The captain of the Fifth Fleet, Shi Xiang, said indifferently: "Old Cai, I said, can you get rid of your swear words? You are also the general in charge of a fleet. What the fuck does it look like?"

  He said: "Don't worry about the war, anyway, we and the Eagle Federation will have a war sooner or later, but we can't fight now, otherwise, wouldn't that be in the enemy's arms?"

  He snorted coldly: "When the fight is really about to start, don't worry, we will definitely be the first to rush up. When that time comes, let those bastards look at us, and it won't be easy to mess with us!"

  Say it.

  He suddenly whimpered.

  "what happened?"

  Cai Limin asked.

  "Look, they separated some of the mechas into the sea!"

  Shi Xiang said.

  Hearing this, Cai Limin quickly picked up the binoculars, and as expected, a large number of mechas plunged into the sea. He frowned and said, "What the hell are these bastards doing?".

  Shi Xiang said solemnly: "Go on and order all radars of the whole ship to turn on the maximum power. If you find anything wrong, report it to me immediately!".


  The adjutant behind him nodded and turned to leave.

  "Look, Lao Shi! There is fire in the sea! It seems that... those mechas that rushed into the sea are exploding one after another!" Cai Limin suddenly exclaimed in surprise.

  "It really is!"

  Shi Xiang looked through the binoculars and found that there were bursts of fire under the sea. He frowned and said, "No! There seems to be something in the sea! Did you see that huge shadow? God, what is that? !".


  at the same time.

  Ludwig's entire Third Mecha Corps has become a mess!

  Because just now, all the missiles they fired at the mysterious creature in the deep sea failed, and they failed to kill the mysterious creature in the deep sea.

  Not only that.

  The ten Sea King-class mechas that rushed into the sea for interception were all destroyed and exploded!

  "General, what is that? It can actually destroy ten of our Sea King-class mechas!" Delges looked surprised. firepower.

  Let the Sea King-class mecha be invincible in the sea!

  What creature could be so terrifying to destroy ten Sea King-class mechas?

  "You ask me how the fuck do I know!"

  Ludwig is really angry and panicked. The cost of each Sea King-class mecha is extremely expensive. Even the Sky Eagle Federation, the richest in the world, can never be mass-produced. The entire Pacific Fleet is only a mere amount. One hundred Sea King-class mechas.

  Results now.

  In less than ten minutes, he immediately lost ten units!

  After returning, the headquarters must not rip off his skin! ?

  of course.

  What puzzled him the most was, what kind of mysterious creature had such a powerful strength that it could destroy his ten Sea King-class mechas in the deep sea?

  With the development of science and technology, all countries in the world, especially their Tianying Federation, have already carried out detailed exploration and investigation of the deep sea. In the words of the King of the Tianying Federation, no one knows the sea better than them, and he has never heard of it. There is such a powerful creature in the deep sea, it can destroy the Sea King Mecha!


  At this moment, a soldier rushed over in a panic: "That thing is less than a kilometer away from us! It is expected to reach the bottom of the fleet in half a minute!".

  Ludwig hurriedly ordered: "Order the second and third mecha regiments to intercept that monster with all their strength, and the entire ship immediately evacuates here at full speed, this damned bastard!".

  "God! Look over there!"

  "Shit! What the hell is that!"

  "so big......"

  "It's charging at us!"


  Suddenly, a group of soldiers on the aircraft carrier where Ludwig was sitting surrounded the edge of the aircraft carrier and looked down into the sea, one after another exclaimed in surprise.

  Ludwig and Delges quickly looked over.

  The next moment, their pupils shrank, and their faces were filled with unbelievable horror, but when they saw a huge shadow about fifty meters below the sea surface was rushing towards the sea, vaguely, they could see what was under the sea. Ferocious beast!


  Ludwig roared.

  Bang bang bang!

  The thick and dark ship defense guns roared, spitting out shells to hit the shadows under the sea, the bullets formed a chain of bullets, like lines of fire.

  A blue high-energy laser beam shot down the sea.

  Each of these blue high-energy laser beams possesses unimaginable terrifying power, enough to easily blow up those old-fashioned warships from the previous era.


  Whether it was cannonballs or high-energy laser beams, they hit the huge figure under the sea, but they couldn't stop it at all, as if it was invulnerable.

  But in the blink of an eye.

  That huge black shadow came to the edge of an aircraft carrier.


  The next moment, a huge claw covered with thick scales suddenly stretched out of the sea, the sea water crashed down like rain, and then the claw slapped heavily on the deck of the aircraft carrier. A shock.

  Followed by.

  A deafening roar rose into the sky:




  PS: third more.

  Ask for flowers, ask for a monthly pass, ask for an evaluation ticket! ! ! .

Chapter 4


  A majestic roar rose into the sky, and the huge and ferocious claws covered with scales slapped heavily on the deck of the aircraft carrier, and the aircraft carrier of more than [-] tons vibrated violently.

  Followed by.

  A huge creature climbed from the sea to the deck of the aircraft carrier. It opened its big mouth and roared in the sky. The deafening roar spread far away.

  this moment.

  Everyone, including Ludwig and Delges, all stared at the huge hideous creature, which was a mysterious giant creature with black scales all over its body, like an erect lizard.

  From those eyes, Ludwig seemed to see...


  And kingly indifference!


  Ludwig looked up at the tall monster, he swallowed in shock and disbelief, and murmured in a low voice, "What the hell is this!".

  This mysterious creature is...


  Not only were Ludwig and the others stunned, but even Cai Limin, Shi Xiang and others in the distance naturally saw Godzilla roaring on the deck of the aircraft carrier. When a huge strong figure.

  Both of them were dumbfounded!

  "His grandma's..."

  Cai Limin swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

  He had a ghostly expression on his face: "What is this? Is it an alien invasion?".

  Shi Xiang was shocked and speechless.

  He grows so big.

  Where have you seen such a huge creature?

  He feels like his worldview is being refreshed!


  The roar gradually subsided, and Godzilla's indifferent eyes like a king glanced at the panicked people fleeing on the deck below his feet, as well as the tall mechas more than ten meters high parked on the deck. tossed.

  Then all the mechas were pumped into the sea.

  With a bang, Godzilla's thick and powerful tail slammed into the ship island of the aircraft carrier, and the incomparably powerful force actually sent the ship island flying out!


  Ludwig was startled, and he hurriedly shouted: "Kids, don't stand still! Attack me with all your strength! You have to destroy this monster for me no matter what!".

  With his order, more than a dozen aircraft carriers of the Third Mecha Corps immediately turned on their fire. All weapons such as missiles, high-energy laser beams, ship defense guns, laser guns, etc. immediately began to roar. In Godzilla, however, Ludwig felt incredibly unbelievable.

  Such ferocious firepower fell on this monster, but it failed to cause even the slightest damage to it, as if the scales on its body were invulnerable!

  "how can that be!"

  he was shocked,

  What kind of perverted monster is this?The skin is so thick and the flesh is so thick?

  at this time.

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