"What the hell are those foreigners doing?"

  "What does this mean? It means that they are still afraid of us!"

  "Top secret video! Hurry up and watch the fire, it is estimated that it will be gone soon!"

  "Fuck! What the hell is in the video!"

  "Damn it! What kind of creature is this, even all kinds of missiles and lasers can't kill it? Even the Sea King-class mecha has been destroyed by it more than a dozen units?"

  "Cow B!"

  "Really or not? Could it be that the reason why the Third Mecha Corps withdrew was because of this monster?"


  "It's obviously fake! It's estimated that [-]% of the special effects videos are deliberately made by those male squeaks for the sake of their masters, so they shouldn't be real!"


  "My minister agrees!"


  There was a lot of discussion.

  Everyone is also curious.

  What was the reason for the sudden retreat of the Third Mecha Corps who came to make trouble?



  PS: Eighth more.

  The new book sets sail, ask for flowers, ask for monthly tickets and ask for evaluation tickets! ! ! .

Chapter 10

  North Star City.

  There is a hill that is only five hundred meters high. It stands in the middle of the metropolis full of high-rise buildings. This mountain has a resounding name.

  Tiannan Mountain!

  As the highest authority of the Great Xia Kingdom, the Hall of Elders is located on the top of this mountain. Not only that, but also the most powerful person in the Great Xia Kingdom lives on this mountain, that is, the contemporary emperor Tang Wanmin. the ruler of.

  At this moment.

  In an elegantly decorated conference room, there are ten people sitting on both sides of a heavy mahogany conference table. They are all ten core elders of the Great Xia Kingdom, and they hold great power. Decisions big and small can only be implemented after they have passed them.

  At the head of the mahogany table sat an old man.

  The old man was wearing a simple black shirt, his body was thin and short, his hair was black and white, and he looked thin, as if he could not help the wind. He was the current emperor of the Great Xia Kingdom, Tang Wanmin, but when he saw the crutch in his hand, he pointed to the screen behind him and said: :

  "This is the video sent by Cai Limin and Shi Xiang. Although the filming is not very clear, the big guys take a closer look and then express their opinions."

  Then a blurry picture appeared on the screen.

  But the ten core elders present were still able to clearly see the huge mysterious monster in the picture and the terrifying destructive power displayed by the mysterious monster.

  The picture finally freezes at the scene where the Third Mecha Corps fled in embarrassment.

  After reading it.

  The ten core elders looked at each other in disbelief, and they could see the incredible and unbelievable from each other's faces. One of the core elders said in disbelief:

  "Your Majesty, this is simply unbelievable. How can such a terrifying creature exist in this world? Our human exploration of the earth has reached more than [-]%. It stands to reason that if there is such a creature, we would have known it long ago. Yes!"

  Another female core elder nodded and said: "Yeah, this monster appeared too suddenly, if this monster was originally a native creature in the earth's oceans, then we would have discovered it long ago, unless it has something we don't know about. Hiding place!".

  A core elder frowned and said, "Could it be an alien creature?".

  "In any case, the combat power displayed by this mysterious creature is extremely terrifying. If the monster attacked our fleet at that time, the consequences would be unimaginable. I think we should make relevant preparations!"

  A core elder wearing glasses said solemnly.

  "what do you mean?"

  Tang Wanmin looked at the core elder wearing glasses.

  Wu Wenlong said: "Set up a special department. I think that since there is this mysterious creature in the picture on the earth, then there must be other mysterious giants. Therefore, we must plan ahead and prepare in advance!"

  "The main task of the department we are going to set up is to find the traces of the mysterious giant beasts, study it after finding it, and then find a way to have a dialogue with these mysterious giant beasts, in short, to study these mysterious giant beasts with all our strength!

  He looked around and said, "It's better than when we encounter these mysterious monsters, we won't know anything, right? Judging from the picture, the ordinary mecha we are proud of is useless to monsters. Isn't that what you said?".

  When the other nine people heard the words, they all nodded involuntarily.

  Tang Wanmin said, "What's your opinion?".

  "I agree."

  Someone raised their hand.

  "I agree."


  "Old Wu's opinion is good."


  The other nine agreed.

  Tang Wanmin said: "Since everyone agrees, then set up the relevant department immediately, but, about the name of this department, do you have any good ideas?".

  Everyone looked at me, I looked at you, and finally all looked at Wu Wenlong.

  Since you said that you want to set up a department, it is up to you to think about it.

  Wu Wenlong thought about it.

  He said: "Since this department exists to investigate and study mysterious monsters, then in my opinion, the name of this department is called Monster Abnormality Bureau?".

  "Monster Bizarre Bureau?"

  When everyone heard the words, they couldn't help but nodded and said, "This is not bad!".

  "Then let's call it the Monster Anomaly Bureau. Then, let's invite you to be the first director of our Monster Anomaly Bureau." Tang Wenming looked at Wu Wenlong with a smile. Wu Wenlong wanted to refuse, after all, who Would you like to deal with monsters every day?

  Wouldn't it be unfortunate if one day was trampled to death?


  After seeing Tang Wanmin's undeniable expression, he gritted his teeth and nodded helplessly:

  "That's fine."

  A core elder asked, "Your Majesty, are we keeping this a secret or a high-speed society?".

  "...Keep it a secret for now."

  Tang Wanmin thought for a while, and sighed: "After all, we don't even know the origin of this monster. Once the news of the mysterious monster spreads in the society, it will inevitably cause unnecessary trouble. We will talk about it later. !".

  The crowd nodded.


  Tang Wanmin said.

  Then, with the help of the guards, he got up and left on crutches.



  PS: Ninth more!

  The new book is released, the results on the first day are very important. I ask you to vote for flowers, evaluation votes and monthly passes. For rewards or something, humble authors will not dare to crave.

  Thanks guys! ! ! .

Chapter 11

  Wu'an City.

  Qingteng Mecha Division Higher College.

  Wu'an City is the capital of Tiantang Province, and as a top-level mecha-master school in Wu'an City, the Qingteng Mecha-Master Higher Academy has naturally trained many talented mecha-masters, such as those in Tang Province today. The ninth-level mecha masters, half of them are from the Qingteng mecha master college.

  Even Yunju, who founded the behemoth Ali Group and was once the richest man in Daxia, also graduated from the prestigious school of the Ivy League Mecha Academy.


  The reputation of the Qingteng Mechamaster Academy in the entire Great Xia Kingdom is naturally very loud. Many people's lifelong dream is to enter the Qingteng Mechamaster Academy.

  And for the Ivy League Mecha Academy.

  Today is a day worth celebrating, because today is the annual mecha division competition held by the college. The first place will get a high-end Cobra series worth [-] million yuan, produced by Daxia Heavy Industry Group. Mecha.

  The Cobra series of mechas have a strong anti-radar effect and almost abnormal rain forest stealth ability. In the jungle area, the Cobra mecha is the absolute king!

  "Do you think that video is real or fake?"

  "Yeah, does such a terrifying monster really exist on Earth?"

  "How do I feel that the video is fake? How could there be such a mysterious beast on Earth? If there is, we humans should have discovered it long ago, right?"

  "I also think it's fake. With today's technology, it's not difficult to achieve such realistic special effects at all. Eighty percent of the time, it's the work of those male monkeys!"

  "Believe in science, we humans have already developed more than [-]% of the earth. If there is such a beast, we would have discovered it long ago!"

  "It's fake, there's no need to take it seriously!"

  "I feel it is true, otherwise how can you explain why the Third Mecha Corps suddenly retreated?"

  "A fool believes that there are monsters in the world. Even if there are monsters, we don't have to be afraid at all. Our powerful mechas are enough to shred all so-called monsters!"

  "That's right! The mecha is invincible!"

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