

  PS: Fourth more.

  Ask for flowers for evaluation tickets! ! ! .

Chapter 33


  Hearing Yun Fanlong's words, Head Li and others suddenly looked shocked and horrified. They dared not imagine that when these things once existed in tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands, even millions of years ago When the monster returns.

  What will the earth be like?

  What should human beings do?


  Someone swallowed a mouthful of saliva in horror: "Old Yun, is what you said true?".

  "Could it be fake?"

  Yun Fanlong said angrily: "These are all recorded by the ancient texts and murals on the walls. If you don't believe me, you should believe in the Tianxingdui civilization, right?"


  He sighed: "Furthermore, didn't the monster called Godzilla by the Tianxingdui civilization appeared in the outer sea of ​​Wu'an City some time ago?"

  He hummed: "Many people have seen this!"

  He suddenly sighed: "Moreover, according to the records and texts on these walls, it seems that a large number of monsters are already sleeping in our country!"

  He shook his head and said, "It's just that no one knows where they are!".

  "Elder Yun."

  Head Li said: "Then what do you think, if these former overlords of the earth come back and the monsters will recover one after another, how will human beings or our Great Xia Kingdom survive? Do you really wait for the monsters to be destroyed?"

  after all.

  Judging from the previously leaked video of the monster called Godzilla fighting with the mecha army of the Eagle Federation, the monster is obviously extremely terrifying.

  As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately turned their attention.

  If the recovery of the monsters really cannot be stopped, then of course they are more concerned about the Great Xia Kingdom and how to survive on the earth ravaged by monsters in the future.


  Yun Fanlong said: "Although the resurgence of monsters is undoubtedly a bad thing for human beings, I think that danger is often accompanied by chance!".

  "what do you mean?"

  Captain Li asked.

  Yun Fanlong smiled and said, "Let me tell you, the importance of this Tianxingdui ancient civilization site we excavated is absolutely beyond your imagination!"

  He looked at the mural in amazement and emotion:

  "According to the records in these words, monsters have extremely strong IQs. Humans can communicate with monsters, and the most important thing is."

  "Humans can acquire the ability of monsters, so the ruins of the ancient civilization of Tianxingdui are undoubtedly a priceless treasure that will change the country's fortunes for our Daxia Kingdom!"

  He couldn't help sighing: "I really don't know which great man created such an amazing and peerless treasure. This is simply a priceless treasure!".


  Hearing this, Head Li and others couldn't help but look excited.

  they know.

  Yun Fanlong has always been stern, and without absolute certainty, he would never make outrageous remarks, but since he said so, it means that the importance of this Tianxingdui ancient civilization site is indeed inestimable by money.

  Yun Fanlong said: "Captain Li, please go up and let me know, and let the North Star send heavy troops to guard it. I'm afraid someone will covet here!".

  "it is good!"

  Saying so, Head Li turned around and left.

  "let's continue"

  Yun Fanlong continued to look excitedly in the bronze hall, swaying around, and sometimes even jumping excitedly, which surprised others. At this time, Elder Yun was like a child who saw toys.

  They have followed Yun Fanlong for decades, how have they ever seen Elder Yun be so excited?


  The skeleton of a huge and complete mysterious beast was dug out from the ancient civilization site of Tianxingdui, which surprised everyone, but now the official has directly cut off the live broadcast of the Tianxingdui site, and sent heavy troops to guard the Tianxingdui site.

  This is undoubtedly even more shocking!

  Not only the domestic network is overwhelming with such reports.

  Even several major international media abroad have scrambled to report on this. Many reporters from the media asked the relevant person in charge of Daxia Kingdom curious questions, but in the end all of them were officially refused to answer.


  at the same time.

  He You, who was drinking tea leisurely in Wu'an City, naturally had a panoramic view of this scene. I have to say that this time, it is not a loss to create monster ruins.

  On the contrary, it made a lot of money!

  "Open the properties panel."

  He You thought silently in his heart.

  The next moment, an attribute panel appeared in front of him.

  [Host]: He You.

  [Strength]: Level 1 extraordinary.

  [Skill]: The universe moves, and it is launched globally.

  【Props】: None.

  [Monster]: Godzilla.

  [Emotional Value]: 2580 million+.

  down this month.

  He You has obtained a total of nearly [-] million emotional points.

  Mainly because the mood value rose sharply in the first few days.

  The growth rate has fallen sharply afterward.

  But it's not bad, after all, it has won more than [-] million!

  "It's possible to upgrade another wave of Godzilla."

  Thinking like this, He You opened the attribute panel of Godzilla's forehead.

  [Name]: Godzilla.

  [Level]: Ruined city level.

  [Skills]: Back Slash, Tail Flick, Bite, Tear, Atomic Breath, Incandescent Light.

  【Form】: None.

  [Atomic Energy]: 100 million/100 million.

  [Development progress]: 28%.

  "Upgrade Godzilla."

  He You thought silently in his heart.

  next moment.

  He saw that all the data of the miniature Godzilla floating in front of him were skyrocketing at this moment, and his height increased and he became more obese.


  This boost disappears.

  And Godzilla's attribute panel has a new look.

  [Name]: Godzilla.

  [Level]: Ruined city level.

  [Skills]: Back cutting, tail flicking, biting, tearing, atomic breath, incandescent light, back radiation.

  [Height]: 78.8 meters.

  [Weight]: 58258 tons.

  【Form】: None.

  【Atomic Energy】: [-]/[-].

  [Development progress]: 38%.

  "Have you unlocked an internal radiation skill? Even the atomic energy has been increased to more than three million. It seems that this wave of upgrades is not a loss!"

  He You couldn't help but nodded secretly.

  He clicked on the detailed explanation of the internal radiation skills.

  [Internal Radiation]: Godzilla compresses the terrifying heat ray energy sharply in the body, and then releases it from the back, forming a multi-directional ray strike on the back, and the temperature of each ray is as high as [-] degrees Celsius.

  "this is not bad."

  He You couldn't help but nodded secretly. After Godzilla has the back radiation hot ray skill, he doesn't need to worry about the enemy being attacked in the future when he fights again.

  Then he looked at his emotional value.

  More than [-] million emotional values ​​should be left a lot.


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