"A team I lead will go out to sea with the little giants to lure Yemengad out."

  "Then another team led by Mike is responsible for bringing Godzilla over from the iceberg. Remember not to provoke it, don't attack it, you just need to attract its attention."

  Captain Marvin looked at the second team led by Mike and warned.

  According to his judgment, Godzilla is generally interested in powerful monsters, and he believes that it should be able to sense the power of Yemengarde, and it may be easily attracted.



Chapter 230


  A dark green helicopter slowly descended from the sky. This is the transport plane of the Western Sky Alliance.

  After the plane landed, several soldiers in chemical protective suits jumped from it. They were carrying a few small boxes, and something inside was exuding an extremely dangerous atmosphere.

  Captain Marvin and the members of the mecha squad who had been waiting for a long time in the ice and snow immediately greeted them. The soldiers first saluted them, and then handed over the boxes in their hands to them.

  "There are new weapons developed by the scientific research institute."

  The leading soldier said slowly.

  "They are mutated creatures created by the scientific research institute by adding the genes extracted from the remains of Fenrir, the world-destroying demon wolf, to the body of ordinary wolf dogs."

  "Made with the genes of the World-Destroying Demon Wolf!"

  The members of the mecha team were all shocked after hearing this.

  They never imagined that the secret weapon the headquarters said was actually made from Fenrir's genes!

  Since the last time the Western Sky Alliance's mechas were completely destroyed, the headquarters has been reflecting on the strength gap between mechas and monsters. If the most advanced mechas are still unable to cause damage to monsters, then they can only change their thinking and change their minds. This is a way to deal with the monsters that appear frequently.

  Therefore, some researchers proposed that Fenrir's remains on Langway Island could be used to develop new powerful weapons. After all, the technology level of the Western Sky Alliance is not bad, and the biological gene technology among them is also one of the best in the world.

  Fortunately, although Fenrir was killed by Godzilla's infinite hotline, it was not burned into slag, so the researchers successfully extracted its genes and worked overtime to make weapons. Wolfdogs who underwent genetic modification surgery.

  "The device in this box can control them to sleep. After all, these guys are very wild, but they will wake up when you open the box."

  The soldier pointed to the box and explained.

  "Their actions are controlled by high-precision chips in the brain. With the help of the chip, they can accurately identify monsters to fight. And because of the Fenrir gene, they are not affected by viruses."

  "Okay, we got it."

  Captain Marvin nodded and said.

  "Our mission has been completed, it's up to you now!"

  The soldiers saluted again before turning around and returning to the helicopter, taking off for the return journey.

  Captain Marvin watched them go away, until the back of the helicopter was completely invisible, and he turned his head and said, "Start execution as planned!"


  The members of the mecha team replied one after another.


  The team led by Mike quickly came to the vicinity of Godzilla. The king of monsters had just dealt with hundreds of Icarus Wings, and it was standing next to a snowy mountain resting with its eyes closed.

  Looking at the densely packed corpses of monsters on the ground, Mike couldn't help shivering. Those ferocious monsters had caused them a lot of trouble, and they were very powerful opponents.

  "It didn't leave after killing these monsters. Could it be that it was waiting to kill Yermengard? It sensed Yemengarde's breath?"

  Mike looked at Godzilla and thought.

  "Deputy captain! What should we do?"

  At this time, a team member asked softly, for fear of waking up the giant beast.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????????

  "Just go as planned, don't be afraid, that Godzilla seems to be friendly to humans."

  Mike came back to his senses, he first encouraged his teammates, and then operated a few times on the right arm of the mecha, a sharp cry of the king of Icarus suddenly resounded above the lonely snow.

  This is their plan to seduce Godzilla, lure it away with the cry of the king of Icarus, and deal with Yermengard.


  This cry was really useful, Godzilla opened his eyes suddenly after hearing it, it screamed up to the sky, and the huge body began to move.

..... 0...

  "Damn it! Scared me to death!"

  A relatively timid team member was frightened and covered his heart. This Godzilla's cry was indeed a little scary.

  Mike was so scared that his scalp was numb, but he still insisted on the order: "Go! Follow the direction of those monster corpses!"

  The location where the little giants are located is a strange space that cannot be reached by going over the iceberg or entering the interior of the iceberg.

  This is analyzed by the researchers of the scientific research department. The currently known way to enter the space is to push open the golden gate that suddenly appeared on the iceberg to enter.

  But according to the little giants, the followers of the gods, the wings of Icarus are gathered in space to guard the gods by the seaside, how did the mecha team see them in the outside world, near the iceberg?The Golden Gate was still closed at that time.

  Then there is only one answer, I am afraid there is another way near the iceberg to the space where the little giants are!

  And Captain Marvin also speculated that the plague on Grand Island might also have leaked from there!



Chapter 231

  The size of the golden gate on the iceberg was not large enough for Godzilla to pass through, so Captain Marvin and the others had to find another way to let Godzilla go to the space where the little giants were.

  Then the corpse of the Wing of Icarus is indeed the most correct way to explore the road connecting the two spaces!

  Godzilla looked for the cry and stepped forward slowly.

  In front of it are the mech squads moving forward in cover at full speed.

  "Huh, it looks like Godzilla hasn't found us yet."

  One of the players sighed.

  "It should be pretty good for us to hide."

  This team member is indeed a little naive, but in this tense atmosphere, no one thinks why Godzilla has not found them, but just follows.

  In fact, all of this was controlled by He You, including Godzilla's speed of action, which just followed the mecha team slowly according to his wishes.

  He You's purpose was to make Godzilla's attitude more human-like, so that humans would consider it a righteous and friendly monster.

  Through the series of actions of this mecha squad, it can be seen that they sincerely want to cooperate with Godzilla to solve this incident.

  He You also wanted to further deepen the close relationship between monsters and humans through this collaboration with the mecha team, so he manipulated Godzilla to cooperate with the mecha team.

  The mecha team continued to advance in the direction from which the wings of Icarus flew, and finally found a huge light curtain with distorted colors between the two snow-capped mountains.

  Mike immediately took out the instrument to scan it, and the results showed that the energy fluctuations of the light curtain were exactly the same as the energy fluctuations at the golden gate.

  "That's right, as long as you pass through this light curtain, you can enter the space of the little giants!"

  Captain Mike said in surprise.


  A roar sounded behind them, and it was Godzilla.

  "Okay! Let's bring it in!"

  Captain Mike didn't dare to stay for a long time and immediately took the lead and walked towards the light curtain.

  The mecha pilots did not forget to turn on the jet device, because according to the little giants, these wings of Icarus may have flown out from the sea, which means that it is very likely that they will fall through this light curtain. into the sea, so they turned on the jets ahead of time.

  A group of people passed through the light curtain, and after a change in the scenery in front of them, they came from the icy and snowy Grand Island to the sea of ​​Wangyang.


  "This sea is the place where the gods dwell, and it is in the middle of the sea."

  The mecha team led by Captain Marvin was led by the gorgeously dressed man to the shore of a sea.

  "It seems that this is the bottomless deep sea of ​​the human world Midgart mentioned in the myth."

  Captain Marvin thought silently as he looked at the boundless sea.

  There is actually a sculpture on this coast, a man wielding a hammer, and there seems to be a trace of lightning around the hammer.

  "This should be the old enemy of Yemengard's life, Thor, the strongest god of thunder among the gods."

  Captain Marvin confirmed by comparing the information in the document.

  "Come on, we have a few boats here enough to carry you forward, and there is still some distance to the center of the sea."

  The man pointed to several small boats stranded on the coast.

  "These boats are what we usually use when we offer sacrifices to the gods."

  The mecha itself does have its own jetting device, and it can fight on the sea without taking any ships.But the wolf dogs in those boxes have no ability to fly. They need a carrier and a flat ground to stand on to exert their combat effectiveness.

  In the face of the guardians of those gods, they are an indispensable help.

  "Get on board!"

  Captain Marvin gave an order, and the members of the mecha team began to push those boats into the sea.

  "These ships have the gift of divine power attached to them and can move forward without relying on wind and oars."

  After the man sat up, he started muttering words, and the boats began to float over the ocean with his voice. You must know that these mechas are not light, but the boats can still carry them on the sea.

  "It's amazing!"

  Captain Marvin couldn't help but sighed in admiration.

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