The mecha masters on other aircraft carriers have entered the cockpit, the eyes of the mechas lit up, the roar of the engine sounded, and four orange-red flames spurted out from the back, weighing dozens of hundreds of tons of mechas, Immediately they soared into the sky.

  Hundreds of mechas were like flies, circling Godzilla's constant flight interference, and missiles swept through the space, hitting Godzilla like raindrops.

  The roar resounded.

  The flames appeared, but these missiles failed to bring even a little damage to Godzilla. Godzilla's defense is extremely strong. Even if he is in the center of the explosion of the nuclear bomb, the terrifying explosion energy may not be so terrifying. Can kill Godzilla.

  Not to mention district missiles?

  There are even some mecha masters driving mechas, holding hard and sharp alloy knives close to Godzilla, wanting to cut through Godzilla's flesh, which is really ridiculous.

  These mechas are like flies, densely flying around Godzilla or interfering, but they can't hurt Godzilla. On the other hand, Godzilla's hideous claws grabbed a ten-meter-high mecha, and then Pull hard on both sides.

  The mecha was torn apart and exploded!

  Or maybe his tail flicked violently, and two or three mechas failed to react in time, so they were blown up by the sturdy tail, and the firelight shone and the parts flew.



  "Quick retreat!!!"

  Ludwig was really frightened, and he looked at the giant creature in front of him in horror.

  What kind of monster is this special? This combat power is a bit too perverted and terrifying, right?Their attacks could not injure the monster in the slightest.

  As a result, their mechas were like flies. They were slapped and exploded by this monster. If they continued to fight, his third mecha army had to be wiped out!

  A legion has [-] people, but in fact, the number of real combatants is not that many at all. There are only three mecha divisions in his combat-effective units.

  Counting it down, there are only [-] mecha divisions!

  It’s not easy to train mecha masters, especially those under him who can definitely be called elite mecha masters. Not only for him, but for the entire Pacific Fleet of the Eagle Federation, they are all treasures. It's a huge loss!


  When Ludwig's order was issued, the huge aircraft carrier fleet immediately turned around and fled, leaving a few mech regiments to stop Godzilla. Not even!

  And far away, Cai Limin and Shi Xiang, seeing the illustrious third-level armored corps, fled with their tails between their tails without hesitation at this moment.

  They couldn't help looking at each other, and they could see shock and disbelief from each other's faces. Of course, what they were shocked was not the escape speed of the Third Mecha Corps, but how could there be such a terrifying mysterious creature in this world?

  Both of them couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, their hearts were extremely shocked.

  "What kind of monster is this?"



  PS: Fourth more.

  The new book sets sail, ask for flowers, ask for monthly tickets and ask for evaluation tickets! ! ! .

Chapter 5

  Godzilla naturally won't let Ludwig go easily.


  But seeing it turned towards the fleeing aircraft carrier fleet, it suddenly opened its mouth, white light began to condense in its mouth, and terrifying heat swept out, causing the space around the mouth to be slightly distorted by the high temperature.

  A fiery white light group gradually took shape.

  A thud.

  The next moment, the white light group with hundreds of thousands of degrees Celsius was squeezed into a thick white energy column, carrying a terrifying high temperature towards an aircraft carrier full of mechas, and the white energy column appeared as flames. jet-like.

  This is a manifestation of lack of energy concentration.

  But even so, the terrifying temperature emitted by the incandescent light was enough to distort the space violently, and several mechas failed to escape in time and were hit by the incandescent light.

  Immediately there was a rumbling explosion.


  The white-hot light in the shape of a flame jet hit the aircraft carrier that had not had time to turn around, and the people and mechas on the deck of the aircraft carrier were all shrouded.

  All the soldiers on the deck did not even scream, they were directly melted into ashes by the white heat and glory, and the roar resounded endlessly. It was the sound of the mecha exploding.

  Under the baking of hundreds of thousands of degrees Celsius, the deck of the aircraft carrier, which was extremely hard and resistant to missile bombardment, was slowly melted at this moment.

  It turned into red magma and fell drop by drop into the sea water.


  The incandescent light lasted only fifteen seconds, and Godzilla closed his mouth to withdraw the incandescent light. When the incandescent light disappeared, Ludwig and Delges on other aircraft carriers, as well as the officers and soldiers, Immediately look towards the aircraft carrier.

  Just took a look.

  Everyone was so frightened that their faces turned pale, and even many people sat on the ground with their legs limp and their buttocks slumped on the ground. On the ground, his face was pale and terrified.

  because he saw it.

  In the middle of the giant aircraft carrier, it was melted into a hole with a diameter of seven or eight meters. The edge of the hole has turned into red magma, which is constantly dripping, and the fire on the aircraft carrier is constantly exploding. resounding.

  The entire aircraft carrier was almost melted into two pieces from the middle!

  "Fake squid!"

  Delges on the side was so frightened that his legs trembled as if they were electrocuted.

  He said with a ghostly look on his face: "God! What kind of monster is this! This, this.... It has super powers! It's unbelievable!".

  "Run! Run! The whole ship is evacuated at full speed!!!"

  Ludwig roared hysterically, with a strong sense of fear in his voice. In his eyes, this lizard-like monster is simply a god of death!

  His expression was both terrified and like a concubine. He never thought that he was just ordered to lead his third mecha army to conduct a live-fire exercise on the territorial waters and borders of the Great Xia Country, which shocked the Great Xia Country. Terrible monster, could it be that Ludwig didn't read the almanac when he went out today?


  The remaining aircraft carriers fled at full speed!

  But what made Ludwig relieved was that the terrifying monster did not chase them, but quietly watched them leave, which made him heave a sigh of relief.

  If this monster really came to hunt them down, even if his Third Mecha Corps could escape, it would inevitably suffer heavy losses and even be cancelled!


  He really wanted to look up to the sky and call out to God Mary!

  "What kind of monster is this..."

  And Ludwig had the same idea, as well as the fourth and fifth captains Cai Limin and Shi Xiang, who also witnessed the horror of the monster Godzilla.

  They saw it with their own eyes.

  A [-]-ton aircraft carrier carrying [-] mechas was melted by a flaming white energy sprayed out by a giant beast more than [-] meters high under their noses. It's simply magic for them!

  And unbelievable!

  They just feel like their worldview has been refreshed!


  Rao Cai Limin, who is not afraid of the sky and the earth, couldn't help but feel terrified at this moment: "Fortunately, that monster is not aimed at us, otherwise it would be really bad!".


  Shi Xiang sighed: "I never dreamed that there is such a terrifying beast in this world. Humans still don't know enough about the ocean!"

  He looked solemn: "If this matter spreads out, I am afraid that the whole world will be shocked and stunned, and it will also make the world doubt and question the mecha!".

  "What should I do?"

  Cai Limin asked.

  Shi Xiang thought for a while, and then said condensedly: "The matter about this giant beast must not be spread out, report it to the Elder Hall first, and let the elders and the emperor make the decision. After all, this matter is no trivial matter, it's not you and me. Feel free to make decisions!".

  Cai Limin nodded.

  Nowadays, the world is vigorously developing mechas, and they are desperately developing a new generation of mechas. People all over the world also have god-like beliefs and respect for mechas. Once this matter is spread out, let people know. The mecha they believed in was easily torn apart like a piece of paper in front of the monster.

  What will the world think?

  I'm afraid the whole world will be in chaos!

  He grinned and said, "But no matter what, I'm inexplicably happy to see that group of abominable foreigners being beaten by monsters and fleeing with heavy losses!"

  "Let's go back and recover."

  Shi Xiang said: "Order the whole ship to return immediately!".


  The two fleets turned around and returned.



  PS: Fifth more.

  In order for this book to survive in a stable manner, I changed the supreme head of the Great Xia Kingdom to the [Emperor], and the highest decision-making body to the [Elder Hall] composed of ten core elders. Otherwise, this book will be reported once it is reported. All right.

  At last.

  Ask for flowers, ask for a monthly pass, ask for an evaluation ticket! ! ! .

Chapter 6

  Wu'an City.

  He You was half lying on the bed, and a transparent virtual panel was suspended in front of him. The picture on the panel was the rout of the Third Mecha Corps fleeing in embarrassment.

  He murmured: "It's a pity, if the atomic energy in Godzilla's body was not exhausted, the entire third mecha army would have to be buried in the sea!".

  [Shock value +1]

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