Suddenly, Godzilla let go of his hands, and Yemenga was carried away by centrifugal force, and fell heavily into the sea, splashing a huge wave.


  Yemengade let out a whistle, realizing that it would definitely not be able to attack Godzilla like this.

  So Yemengard twisted his body and began to swim in the sea, looking for Godzilla's dead end and planning to attack again.


  Seeing Yemengad diving into the sea again, Godzilla roared up to the sky, and saw a crimson energy begin to condense in its body, and thunderbolts erupted around it.

  An indescribable high temperature was completely shrouded here, and even the sea was constantly evaporating, and it felt like the power of burning the world was being released.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????????

  Red energy began to condense in Godzilla's body, and as it accumulated, it slowly lowered its head and opened its mouth.

  Immediately, a crimson energy beam was ejected and plunged straight into the water surface into the seabed.

  It is the strongest skill in the red lotus form - infinite hotline!

  "It wants to attack Yermengard directly with light."

  Captain Marvin thought immediately after seeing Godzilla's actions.

...... 0

  After all, Yemengarde's body is very huge, even if it is hidden in the sea, as long as it is around, it is very easy to be hit by the infinite hotline.

  Yemengarde, who was lurking in the sea, suddenly saw a beam of crimson light blazing down from the sea with several lightning bolts. His eyes widened, and he did not expect Godzilla to directly blaze the double line down.

  But fortunately, it still has reason, and did not panic too much, but hurriedly summoned a layer of ice shield to block the direction of the light, blocking it in front of it.

  This beam of light gave Yemeng an extremely strong sense of danger, so that it had to use all its strength to deal with it, and the cold air on this ice shield became more and more intense.

  With a bang, the infinite heat light hit the ice shield, and its tyrannical impact directly shook the ice shield.

  The scorching temperature of the light beam also began to burn the ice shield at this time, and the tyrannical high temperature also began to melt it continuously, but fortunately, Yemengade mobilized the cold air to continuously repair it, and it was still not infinite. The hotline directly broke the defense.


Chapter 241


  Yemengade raised his head and let out a screeching whistle. He found that the ice shield had more and more cracks, and the ice above was evaporated faster and faster.

  It swung its body and quietly left here while the ice shield was defending against Godzilla's heat energy rays.

  Yemengarde knew in his heart that he couldn't resist such an impact. Although the current ice shield did block the infinite hotline, it was only for a while.

  Soon, Yemengarde found an angle in the second time, and the ice shield had not been evaporated at this time, that is to say, Godzilla's attention was still on the position of the ice shield.

  It's a good opportunity to sneak attack on it!

   Yemengarde first wrapped himself in cold air, making sure that he could resist a burst of burning red flames on Godzilla's body, then he stretched his body and jumped directly out of the sea, opening his big mouth to reveal his sharp fangs and biting towards the still. Godzilla's neck releasing light.

  Yermengard is going to kill Godzilla with one blow!

  This is also its last resort!

  but!Godzilla's action was still a bit faster than it, and it had already detected its trace when Yemengarde moved. Godzilla pretended to continue to release light, but was patiently waiting for Yemengarde to jump out of the water. Moment.

  I saw that Red Lotus Godzilla quickly closed his mouth, interrupted the attack of the light, and then quickly turned around, and his right fist, which had long been charged, slammed out, and hit it with a series of air explosions. Yermengard, who was still in the air.

  With a muffled bang, Yemengarde was kicked out by Red Lotus Godzilla's fierce punch, and a mass of blood burst out from its right eye, apparently its eyeball was smashed to pieces. !


  Yermengard fell into the sea and cried out incessantly.

  Godzilla didn't miss this opportunity either. It opened its mouth wide, and the crimson beam of light shot out again with the momentum of burning the sky and the earth, and slammed into Yemenggard.

  Yemengarde will be seriously injured. It can't even summon the cold-condensed armor, and the wireless heat rays directly hit its body.

  The hot light kept burning the scales on its body, and those smooth scales that were indestructible were directly burned into drops of magma under such terrifying heat, and dropped into the sea.

  Yemengarde's snake face became more and more distorted, such a terrifying beam of light seemed to burn its soul!


  Yemengarde's body could no longer withstand the attack of the infinite hotline, and the infinite hotline penetrated straight through his waist, and the beam of light shot through its body into the sea, causing layers of huge waves!

  Yermengard's body also lost its support and crashed into the bottomless ocean, where it will sleep forever.

  "Yemengard was killed!"

  "Great, the humans of Grand Island are saved now!"

  "It's all thanks to Godzilla!"

  Netizens in the live broadcast room also breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Yemengarde was finally killed by Godzilla. In this way, the plague would not continue to spread, and all mankind would be saved.

  "Huh, I finally won, I can kill Yemenga."

  Captain Marvin muttered as he looked at the giant beast standing on the sea in front of him.

  He immediately raised his arm to check the concentration of viruses in this space. Sure enough, with the death of Yermengard, the concentration of viruses here continued to decrease, and those viruses seemed to be disintegrating themselves.

  "Very good! Gentlemen."

  General Paul said happily in the communicator...  

  It was a blessing in disguise that there were not too many losses in this battle.

  "Well, the body can move again."

  Orville woke up from the coma. He tried to move his fingers and found that although he was very weak, his body could make some movements.

  At this moment, there was a sound of weak moans around him, and he turned to look and found that those were his neighbors, and they also regained their ability to move.

  Everyone's condition has improved!

  Not long after, several doctors in protective suits also walked into the tent. They took medicines in their hands to further treat these patients. Orville could clearly see the joy on their faces.

  The rest of the residents of Grand Island who were infected with the plague also woke up from their coma. All the viruses in their bodies disappeared, and their condition was relieved. It is believed that with drug treatment, they will be discharged soon.

  "Our tribe has finally escaped the control of God from today."

  Gorgeously dressed men stood on the bow and watched Godzilla re-enter the black tunnel. It didn't stay here for long.

  "What are your plans for the future?"

  Captain Marvin looked at him and asked.

  "Since our space is connected to you and has a passage to each other, then we can go to your world to see it."

  The man smiled and said.

  Since the death of God, the invisible shackles on his body have also been broken. Without the bondage and imprisonment of God, he also wants to leave here and look elsewhere.

  "Okay, no problem, you are welcome as a guest."

  Captain Marvin replied with a smile.



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