It's like traveling from thousands of years ago.

  "Push it out and see?"

  someone suggested.


  Yun Fanlong hurriedly raised his hand to stop it: "We still don't understand the structure of this place, and no one knows what is behind this giant bronze gate. Blindly opening the bronze giant gate is hard to guarantee that it will not cause terrible consequences!".

  But as soon as his voice fell, there was a sudden squeak.

  The bronze giant door opened itself miraculously. Under the surprised gaze of Yun Fanlong and the others, the bronze giant door slowly opened, and a breath full of years rushed toward the face, the dust was choking, and everyone suddenly coughed.

  Suddenly a gust of wind blows.

  Boom boom boom!

  Suddenly, a group of dazzling fire lights lit up, and after leading everyone to react, an incomparably spacious bronze hall appeared in the eyes of everyone!

  In front of this hall, everyone is like ants.


  At this moment, everyone couldn't help but stay stunned.



  PS: third more.

  Thanks for the 100vip point reward and reminder of the big guy [Xiange Aiming]~

  Continue to ask for flowers for evaluation tickets! ! ! .

Chapter 32

  The bronze hall is very spacious.

  There is a dark red carpet facing the bronze giant gate, and there are thick and tall stone pillars on both sides, and each stone pillar is carved with some kind of mysterious creature.

  Everyone looked up, only to feel that they were as small as ants compared to this bronze hall. On the dome of the hall, there was also a huge beast head carved from some kind of jade, and the beast head was lifelike.

  Like real.

  At a glance, it seems that you can feel the fierceness of the giant beast!

  Not only that.

  On the ground of the main hall, which is paved with bluestone bricks, there are many ancient bronze artifacts scattered. Of course, it is not these gadgets that attract the attention of Yun Fanlong and others, but the one standing in the center of the main hall. Bronze Ding, the domineering and fierce bronze Ding is one person tall.

  Appears very heavy.

  "Lord Yun, look!"

  Someone pointed at the wall and said in surprise: "The wall is full of text and various murals!".

  "Go and see."

  Yun Fanlong's excited body was trembling, and he did not forget to tell everyone: "Everyone, be careful, remember, don't touch anything!".

  Surrounded by a group of experts, Yun Fanlong came to the wall of the hall next to the giant bronze gate. Everyone looked at the insect-like text on the wall and the lifelike murals, but they were puzzled for a while.

  They don't understand.

  "Elder Yun."

  Head Li said: "What does it say above?".

  Everyone here, talking about the research on the Tianxingdui civilization, is undoubtedly the most important. He has studied the Tianxingdui civilization for decades, and he knows more about nature.

  Yun Fanlong watched it for a while.

  He said: "These texts are the oldest texts of the Tianxingdui civilization. It says that they were attacked by a monster named Fire Demon in 1658 of the Monster Age, and most of the tribesmen were killed and injured!"

  "The god they believe in is a monster called the Queen of Monsters who looks like a butterfly. In order to protect the Tianxingdui civilization, this monster fought with the demon of fire. Although it defeated the demon of fire, it was also because He was seriously injured and fell into a permanent sleep!"

  "In a few years, the Tianxingdui civilization was destroyed by monsters!"


  After listening, Head Li and others looked surprised.

  Age of Monsters?

  Fire demon?

  Monster queen?

  Could it be that in that distant era, a monster-dominated civilization really appeared on Earth?

  "Where is it?"

  Someone else pointed to the text and murals on the other side and asked.

  Yun Fanlong adjusted his glasses, and after reading it carefully from top to bottom, he said, "What it says above is that after people believe in these monsters, they can get the gift of monsters, and then gain extraordinary supernatural power! ".

  "Supernatural power?"

  When everyone heard this, they were once again surprised.

  Someone said: "Supernatural power? Is it like those superpowers in the movies? But how can humans get the power of monsters?".

  The rest were also confused.

  "do not know."

  Yun Fanlong said: "Although it is unbelievable, the words above are indeed recorded in this way, and the murals above are also painted in this way. It should not be fake. Otherwise, why would they worship monsters?"

  Saying so, he came to another mural and explained:

  "What it says above is that at that time, there was a very powerful civilization enslaving monsters to work for them. What is this monster called Behemoth, the king of the earth, and Behemoth looks like an ancient mammoth!"

  So next.

  He took everyone around in front of the wall of the main hall, and introduced the content recorded in the text and the murals in detail to everyone, and these texts and murals were only one-third of the content, which was an important deed to record the Tianxingdui civilization.

  Most of the rest can't be separated from a single word.

  That is......


  Everyone came to a wall opposite the bronze giant gate.

  The text and murals recorded on this wall were actually carved out of some kind of golden metal, which was obviously different from other texts and murals.

  "Elder Yun, what is recorded on it?"

  someone asked curiously.

  "What it says above is that in the era of monsters at that time, the most powerful civilization was..."

  Speaking of this, Yun Fanlong's eyes widened, a look of shock appeared on his face, his breathing became heavier, and everyone was surprised.

  I don't understand why Yun Lao is so excited all of a sudden?

  Head Li asked, "Elder Yun, what is it?".

  "Atlantis! It's Atlantis! It says that the most powerful civilization at that time was Atlantis! This civilization could not only skillfully use various energy sources on the earth at that time, but even directly absorb the energy of the sun. Power as energy! Their technology has reached an unimaginable height!"

  Yun Fanlong said excitedly: "It also said that the god Atlantis believed in was a Godzilla family called the King of Monsters!".


  As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at each other in dismay.

  Suddenly someone said in surprise: "Have you found the monster with flowers on this mural, doesn't it look like the monster that appeared in Wu'an City a while ago?".

  As soon as he said this, everyone looked at it carefully.

  Found it to be true!


  Everyone couldn't help but look shocked: "This, this, this...".

  They have been shocked speechless.

  "I'm curious, since these monsters are so powerful, why did they suddenly disappear? Why are they not even recorded in major historical books?"

  Someone asked in confusion.


  Yun Fanlong said: "I'm afraid there must have been some catastrophe that we didn't know about at that time, otherwise, how could there be no clues at all?".

  "This is also..."

  The crowd nodded.

  But they were very curious, what kind of catastrophe could make these monsters disappear in an instant, and even human history books have never recorded it?

  Captain Li asked, "Where have all these monsters gone?".


  Yun Fanlong said solemnly: "They are sleeping until they wake up again one day in the future. Unfortunately... this day is coming!"

  He said solemnly:

  "The once king of the earth is returning!"


  As soon as these words came out, the hall was instantly dead silent. While everyone was shocked, they couldn't help but show fear on their faces. This is the fear when facing the unknown.

  If these once kings of the earth come back again...

  What should humans do?


  Or destruction?

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