"There is a god living in the sea. He has always blessed our tribe with good weather, and it has never been cut off for nearly a thousand years."

  "Of course, all good deeds come with a price. The price of His care for us is to use the lives of a dozen young boys and girls to please Him at this time every year, in exchange for His divine power. Otherwise, He will set off a storm. Come and destroy us!"

  The man spoke in a magic stick-like tone, but his expression was so serious, it didn't seem like he was talking nonsense.

  "So, there is actually a monster living in this sea. If you can't meet its requirements, it will devour you?"

  Captain Marvin summed up the indifferent opening.

  "It's a god! Don't be disrespectful to a god" "!"

  The man hurriedly corrected his statement after hearing this, but in fact he didn't have much respect for the so-called god, otherwise he would ignore the power of those guns and scolded Marvin in a stern tone.

  "It can be seen that you fear it more than you respect it. That is to say, you are mostly forced to do so, right?"

  Marvin raised his brows and said.

  "We also keep offering sacrifices so that our tribe can live here."

  The man sighed.

  "Then you haven't tried to resist?"

  The team member who unbound the girl asked suspiciously.

  "Tried, of course."

  A bitter smile appeared on the corner of the man's mouth.

  "The ancestors were quite disgusted by such excessive requirements. They once organized manpower to challenge the god."

  "And then they failed, and they were killed by the guards of the gods without even seeing the gods. The people who went were all dead."

  The man replied with a gloomy expression.

  "Their actions angered the gods, and the gods issued divine punishment, compressing our existence space by more than half, and also stipulated the number of population of our tribe, and the excess population will be eaten by his guards every year."

  "Well, are the guards you're talking about a group of winged bird monsters?"

  Captain Marvin thought for a moment and asked.

  "Yes, but they are the followers of the gods and cannot be called monsters."

  The man corrected him again, and it could be seen that although he was disgusted by that god, he was afraid of cursing and resisting because of its powerful strength, fearing that it would bring disaster.

  "Then the god you are talking about looks like a snake?"

  Captain Marvin then asked.

  "There are indeed people who have seen God's true face by chance before."

  The man recalled and said.

  "The shape of the god is probably the shape of a snake."

  "Sure enough, it seems that the phantom that appeared on Grand Island is the god worshipped by the residents here, and the plague is also related to it."

  "If you want to solve this matter, I'm afraid you have to go to the sea to meet that god."

  Captain Marvin analyzed the situation in his heart and said:

  "¨"Maybe we can help you deal with that god!"

  "You, you? The divine power of that supreme god is far beyond your imagination. Even if you have such a powerful weapon that I have never seen before, I still think that you have no chance of winning."

  The man waved his hands in a panic and said that he didn't want these outsiders to interfere in this matter. If they failed and angered the gods, the gods might be so angry that they would directly destroy their tribe.

  We don't want to be destroyed by the plague!Captain Marvin said silently in his heart.

  "Do you just want to endure this forever?"

  Captain Marvin ignored him, and instead looked at the little giants around him and said loudly.

  "Have you always thought about this kind of captivity? Being deprived of the freedom of life by a (Li's) monster disguised as a god?"

  After hearing this, the little giants showed their struggling expressions. Indeed, they did not want to be controlled by others all the time. No one had ever thought about such a life of mutilating their own compatriots.

  They also tried to escape trying to get out of here, but were caught every time.


  The man was stunned for a moment, then looked at the expressions of other people, whose faces were full of grief, anger and remorse.

  Maybe they really can.The man thought to himself.

  "Okay, I understand, I will take you to the gods, I hope you can defeat it."

  The man sighed and said Sun.



Chapter 229

  "We may be able to use Godzilla's power to deal with it this time."

  Captain Marvin said to General Paul in the communicator.

  It's not that Captain Marvin is not confident in his own strength, but the battle with the Wings of Icarus just now has already explained a lot of problems.

  If what the man said is correct, then there may be hordes of Ikaros Wings and even the King of Icarus beside that monster. I am afraid that such a battle situation cannot be achieved with the current mecha. The strength of the team is enough to deal with it. If they rush directly to the end of the hard battle, they will not be much stronger than the ancestors of the little giants.

  That's why Captain Marvin proposed to use the power of Godzilla, and it is estimated that only it can solve this monster.

  "Well, it seems that this is the only way now. Godzilla is still near the iceberg."

  After thinking for a moment, General Paul nodded and agreed with Marvin's action plan.

  At present, the armed forces of the Western Sky Alliance are not enough, and time is running out, so the only way to do this is to borrow the power of Godzilla.

  "By the way, the new weapons in the research lab are about to be developed, and they will provide you with a powerful boost."

  General Paul said.

  "Huh? New weapons?"

  Captain Marvin was puzzled.

  Since the last battle, the Western Sky Alliance has organized a large group of scientific researchers to secretly develop powerful weapons.

  It is said to be related to the world-destroying wolf Fenrir!

  "I have told them to speed up the rush, and in terms of time, there should be time to support your mission this time."

  "You can wait first."

  General Paul added.

  "That would be great."

  Captain Marvin sighed and said.

  "You can ask them the name of the snake monster."

  General Paul said with a frown.

  The world-destroying wolf Fenrir that appeared before was a beast from the ancient myths of the Western Sky Alliance, so will the monsters that appeared this time also find their prototypes in the myths and legends.

  "Yes, sir!"

  Captain Marvin turned his head to the man and said, "Does that god have any title?"

  "For example, what name do you usually call it in sacrifices?"

  "The giant python of the world, Yemengade!"

  The man said solemnly.

  "What? Yemengard!?"

  Captain Marvin widened his eyes and lost his voice.

  That giant snake that surrounds the atrium!

  The most native of the Western Sky Alliance, Captain Marvin has heard the name of this giant snake. It is the second son of Loki, the god of tricks, and the giantess Angelboda, Fenrir and Sea. Brother La, the mythical beast!

  Legend has it that Odin was thrown into the bottomless sea of ​​Midgard in the human world because his existence was too dangerous.

  Captain Marwen's heart has already set off a storm at this time, he never expected that their opponent this time is actually a mythical creature!

  Thinking of this, his body trembled involuntarily because of fear.

  General Paul's pupils in the command room also shrank suddenly, but he didn't think that he actually verified his thoughts.

  "Listening to your tone, you seem to know it exists."

  Looking at Captain Marvin's terrified expression, the man guessed.

  "Yes, it is a legendary mythical creature of our world."

  Captain Marvin swallowed before speaking.

  No wonder it is full of giant-shaped residents, just in line with myths and legends.Captain Marvin thought to himself.

  However, this also proves that the opponent this time is very likely to be the giant snake of Yemengarde. If this is the case, then their trip should not be easy, and they may even get together. Destroy this!

  After all, its elder brother, the giant wolf Fenrir, was the divine beast that killed the elite mechas of the Western Sky Alliance, not to mention the mecha squads they just formed, I am afraid they will die without a place to be buried!

  "Huh, you can't act recklessly now."

  Captain Marvin took a deep breath.

  But fear is fear, and it is necessary to solve it.If only dragged, the plague would destroy them.

  "Well, even if we face Yemengarde, we are not completely out of luck!"

  Captain Marvin said in the communicator.

  He first comforted his teammates and told them they didn't need to panic, they could fight back.

  "The time is tight and we can't delay, so next, we will be divided into two teams, I will lead one team, and Mike will lead the other team."

  Mike, the blond man whose name was named, stepped forward and said, "Yes sir!"

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