


  PS: The first update.

  The new book sets sail, ask for flowers, ask for monthly tickets and ask for evaluation tickets! ! !

  Let's talk about the type of this book. This book is probably a story about a protagonist playing with the world of technology and forcibly transforming the world of mechas into a world of monsters.

  If you guys think this book is okay.

  Don't give me monthly tickets and evaluation tickets for flowers?

  With the strong support of the big guys, the author is more motivated to go to all kinds of explosions.

  This book can go even further!

  Thanks guys! .

Chapter 2

  [Name]: Godzilla.

  [Level]: Ruined city level.

  [Skills]: Tail flick, bite, tear, white-hot light.

  【Form】: None.

  [Atomic Energy]: 100 million/100 million.


  He You looked surprised.

  As he has seen many monster movies in his previous life, he naturally understands the power of Godzilla, the monster king who is known as the balancer of nature!

  Various abilities such as atomic breath, red lotus karmic fire, and infinite evolution.

  Almost out of reach of other monsters!

  next moment.

  An attribute panel appeared in front of him.

  [Host]: He You.

  [Skill]: The universe moves, and it is launched globally.

  【Props】: None.

  [Monster]: Godzilla.

  [Emotion value]: 0.

  [Task]: Drop the first monster.

  He You murmured: "Is the first monster released? Now I still have a year to prepare, and a year later, the aggressive alien fleet will descend on the earth. At that time, there will be a war between civilizations. It's inevitable!"

  He sighed: "So I have to summon a large number of monsters as soon as possible within a year, and make all these monsters have a strong fighting power!"

  He wants to transform the entire earth into a monster world, break this mecha world from the technology tree, and then develop it towards the monster world!

  Transform the world and play with all of humanity. …


  It's also a good game.

  When the alien fleet arrives on the earth a year later, he is somewhat looking forward to when the aliens see Godzilla, Ghidorah, Hypageton and Nidhogg, Kraken, Leviathan and these monsters. , what kind of expression will it look like?

  I'm afraid it will be wonderful, right?


  He You rubbed her chin and thought: "Where is the first monster Godzilla going to be placed?"

  Thinking about it, he suddenly glanced at the news on TV.

  The news content is the world's first empire. The Sky Eagle Federation dispatched its Third Pacific Fleet's Third Mecha Corps to conduct so-called free navigation and live ammunition exercises on the borders of the territorial waters of the Great Xia Kingdom. There are also citizens under the news. view.

  "Too deceitful! They came to our door again and again and said that they were making excuses and saying that they were training their mecha combat capabilities. In fact, it was obvious that they were threatening us!"

  "It is tolerable or unbearable!"

  "If you want me to tell you, we should directly send our Dragon Mechas to destroy their Mechas! Let those abominable bastards know that my Daxia Kingdom is not easy to bully!"

  "Hey, what else can I do? Although the Sky Eagle Federation is very abominable and irritating, their mechas are the most powerful mechas in the world today!"


  Someone is angry.

  Someone sighed.

  Some people are helpless.

  Seeing this, He You couldn't help frowning. He was worried that he didn't know where to put Godzilla, but since the Eagle Federation thought their mecha was so powerful.

  Then let Godzilla try to see who is stronger and who is weaker!

  So he thought.

  A three-dimensional globe appeared in front of him. He turned the globe to directly locate it somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, and when he zoomed in, he could see that on the vast ocean, there were giant aircraft carriers sailing neatly and uniformly.

  On the decks of these aircraft carriers, there are powerful mechas with tall and precise shapes, He You murmured: "It seems that the strength of this world is indeed much stronger than that of the previous life, even a giant like an aircraft carrier. It's everywhere like this?".

  He stretched out his finger and tapped on the globe.

  【Do you want to put Godzilla here? 】


  【In progress....】

  [It is estimated that the launch will be successful in one hour]

  He You smiled lightly: "Next, let the whole world enjoy a thrilling battle, let's see, whether the mecha or the monster is better!".


  As the commander-in-chief of the prestigious Third Mecha Corps in the Pacific Fleet of the Sky Eagle Federation, Ludwig S.Hopkinson is a world-famous hawk general.

  He has stated more than once in public that once the Eagle Empire and the Great Xia Kingdom go to war, the Third Mecha Corps under his command will be enough to destroy the ace Mecha Corps of the Great Xia Kingdom. Such an arrogant and arrogant attitude makes him The reputation is not very good.

  Through the telescope, Ludwig could clearly see the fourth and fifth fleets of the Great Xia Kingdom in the distance, as well as the mechas that were like broken metal in his eyes. The deputy next to him smiled contemptuously:

  "You see that there is no Delges, that group of Daxia people are driving around in front of us with their broken copper and iron, I bet that if there is a war, my third mecha army will definitely be able to destroy Destroy them!"

  Delges smiled and said: "What the general said is that our mechas are all brain-controlled mechas, all powered by nuclear fusion, and the engine is the most advanced engine in the world today. Some of the mechas are even using the old-fashioned low-level mechas with keyboard-based operating systems!"

  He chuckled: "How are they our opponents?".

  "Pass my order!"

  Ludwig smiled lightly, and he said, "Order the fleet to advance another twenty nautical miles, and let those bastards take a look at what the real ace mecha is! Let them know, don't take out the broken metal. Disgraceful!"

  He had a contemptuous smile on his face.


  Delges laughed.

  But at this moment, a soldier rushed to Ludwig's side with a panicked expression and said, "No, General! We found a strong nuclear radiation signal five kilometers below the fleet, and it was Swiftly approaching us!".


  Ludwig's face changed slightly. He pointed at the soldier with a gloomy expression and said, "Are you sure you read it right!? What was detected is really nuclear radiation!".


  The soldier looked determined.


  Delges, who was on the side, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and he couldn't help but said in a panic, "Could it be that those Daxia people fired nuclear missiles at us?"


  Ludwig roared loudly, and he pointed at the [-]rd and [-]th Fleet of the Great Xia Kingdom far away and roared: "They don't have that courage! Unless they want to go to war with us!"

  "Should...should not be nuclear missiles."

  The soldier said: "Not only did that object emit nuclear radiation, but we also detected a violent heartbeat and thermal energy, so we guessed that it should be some kind of mysterious creature, but...but we have never seen such a huge creatures!".

  "Whatever creature it is! Stop it for me! Must not let it approach our fleet!"

  Ludwig said solemnly.


  The soldier turned and left.



  PS: Second more.

  Ask for flowers, ask for a monthly pass, ask for an evaluation ticket! ! ! .

Chapter 3


  Cai Limin, the captain of the Fourth Fleet, put down his binoculars, and said angrily, "These bastards are too deceiving! They even sent mechas to our door to threaten us! Are you saying that they are humiliating us?"

  He slammed his fist on the table and gritted his teeth: "They humiliated and oppressed us all because of their strength. I really want to destroy them!".

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