
Chapter 237

  The battle on the sea continues, and the cold air has begun to spread along Godzilla's arms to his body, but within a few seconds, Godzilla's whole body is frozen with a layer of ice, and the extent of his struggle is getting more and more weak.

  This frost is restricting its movement!

  "Not good! Godzilla is controlled by frost!"

  "This cold attack is really strong!"

  "What can I do now! Yemengade will definitely attack it!"

  Seeing that Godzilla was frozen by the chill of Yemenggard, netizens in the live broadcast room became more and more worried.

  They feared that Godzilla might well be wiped out by Yermengard's next attack.


  Yemengarde raised his head and let out a sharp neigh.

  Godzilla was frozen in ice by his calculations.

  Next, it's ready to tackle Godzilla.


  Just as Yemengard was about to launch his attack, Godzilla, who was frozen in ice, suddenly burst into a roar.

  Its tail immediately showed a crimson color, and then the red light went up along its spine, lighting up the neatly arranged backstabs.

  The temperature of the surrounding air began to soar violently, the transpiration of the heat wave distorted the space, and a violent and fiery breath began to appear on Godzilla's body, causing the frost on his body to gradually melt away.

  Yermengard, who was about to strike Godzilla with a fatal blow, suddenly stopped.

  It also senses changes in the temperature of the air.

  Yemengarde watched Godzilla's struggle with interest, and he didn't mind waiting to see what other tricks Godzilla could use to solve the frozen state.

  The crimson energy finally converged in Godzilla's mouth, and the crimson flame was converging in one place, and it also eliminated the ice on its body.


  Godzilla opened his mouth wide, and a crimson beam of light fiercely spurted out of his mouth, heading straight for Yemengard with intense heat.

  Super axis light!

  When it was about to be completely frozen by the cold air, Godzilla used the skill that can gather a lot of heat in a short period of time to resolve his crisis.

  In fact, it really works!

  Scarlet flames flowed in its body, helping it to resolve the crisis of freezing, and it also turned into a crimson beam and hit Yemengarde!

  "Huh, I've gotten rid of it anyway."

  Captain Marvin breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Godzilla break free from his predicament.

  "Next, let's see if Godzilla's light can defeat Yemengard!"

  Crimson beams of energy shot toward Yermengard with unstoppable heat.

  Yemengarde did not choose to avoid it. A white mist suddenly appeared in front of it. The white mist became more and more dense, and gradually turned into a layer of frost and attached to Yemengarde's body.

  It is using cold air to make armor!

  "I don't know if Godzilla's light attack can penetrate the armor made of this cold air?"

  General Paul looked at the screen and muttered to himself.


  In the next second, Godzilla's red-hot beam hit Yermengard's body without incident.

  The confrontation between fiery heat and severe cold is just beginning!

  The crimson light beams scorched Yermengard's armor constantly, and the frost kept evaporating. After a while, a thick layer of white mist had formed around Yemengarde's body, covering his body. form cover.

  "How? Can you hurt it?"

  "Can it penetrate the cold protection of Yemengarde?"

  "Can Godzilla win?"

  The picture of the live broadcast screen gradually became blurred under the permeation of the water vapor that was melted by the frost, so the netizens had to discuss it by themselves, and they were all guessing whether Godzilla could penetrate Yermengard's frost armor. .

  "Godzilla! Come on!"

  Even Captain Marvin and other members of the mecha team sweated for it.

  Finally, the water vapor gradually dissipated, revealing the scene inside, and everyone could see the scene inside a little bit.

  The crimson beam of light is still burning the frost protection layer, but the color of the beam of light is gradually weakening, the diameter is shrinking, the power is decreasing, and it seems that it is exhausted.

  However!Such a strong beam did not cause any damage to Yemengade!

  The Frost Armor was still intact on Yermengard's body.


  Yemengarde roared in the sky, as if mocking Godzilla's weak attack.

  "How could this be?"

  Captain Marvin stared at Yermengard in astonishment. Is such power the power of God?

  If even Godzilla can't beat it, what do we do?

  "It doesn't work!"

  "Godzilla's attack didn't hurt it!"

  "That should be Godzilla's strongest move. If you can't hurt Yemengad like this, then you will really lose!"

  The netizens in the live broadcast room were all shocked by the defensive power of Yermengard's Frost Armor.

  If the Super Axis Ray can't beat Yermengard, then Godzilla is likely to lose outright next.

  Is humanity really going to be wiped out by this plague?



Chapter 238


  Godzilla let out a roar, and seeing that his attack was useless, he withdrew the super-axial light to save his stamina.

  At this time, the cold air began to permeate the sea again. This time the attack was even more terrifying. Even the boundless Wang Yang sea began to form a thick layer of ice, completely freezing Godzilla's legs. live.

  "Wen Su is drastically decreasing! Is this divine power?"

  The gorgeously-dressed little giant folded his arms, and he was shivering from the cold.

  The boat they were riding in was also frozen on the sea because of the cold breath of Yermengard.

  "Damn! Faced with such a powerful cold, we can't help."

  Captain Marvin looked at the frozen Godzilla and clenched his fists and said bitterly.

  Now it's up to Godzilla to figure it out!


  Yemenga let out a loud roar, curled up, and then suddenly bounced out and wrapped around Godzilla's arm.

  Godzilla is now frozen by frost, his body is stiff, and his movements are getting smaller and smaller, and he can only watch Yemengad around his body.

  And gradually went around Godzilla's body and neck.

  It was trying to suffocate Godzilla!

  The body of the giant snake gradually wrapped around Godzilla, and it was at this time that everyone watching the battle finally saw the shape of Yemengarde.

  "Yemengard's body is really huge!"

  Captain Marvin stared at the giant python and couldn't help but say that after Yemengard wrapped Godzilla's entire body, part of his body was still left in the sea.

  As recorded in the myth, the size of the giant snake is already very large, and it stretched out its body, and it happened to meet its tail at the other end of the deep sea.Yemengad couldn't break free in the sea, so he had to hold his body tightly and surrounded the whole world.

  Although the actual figure of Yemengarde is not as exaggerated as in the myth, it is completely shocking!

  The snakes that surround the whole world live up to their reputation!

  Godzilla's breathing became more and more difficult as the snake's body tightened.

  The strength of Yemengarde's entanglement is definitely not weak!

  As expected of an existence that makes all the gods fear!

  The brutal Yermengard did not directly bite off Godzilla's head with his teeth, but chose to hang Godzilla slowly with his body.

  What it likes most is watching the prey die slowly and tragically under its own torture, and listening to their painful wailing makes it very satisfied.

  "This is over, your helper will definitely be hanged by the gods' "."

  The man said pessimistically and desperately.

  "After it dies, it will be our turn. The gods will not let us go. My tribe and you will all die!"

  "No! The battle isn't over yet! I'm sure Godzilla won't just lose like that!"

  Captain Marvin looked at Godzilla who was still struggling and said loudly.

  Although Godzilla is now in a passive state, Captain Marvin believes that it can still make a comeback.

  "Godzilla will be fine!"

  "If I were Godzilla, I would have given up long ago!"

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