"Then are we going to end it!"

  Netizens in the live broadcast room began to worry about Godzilla. After all, if it really loses, then the entire human world may be over.

  The plague on Grand Island has now begun to spread to the outside world, and although the development of drugs has made great progress because of the blood provided by Captain Marvin, it is still not enough to eliminate the virus.

  When the antidote is finished, I am afraid that the whole earth will fall into a situation shrouded in plague.

  Come on!Godzilla!

  People prayed silently in their hearts.


  Godzilla kept waving stiff and weak fists to attack Yermengard's body, but they were blocked by the thick scales and could not exert much power.

  Yermengard is still wrapped around its neck and body intact, and has been exerting force to tighten, causing huge pressure on Godzilla.

  Godzilla's struggling movements also gradually slowed down. After all, under the three obstacles of being entangled by ice and Yemenga, as well as the interference of viruses in his body, Godzilla as powerful as Godzilla gradually lost his fighting power.


  Yemenga let out a smug cry, and it began to tighten its body to give Godzilla the final blow.

  "It's really over now!"

  General Paul fell back to his chair in despair, and anyone (Li De's) could see that Godzilla was really helpless.

  Yemenga is too strong, maybe its virus will really wipe out all human beings.

  There was a feeling of powerlessness in his heart.

  "Are we really going to die?"

  Captain Marvin couldn't help thinking when he saw Godzilla, who was entangled in Yermengard.

  "We don't want to die! Godzilla pull it! Even just a little bit!"

  Captain Marvin clenched his fists and shouted in his heart.


  Suddenly, an incomparably crisp sound came from Godzilla Huge, attracting everyone's attention.



Chapter 239

  "Crack clap!"

  That is the sound of frost breaking!

  Godzilla is slowly getting out of trouble!

  In the ears of everyone, this sound is as clear and pleasant as the sound of heaven!

  The sound became louder and louder, and as the sound appeared, Godzilla's body began to sway gradually.

  Frost also kept slipping from its body, Godzilla's slowly closed eyes began to slowly open again, and a strong vitality began to spread on its body.


  A deafening roar sounded in this sea area, and Godzilla slammed his fist on Yemengarde's head, killing the earthly python, and the whole head began to spin involuntarily. , the body also relaxed, and slowly slipped from Godzilla's body into the sea.

  This is a terrifying force that is dozens of times stronger than before!

  Yemengade was also bewildered by the beating for a while, how can a guy who is clearly dying still have such a powerful strength.

  It was beyond its expectations.

  Suddenly, a strong high temperature began to spread across the entire sea, and the heat began to roll continuously.

  This heat also gradually melted the ice on the sea, and the sea returned to its original appearance.

  A touch of crimson began to stand out on Godzilla's body, as if a thick layer of magma was wrapped around its body, and the whole body was filled with extremely terrifying heat. This fiery flame seemed to be able to burn out even the soul.

  Red lotus form!

  Under the attack of Yemengarde, Godzilla finally evolved into a red lotus form, the body temperature of the entire monster began to soar, and his strength also skyrocketed.

  The heat begins to spread out over the sea, which has become Godzilla's domain.

  "Great, Godzilla is out of trouble."

  "It has also evolved into a new form!"

  "Come on! Godzilla!"

  Netizens started cheering for Godzilla.

  "I hope Godzilla can defeat Yermengard next!"

  Captain Marvin looked at Godzilla with red flames burning all over his body and prayed in his heart.

  After evolving into the red lotus form, the virus in the whole body was also burned away by the high temperature brought by the red lotus form, the wound on the shoulder began to heal, the new granulation began to grow and fuse, and its combat power also returned to its peak.


  Godzilla in the red lotus form let out a roar of incomparable fury, and it strode away, waving its fists with a crimson flame and hitting Yermengard, who had not returned to God.

  The cold air in the air suddenly gathered again towards the joints of Guren Godzilla's arm, and facing Godzilla's fist, Yemengarde tried to use the cold air again to relieve its strength.

  However, it suddenly found that its own chill could not cover Godzilla's arm.

  It turned out that the cold air just attached to Godzilla's arm was evaporated by the scorching flames on Godzilla's arm before it condensed and formed.

  In this way, Yemengarde naturally had no way to remove Godzilla's punching power this time.

  It widened its eyes in shock and unwillingness. Such a violent temperature completely defused its cold air offensive. It was really terrifying!

  Red Lotus Godzilla's fist came fast and fierce, with terrifying heat on it, and Yemenga was completely unable to dodge.

  The fist was slowly enlarged in its eyes, and finally hit its head unstoppably.


  Godzilla's fist hit Yermengard's scaled head precisely, and the incomparably powerful force penetrated directly through Yermengard's scales, passing the intense pain to its head.


  Yemenga was so in pain that even his body was beaten and curled up, his bright red snake letter was also shaking frantically, and his mouth kept making meaningless hoarse sounds.

  This is not over yet, Red Lotus Godzilla saw this opportunity, strode forward and continued to wave his fist to attack Yemengarde's body. Bang Bang Bang fist quickly brought up an afterimage, and Yemengarde couldn't stand it at all. , its body was constantly being beaten back, and finally it had to endure the pain and summon a chill to block Godzilla's punch.

  The surrounding cold air quickly gathered in front of Yemengarde to block its fist. The hot and powerful fist hit the ice layer again and again, and cracks appeared on it. The ice layer that Mengjiad temporarily summoned was not enough to block Godzilla's fist.

  However, this layer of ice is not completely useless. It temporarily blocked Godzilla's offensive and won a breathing space for Yemenggard.


  Yemengard let out a roar, and before Godzilla came over, it hurriedly made a turn and dived into the sea again, hoping to use the cover of the sea to avoid Godzilla's attack.

  "That way, Godzilla won't be able to find it!"

  Captain Marvin looked at the bottomless sea and said.

  Godzilla's attack can't shoot through the sea, it can only attack at sea level.

  And Yemengard has always lived in the sea, and is naturally very familiar with the environment in the sea. If he were to carry out sneak attacks in the sea, Godzilla would be really difficult to deal with.



Chapter 240

  Sure enough, Yemengad hadn't burrowed into the sea for a long time before it jumped out of the sea again and rushed towards it from behind Godzilla with a shocking wave.

  This time, Yemenggard chose to attack from behind Godzilla, but considering the intense temperature on Godzilla, Yemenggard put a layer on himself before he emerged from the sea. Sturdy and thick frost armor.


  Yemengarde's sneak attack made Captain Marvin's pupils shrink suddenly, and he subconsciously cried out.

  The position and angle chosen by Yemengard this time are extremely difficult to prevent, and Godzilla is likely to be injured by it.

  But just as Yemengarde was about to approach Godzilla, Godzilla's body suddenly turned around.

  It found Yemengarde!

  Godzilla raised his fiery fist and slapped Yermungard's open serpent's mouth fiercely.

  This punch came very suddenly, and Yemenga was too late to respond, it couldn't close the snake's mouth again.

  The crimson fiery fist slammed into Yemengarde's snake mouth, burning its mouth into black charcoal.

  Its bright red snake letter can no longer make a mocking howl.

  Yemenga was so painful that she hurriedly used her sharp teeth to bite Godzilla's fist, but it couldn't cause any damage.

  Godzilla's skin in the red lotus form is even tougher, and Yemengarde's teeth couldn't break the defense at all, and he was burned by the flames on his fists instead.

  Godzilla wouldn't let it go so easily, it raised another fist and punched it hard.

  Even if Yemengarde had reinforced his body with a thick layer of ice armor before attacking Godzilla, he still couldn't stop Godzilla's powerful fist.

  That incomparably powerful force directly shattered the armor on its body, and also injured its body.

  Bang bang bang, Godzilla just stuck one fist in Yemengarde's mouth, controlling its figure, and the other fist kept pounding its waist.

  Yermengard's body continued to seep blood, but it was evaporated by the flames on Godzilla's fist, and the wound was burned frantically.

  How could Yemengarde endure such a ferocious attack, it neighed, and immediately swung its tail from the sea and lashed towards Godzilla with a gust of wind.

  But who knows, Godzilla's reaction speed is faster than it, it stretched out its arm before the snake tail pulled, and directly wrapped the snake tail around its waist.

  Godzilla's waist sank suddenly, his arms began to exert force, and then began to spin in place, and Yermengard's body was also pulled out from the bottom of the sea.

  Godzilla kept spinning, and even Yemengarde was turned around.

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