【Terror value +2】

  [Excited value +1]


  System prompts kept appearing in front of He You's eyes.

  "Open the panel."

  With a thought, the attribute panel appeared in front of him.

  [Host]: He You.

  [Skill]: The universe moves, and it is launched globally.

  【Props】: None.

  [Monster]: Godzilla.

  [Emotional Value]: 35820+

  [Task]: Drop the first monster (task completed).

  "Is more than [-] emotions worth it?"

  Seeing this, He You couldn't help frowning. The emotional value of more than [-] is a bit too low, but it is no wonder that this time Ludwig did not bring all his Third Mecha Corps, but only brought [-] people came to demonstrate and exercise.

  The fourth and fifth major fleets are also not dispatched by the whole army.

  The low emotional value provided is understandable.

  Fortunately, the system task was finally completed, so he clicked to receive the task reward.

  [Congratulations to the host for obtaining G cells*10]

  "G cells?"

  He You was startled.

  Immediately he reacted, the reason why Godzilla was able to defeat many monsters to become the king of monsters is because of the existence of G cells. G cells have powerful self-regeneration ability. Not only that, the most terrible thing about G cells is... ...

  It can evolve infinitely!


  He You is also clear.

  Just because the ability of G cells is so terrifying, it also causes G cells to have a strong backlash. Once any animal or plant is fused with G cells, it will become a terrifying titan in an instant, and if a human is implanted in the body. G cells.


  Cells in the human body will be engulfed by G cells, and G cells will proliferate and differentiate indefinitely in the human body, and this process cannot be stopped. G cells will make people end up with a bunch of ugly living meat mountains. Color change!

  He clicked on the detailed introduction of G cells.

  [G cell]: After implanting cells, any creature can embark on a path of infinite evolution to become a god, and G cells have strong self-regeneration ability. As long as they are not fatally injured, G cells can restore any Injury, please don't worry the host, the side effects of G cells have been eliminated by the system, the host does not need to worry about the side effects of G cells, and can be directly implanted into the body.

  "It's almost..."

  He You breathed a sigh of relief.

  If an authentic G cell is implanted in his body.

  He would rather not have this ability to evolve infinitely.


  He silently said in his heart.

  The next moment, He You clearly felt that the cells, flesh and bones in his body were undergoing earth-shaking and wonderful changes. His body was being transformed by Godzilla's cells, and a powerful sense of power was gradually growing from the body, as if His entire body has been sublimated by a god at this moment!

  This change quickly disappeared.

  But He You can clearly feel that his physical fitness is undoubtedly stronger now than he was a minute ago, and a strong sense of power fills his body. It seems that he can play thousands of punches now. Jin's power!

  He punched the hard concrete floor.

  With a bang, the ground split apart instantly, and cracks spread like spider webs one after another, and what surprised him was that he could not feel the pain.

  "A rough estimate, I'm afraid that the power I can punch with one punch now has to be at least [-] pounds. Tsk tsk tsk, I'm afraid I want to become a one-punch superman?"

  he grumbled.

  Try regeneration again.

  Thinking like this, he found a small knife, and then gently stroked his finger, a wound appeared, and blood was flowing, but the next moment he was surprised.

  He was surprised to find that the foot-long wound on his finger was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, but in just a few breaths, the wound was restored to its original state.

  Only the blood on the fingers was left.

  "So strong..."

  He You couldn't help but murmured.

  G cells are simply invincible!

  Followed by.

  His heart suddenly became excited. After seeing the powerful abilities of G cells, he suddenly felt that he seemed to be able to transform all mankind with the help of G cells!

  Make all the human beings in the world...


  This is a grand plan!

  In this way, a year from now, will Earth civilization still be afraid of alien civilizations?



  PS: Sixth more!

  The new book sets sail, ask for flowers, ask for monthly tickets and ask for evaluation tickets! ! !

  Thanks for the support guys! ! ! .

Chapter 7

  When the author conceived of this book, he actually wanted to turn this book from the world of mechas into a modern version of the Classic of Mountains and Seas.

  Well, it's the kind of monsters running rampant in the urban world.

  But the author doesn't know if anyone likes niche articles on this subject.

  I'm still a little nervous in my heart, for fear that the results on the first day will be thrown into the street o(╥﹏╥)o

  This book has just been released, it is a new book, and the results on the first day are really, very, very important!

  It can be said that the score of the new book is the life of this book!

  If this book is enjoyable for you to read, and if you can read it, please do not be stingy with flowers, monthly passes, and evaluation tickets!

  As long as the data is strong, ten updates a day is not a problem!

  The following are the addition rules:

  Five shifts are guaranteed every day.

  Three thousand flowers plus one more.

  Ten monthly passes plus one more.

  Five hundred evaluation votes plus one more.

  Ten rewards plus one update [regardless of the amount].

  Fifty comments plus one!

  Thank you, the author continues to code words~.

Chapter 8

  "If you want this world where mechas are king, it is not easy to transform it into a monster world. It is obviously not enough to just let the monsters defeat the mechas that the world is proud of!"

  He You rubbed his chin and muttered: "I still need to let people experience the benefits of monsters. Only in this way will the world truly accept the monster world!".

  The emergence of G cells undoubtedly solved this problem.

  Since Godzilla's G cells can endow any creature with the ability to infinitely evolve and regenerate wirelessly, then Mothra's M cells must not be much weaker.


  He You also knows that it is obviously very difficult to transform a world that has been on the road of mechas for hundreds of years into a monster world in just one year.

  He needs to have a rigorous conceptual plan!


  He found a piece of paper and a pen, and after thinking for a long time, he wrote down the plans in his mind one by one on the paper to ensure that he would not deviate from the plan.

  First, in order to transform the world of mechas into a world of monsters, he needs to defeat human mechas, defeat mechas, and also defeat human beings' belief in mechas.

  Second, he needs to let humans experience the benefits of monsters, such as allowing people to implant Godzilla's cells and embark on an immortal road of infinite evolution and infinite regeneration.

  and also......

  He You couldn't help rubbing his chin and fell into contemplation. The pen flexibly turned in his hand. After pondering for a while, he continued to hold the pen and write on the paper:

  Third, he also needs to form his own organization, and let the members of the organization penetrate the leadership of various countries to make some contributions and support for his future plans.

  As for the name of the organization...

  It's called Plan G?

  Fourth, he needs to make the appearance of monsters reasonable and create a history that belongs to monsters, such as building ancient monster relics all over the world.

  Just imagine.

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