, revealing the scene inside.



Chapter 227

  When the golden door slowly opened, the scene inside was also revealed to everyone's eyes.

  Inside is a beautiful landscape full of green like a paradise, with birds chirping and flowers fragrant, far-flung shadows and blue sky, and clear spring stones flowing upward.

  "Go! Go in and see!"

  Captain Marvin glanced at the monitor on his hand, and it showed that the virus content was extremely high, indicating that this place is likely to be the birthplace of the virus.

  The group walked forward cautiously. They carried guns, and the formation of the team did not change in the slightest. The mecha team did not relax its due vigilance because of the beautiful scenery here.

  The moment they stepped in, an indescribable warmth swept through their whole bodies. It was not as cold as the outside world, as if the four seasons were like spring forever.

  "What a weird place 29."

  Captain Marvin said silently.

  Grand Island is next to the Arctic Circle, especially in the eastern part of the island where they are currently located. It is impossible for such a scenery to appear here at this time, and it is impossible for such plants to grow here.

  Captain Marvin looked down at the value displayed on the instrument, and where the virus was more concentrated, they went to explore which direction.

  After walking for a while, they heard a sound, which seemed to be made by humans, but it was all words that they could not understand.

  "Go over there!"

  Captain Marvin listened carefully and instructed the players to walk towards the place where the sound came from.

  The group slowly approached the source of the sound, and they found a group of guys with a height of at least three meters wearing strange clothes, singing and dancing around the bonfire, not knowing what they were doing.

  "It looks like an ancient ritual is being held."

  In the mecha command room, a researcher expressed his opinion.

  General Paul nodded and said, "Can you translate what they said?"

  "It's being translated. They should speak the ancient language of a certain country in the Western Sky Alliance."

  A researcher replied.

  "Don't act rashly, just observe the situation."

  General Paul said on the walkie-talkie.

  The mecha team stopped in place, they bent down and squatted down, using the woods here to cover their figures, and then observed the little giants.

  They danced for a while, then quieted down again, and a man in more flamboyant clothes slowly came out of the woods on the side, holding a cane made of the bones of a wild beast, and he was still talking about something .

  Suddenly, he stretched out his arms, raised his head, and the words in his mouth quickened, and then he shouted, which attracted the surrounding little giants to shout in unison. A devout gesture made a gesture similar to worship.

  "Who are they worshipping?"

  Captain Marvin frowned as he watched the movements of these guys. He now seriously suspects that these guys are related to the phantom of the giant snake that suddenly appeared.


  The leading man made a hug and said loudly.

  As soon as he finished speaking, two little giants came out of the woods, with a long wooden stick on their shoulders, a girl was tied to it, and her limbs were tightly tied to the wooden stick by ropes .

  The girl's expression was very sad, and her desperate expression couldn't be concealed.

  But despite this, she didn't really struggle, and accepted some kind of bad fate like her fate.

  "This... Could it be that a living person is used for sacrifice?"

  One of the members of the mecha team saw the clue. These little giants wanted to worship a certain existence with the life of a girl.

  As if to prove his words, the two people stuck the wooden stick that tied the girl on the ground, and put some dry wood around, and the man in gorgeous clothes was approaching her with a torch.

  "We're ready to fight and save that girl."

  Captain Marvin raised his brows and said.

  He is a person with a very sense of justice, and it is impossible to watch the girl burn alive.

  Just as the man was about to throw the torch into the haystack, a bullet swooped past his ear, and the man froze there in fright, not waiting for him to react, followed by a dark man. The mecha rushed over and blocked between him and the girl.

  "do not move!"

  Captain Marvin raised his gun at the man.

  His teammates also held guns and confronted the little giants. One of the teammates hurried forward to untie the girl who was tied to the wooden stick.

  Just at this time, the translation program of the scientific research department has also been completed, and the members of the mecha team can rely on this to communicate with the little giants here.

  "Who are you?"

  The headed man asked in a bad tone, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes. Obviously, the bullet just now made him feel threatened.

  "You can treat us as outsiders."

  Marvin raised the muzzle of the gun slightly without a trace, and the warning became more and more obvious.

  "Now it's my turn to ask, what are you doing here?"



Chapter 228

  "We are here to offer sacrifices to the supreme being."

  The headed man had a solemn expression on his face.

  "This is a solemn ceremony! It's better for you outsiders not to interfere!"

  "Ritual? Evil ritual that sacrifices human life?"

  Captain Marvin said with a sneer.

  "You won't understand, it's all about pleasing that god. Only when that god is satisfied will he bless us."

  The leading man argued.

  He is still smart, and understands that it is still a bit unreliable to expect to use force against these outsiders. The weapons in their hands have shocked him to a certain extent, so the man intends to settle this matter through dialogue.

  "Our tribe has lived on this seaside for nearly a thousand years."

  In order to stabilize the mecha team, the man's tone slowed down, and he said unhurriedly.

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