
Chapter 235

  Godzilla took a few steps back and barely stood up straight. He shook his head slightly, his hands trembled unconsciously, his eyes were drooping, and he was panting for breath.

  There's something weird about this green gas spewing out of Yermengard!

  "What's wrong with Godzilla?"

  "Damn it, why did I suddenly become so weak, that the green gas that Yemengade spewed out would not be poisonous!"

  "Indeed, it seems that the plague of Grand Isle may have been spread by it as well."

  "If this goes on, Godzilla won't be eaten by Yormunga, right?"

  Netizens in the live broadcast room expressed their concern when they saw Godzilla's incomparably weak performance.

  Some netizens also thought of the plague that suddenly appeared on Gran Island, thinking that it was the ghost of Yemengade.


  Yemenga kept spitting up the snake letter, and its body swayed. At this moment, it was not in a hurry to attack, but just stood upright in the distance and watched Godzilla struggling constantly. The expression on the snake's face was sarcastic.

  It's joking that Godzilla is too weak to attack!


  Godzilla gritted his teeth and barely regained some fighting power, and it roared up to the sky with incomparable anger.

  A faint blue energy gathered from all over its body to its mouth, and the surrounding temperature also began to rise.

  After the energy was condensed, Godzilla opened his mouth sharply, and a group of blue rays shot out in a spiral.

  Atomic Spiral Rays!

  The blue beam hit Yermengard's head with intense heat, and this move was so fast that it couldn't dodge at all.

  In other words, Yemengarde didn't even want to dodge.


  The tyrannical energy impact is destroying Yemengarde's body, and the terrifying high temperature is burning its soul.

  The impact force generated by the cross rotation of the two energy beams of the atomic helix is ​​not a cover!

  However, Yemengarde did not cry out under the powerful attack of Godzilla.

  Because it didn't hurt at all!

  "The density of Yermengard's scales is very thick, and since it's consciously defending this time, ordinary attacks can't hurt it at all."

  He You really saw it, Godzilla's atomic spiral ray at most only had a little impact on Yemengga, and the energy attack didn't really hurt it.

  When the atomic spiral beam slowly disappeared, Yemengar let out a roar, and the uninjured it shot out suddenly, showing its long fangs and biting towards Godzilla.

  This time it is not relaxing, Godzilla's strength makes it afraid, so this attack Yemenga has to use all his strength.

  There was absolutely no flaw in this attack, and it was impossible for Godzilla to dodge and then counterattack like the last time.

  So Godzilla hurriedly ran a few steps to the side, trying to avoid its bite, but Yemengard's virus weakened it for a short time, and it did not completely escape the fangs of Yemengard.


  The serpent's teeth went straight through Godzilla's shoulder, and with the fierce bite force of Yemengarde, Godzilla's shoulder was abruptly brought down a piece of flesh.


  Godzilla let out a pained cry in an instant, and it struggled back and took a few steps back, pulling away.

  The wounds and pain did not make Godzilla lose his mind. He understood that he could not fight against Yemenga now, and he had to dodge properly before starting to fight back.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????????

  "Godzilla got bitten on the shoulder!"

  "It was torn apart by Yemengga, a huge piece of meat!"

  "The blood can't stop, its self-healing ability seems to be malfunctioning!"

  Netizens in the live broadcast room were worried about Godzilla. Yemengade's move was extremely harsh, and Godzilla didn't get out of the way and was directly injured, which made their hearts twitch stand up.

  "The helper you're looking for... is it okay?"

  Seeing that Godzilla was bitten by Yermunga, the man was a little shaken.

  "I can't tell, but I hope it wins!"

..... 0 ......

  Captain Marvin looked at the injured Godzilla with a wry smile and said, if Godzilla also lost, then they would have no way to deal with this earthly python.

  In order not to let that plague destroy humanity, come on, Godzilla, and kill Yemengard!Captain Marvin couldn't help but sincerely hope in his heart.

  Yemengad stood upright with the shredded flesh of Godzilla's body still dripping with purple blood. Swallow into the stomach.

  provocative!This is a complete provocation!

  Yermengard wasn't in a hurry to attack Godzilla. It liked watching the prey slowly weaken and finally struggle to die.

  The penetration of the snake's teeth increased the concentration of the virus in Godzilla's body, further losing its combat effectiveness.

  Godzilla clutched his injured shoulder, where blood was constantly flowing out. The self-healing ability of G cells was completely unable to repair the wound on the shoulder, and new granulation did not grow.

  The feeling of weakness in the body is getting stronger and stronger, and Godzilla's eyes have begun to dizzy.



Chapter 236


  Godzilla roared angrily, and it waved its fists and charged in the direction of Yermengard.

  The King of Monsters will not choose to back down because of this injury!

  Yemengarde was not panicked, and it still had that playful expression on its face.It believes that no matter how hard Godzilla struggles, it will still be a dead end.

  I saw that the earthly python did not dodge, and even rushed towards Godzilla's fist.

  "Yemengard's strength is completely incomparable to Godzilla. Even if Godzilla is eroded by the virus and his combat effectiveness has decreased, it is obvious that this punch was thrown by Godzilla with all his strength, Yemeng. Jiade still intends to force the blow, does it have the confidence to block this blow?"

  "In other words, what other tricks does it have?"

  Seeing Yemenga's unexpected behavior on the screen, General Paul couldn't help but guess.

  He had a bad premonition that Godzilla's attack was likely to suffer a big loss this time.

  Opponents are likely to be prepared.

  At the same time, he couldn't help worrying about Godzilla, and the fate of mankind was tied to this guy.

  Strange to say, General Paul used to hate the various monsters that appeared, because their appearance meant that certain areas were about to suffer incalculable losses, and countless people would lose their homes for survival.

  But Godzilla is different. It didn't take the initiative to attack humans, and for now, the powerful and evil monsters that appeared in the past few times were all defeated by it.

  It is actively protecting human beings!

  As time went on, General Paul also slowly accepted it. After all, it was his revenge after his subordinate was killed by Fenrir last time.

  General Paul is now beginning to believe that among the monster races, there may be an existence as close to humans as Godzilla.

  Come on!Godzilla!We must defeat Yemengard!

  He looked at the figure on the screen waving his fists to meet him and said silently in his heart.

  The distance between the two is not far from the distance. Godzilla stepped forward quickly, and after approaching Yemengarde, he punched directly on the head.

  But!When the punch that could easily topple a hill hit Yemengarde's head, he couldn't knock it out of shape!

  Yemengarde's snake head was still standing upright, as if the punch just didn't hit it at all.


  This was the first thought of all those watching the game.

  "What!? Is it all right?"

  Captain Marvin watched Yermengard standing there intact after being punched by Godzilla, his eyes widened and he exclaimed in surprise.

  How powerful is Godzilla's punch? He can sense it from such a long distance. How can Yemengad be still intact after that blow?

  "What's the matter? Didn't Godzilla's fist hit it?"

  "Yeah, yeah, why isn't Yemenga doing anything? Could it be that Godzilla is too weak?"

  "Probably not. This punch should have been attacked by Godzilla. At worst, it can make a little movement, right?"

  The netizens in the live broadcast room were all shocked after seeing the situation in front of them.

  "Look! Godzilla seems to have something extra on his arm!"

  A sharp-eyed netizen quickly discovered the strangeness.

  These words attracted everyone's attention, and I saw some white frost appeared on the joint of Godzilla's right arm at some point. It should be those frosts that blocked the operation of Godzilla's strength. Make it weaker...  

  "When? When exactly did the frost attack appear?"

  General Paul stared suspiciously at the frost on Godzilla's arm on the screen. He was sure that this should be the attack of Yermengard, but when it was shot, he didn't realize it at all.

  Such a silent, ghost-like attack is truly terrifying. Could this be the true strength of this earthly python?

  Indeed, the freeze this time was caused by Yemengard, and General Paul guessed it well, and Yemengarde was ready when he faced Godzilla's full blast.

  Before Godzilla got close, it had let its own cold air into the air. In order to prevent Godzilla from discovering the abnormality in the air, it even deliberately dispersed the cold air to ensure that its plan was foolproof. The moment it got close to itself and shook its fist, it quickly mobilized the cold air scattered in the surrounding air and quickly gathered it into one place, which is the important joint position required for Godzilla's power, which made it extremely tyrannical. His fist power was worn away, and this move also caused Godzilla's original punch to hit Yermengard's head lightly, without causing any damage to it.

  Precise control of the cold air and careful layout calculation, Yemengarde is not unreasonable as a god in the ancient mythology of the Western Sky Alliance that makes Odin and other gods fear. Its strength is no worse than Fenrir. .


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