If the ruins of a monster with a history of tens of thousands of years appear in the eyes of the world, a myth belonging to a monster comes to the world.

  What will people think?

  This will obviously make it easier for people to accept the monster world!

  Fifth, lead into many monsters to conquer the universe?

  "Probably so much..."

  He You put down the pen and murmured: "What I need to do now is to defeat all kinds of powerful human mechas, harvest emotional points, and then exchange for all kinds of monsters!".

  First, check out the powerful mechas in the world.

  Thinking like this, He You opened his notebook and searched the Internet for the ranking of mechas in the world today. The moment he pressed the Enter key, many rankings appeared immediately.

  8st place: King of the Earth Heavy Mecha, Gaomi, nuclear fusion as the main power, using 36 Angel-level main engines and [-] auxiliary engines.

  The latest titanium alloy armor assembled can resist the bombing of almost all missiles. In terms of firepower, it can be equipped with [-] nuclear warheads, and can launch various types of missiles and laser weapons. Destroy a country, known as the king of the earth, from the Eagle Federation.

  Second place: Raptor light combat armor, powerful, can cross the Pacific in just one hour, extremely flexible in the air, the matching alloy war knife can tear the armor of all mechas in the world today, known as the best of air combat king.

  Produced by the Eagle Federation.

  The third place: Veyron comprehensive combat armor. The data about the mecha is not yet known. The main record is that Zhou Qisheng, the ace mecha master of Daxia, who is known as the god of war, drove a Veyron mecha and destroyed it by himself. Three Sea King-class mechas.

  Produced in Daxia.

  fourth place......

  He You took a general look. Judging from the list, it seems that human mechas are mainly divided into heavy mechas and light mechas. Light mechas can basically fly to the sky, but the light fighters developed by various countries Features are different.

  Some mechs have great air superiority.

  And some are in the sea to play a greater advantage.


  He You found that the third mecha on this list, the Eagle Federation occupies the first and second place, the first five Tianying Federation battles are three, the Daxia Kingdom and the Sand Bear Kingdom each occupy one, and the Sky Eagle Federation battles in the top ten. Five, and the Great Xia Kingdom occupies three.

  The Sand Bear Kingdom has two.

  He couldn't help feeling that the strength of the Sky Eagle Federation was really strong.

  The top ten strongest mechas in the world occupy five, and this is still the data on the surface. In the dark, no one knows whether the Sky Eagle Federation has developed new mechas.

  But he was sure.

  There is definitely a more powerful mecha in the bottom of the Eagle Federation's press box!

  It just hasn't been announced.

  after all.

  It is absolutely impossible for any country in the world to expose its trump card. According to their urine quality, [-]% of them are developed by one generation in service.

  But it doesn't matter.

  He You just wanted to have a general understanding of mechas, no matter what level of mechas, in front of Godzilla and these monsters, they will only be torn apart!

  [Name]: Godzilla.

  [Level]: Ruined city level.

  [Skills]: Tail flick, bite, tear, white-hot light.

  【Form】: None.

  [Atomic Energy]: 45/100 million.

  "Is there only 45 atomic energy left?"

  He You couldn't help but feel helpless for a while. The reason why he let go of Ludwig and his Third Mecha Corps before was because the white-hot light emitted by Godzilla directly consumed more than [-] atomic energy, which made Godzilla. status has dropped significantly.

  In order to avoid accidents, this kept Godzilla from chasing him.

  He murmured: "It seems that Godzilla has to wander around the human city, harvest a wave of emotional points, and then restore Godzilla's state!".

  By the way, see if you can upgrade a wave of Godzilla.



  PS: Seventh more.

  The author of this book has made a sufficient outline, so readers do not need to worry about whether they will be eunuchs, but a new book is absolutely inseparable from the support of the big brothers. If you think this book is okay, please vote for it. Monthly tickets and evaluation tickets for flowers, even one ticket per flower is a great encouragement to the author.

  Thanks guys! .

Chapter 9


  This is the only maritime state of the Eagle Federation. Honolulu consists of more than [-] islands. It is not only a tourist resort, but also the headquarters of the Pacific Fleet of the Eagle Federation. All the major mecha corps of the Pacific Fleet are stationed here.

  At this moment.

  In the Pacific Fleet Command building, the atmosphere in a small conference room was extremely heavy, and the generals sitting on both sides of the conference table had heavy expressions.

  And General Ludwig, who had escaped from death, was sitting there with his head down and looking uneasy, and the generals around him cast sympathetic glances from time to time.


  At this moment, the door of the conference room was suddenly opened, but a blue-eyed man in a military uniform and glasses with gray hair who looked like he was in his [-]s or [-]s walked in. Although he was over [-] years old, he started walking. It is also a dragon's footsteps to come.

  Apparently the body is very tough.

  The moment the man walked into the conference room, the generals who were sitting immediately stood up, straightened their bodies, and gave the man a military salute with awe.

  Because this person is the commander-in-chief of the Pacific Fleet of the Sky Eagle Federation.

  Admiral Esmond Warrison!

  "Sit down, gentlemen."

  Esmond took the seat in a drastic manner. He waved at the crowd to signal them to sit down. Then he took out the remote control and pressed it. On the screen behind him, a picture immediately appeared, and that was Ludwig. The battle scene of Xi's Third Mecha Corps encountering Godzilla, everyone watched silently.

  After reading it, the generals present looked at each other.

  You look at me, I look at you, and you can see the look of disbelief and surprise on each other's faces. Obviously, they are also frightened by Godzilla's power.

  "What monster is this?"

  "God, what is it spraying? It can melt the deck of our nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, and even nearly melted the entire aircraft carrier into two pieces!"

  "too frightening!"

  "Our mecha can't help him?"


  The crowd whispered.

  Shock and disbelief could be heard in their voices.


  Mechas are the strongest weapons of mankind. Today’s wars have long become wars between mechas, but now, they see their proud Sea King-class mechas, as well as all kinds of mechas. Can't hurt that huge monster.

  On the other hand, looking at the fighting power shown by that monster...

  Terrifying to the extreme!

  "It's scary, isn't it?"

  Esmond said lightly.

  Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, but you can't say a word.

  Esmond wasn't talking nonsense at all.

  He said: "This time Ludwig's Third Mecha Corps was attacked by this mysterious monster and suffered heavy losses. Thirteen Sea King-class Mechas were lost, and the rest of the Mechas lost more than [-] units. Plus a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier!"

  Speaking of this, he rubbed his eyebrows and said, "A rough estimate is that the direct loss exceeds [-] billion knives. If this matter is reported to the cabinet, no one can afford the consequences!".

  "What do you mean, Commander?"

  someone asked.

  "Press it for now."

  Esmond said: "If the stingy gentlemen in the cabinet know about this, the funding for next year will inevitably be greatly reduced, which is not good for you and me!"

  "The top priority right now, we need to regroup, and we must destroy that monster! Of course, it would be best if we could surrender the monster and use it for us, but only in this way can we give that group of gentlemen a satisfaction Explain, to give them such a powerful monster as a gift, I think that group of gentlemen will be very happy!"

  He looked at Ludwig, who was silent: "This time, you and Carlos will lead the [-]rd and [-]th Mecha Corps with the newly developed alloy armor-piercing bullets to conquer the monster. You have to remember Ludwig!"

  He pointed to Ludwig and said solemnly: "This is your last chance to make a guilt and meritorious service. If you fail again, then even I can't keep you!".


  Ludwig and a squat man stood up and said.


  After Esmond said that, he got up and left.

  Carlos smiled and said: "Ludwig, let's discuss how to deal with that monster, I want to see what kind of monster it is!".

  Ludwig said: "You must not want to see it again!".

  "is it?"

  Carlos smiled indifferently.


  at the same time.

  The news of the sudden withdrawal of the Third Mecha Corps from the sea naturally spread to the Great Xia Kingdom, and the news swept across the entire Great Xia Country's network at a storm-like speed.

  Countless netizens are talking about it.

  "The Third Mecha Corps unexpectedly withdraws?"

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