When he opened his attribute panel, he was stunned.

  "Lying... trough?"

  "What about the emotional value?"



  PS: The first update.

  I owe four shifts today.

  Cough cough, it is expected that there will be a lack of updates tomorrow. After all, tomorrow I will have to find a house. Alas, the uncomfortable duck skin, you can save it and watch it together, but, cough, I hope to vote for one before this Flowers, evaluation tickets, otherwise, the author really feels that he is running naked on a single machine.


Chapter 34

  "More than [-] million emotional values ​​are gone?"

  He You looked at the panel in astonishment, but saw the emotional value column on the panel.

  It suddenly became 0!

  "System, what's going on?"

  he asked in his heart.

  【Back to host】

  [The current conversion ratio of emotion value to atomic energy is 10:1]


  Hearing this, He You couldn't help but stunned, and then he sighed helplessly, if that's the case, then he really can't complain about the system.

  After all, the conversion ratio of 10:1 is already very good.

  He smiled bitterly. He thought that more than [-] million emotional points would be enough for him to use for a while, but now it seems that he underestimated Godzilla, a gold-eating beast. Not to mention [-] million emotional points, I am afraid it is [-] million emotional points. Value, it is difficult to directly upgrade Godzilla to full level at one time.

  But at this moment, a system prompt appeared in front of his eyes again.

  [When Godzilla is upgraded to the National Destruction level, the conversion ratio of emotion value to atomic energy will reach 100:1]


  Hearing this, He You resisted the urge to vomit blood and turned off the system panel in front of him. At this moment, he really wanted to say that the system is really a pit!


  He was somewhat looking forward to Godzilla being upgraded to the National Destruction level.

  How powerful is it?

  No longer thinking about these, he looked at the progress of Godzilla's development.

  I saw that Godzilla's development progress has increased from 28% to 38%.

  According to the system's explanation, once his monster's development progress reaches [-]%, his host will be able to obtain the monster's corresponding skills.

  "If I can also use Godzilla's skills, such as atomic breath and charged particle cannon, or red lotus karma, I am afraid that this huge earth, I can also travel unimpeded, and my strength is above the global human beings. !"

  Thinking like this, He You can't wait to increase the progress of Godzilla's development to [-]%, but you can imagine the huge emotional value required for this. There are not hundreds of millions of emotional values. Think about it!

  Close the system panel.

  He rubbed his chin and muttered: "Next, I have to think about how to get emotional points. The most direct method is undoubtedly to continue to put Godzilla into trouble to find the Eagle Federation. This is a good tool. what!"

  Speaking of this, he frowned and said, "However, it has now been a month and a half, and there are still nearly ten months or so before that unknown huge alien fleet will arrive on Earth!".


  He has to hurry up!

  The system only said that there was an alien fleet attacking, but it did not clearly state what level of civilization this alien civilization was, but he believed that if it could fly over a distance of three light-years to the earth in one year, I am afraid that the level must not be low. .

  No matter whether this alien civilization has locked the earth in advance hundreds of years ago, and sent a fleet to invade the earth for hundreds of years, or they just locked the earth recently.

  But a civilization that can achieve interstellar navigation must have a civilization level above the second-level civilization, which is powerful enough to make full use of all the energy of its stars and fully control their solar system.

  Not only that.

  Second-level civilizations can easily live and travel freely on various planets in the solar system without worrying about energy issues, because they know how to efficiently use the endless energy emanating from stars, and their societies are highly developed and tend to develop. in high acceleration.

  The main thing is.

  Second-level civilization is so powerful that it is almost difficult to destroy!

  In He You's view, even if human beings today have entered a fairly developed era of mechas, the earth's resources that can be utilized are already considerable.

  However, the current level of civilization on Earth has not yet broken through to Level [-].

  He You felt that with all the natural or man-made methods known to human beings, they could not hurt a single hair of them, such a powerful civilization.

  It's hard to get rid of them unless they self-destruct!

  This can be seen.

  How big is the gap between the earth and this alien civilization, the powerful scientific and technological strength of this alien civilization is definitely not something that the earth's mecha can resist.

  The second-level civilization is only his minimum estimate. In case of alien civilization that invades the earth, it is the third-level civilization, or even the more terrifying fifth-level civilization.

  Well to be honest....

  Even He You doubted whether he could save the earth!

  He didn't know whether the countries on the earth had discovered any alien fleets that had invaded, but he had to prepare for it in advance just in case.

  He must have more monsters in the exchange office in just a few months, such as the golden king Ghidorah, the cosmic dinosaur Hypageton, or the evil Leviathan, or even the terrifying of........


  A Godzilla alone is obviously difficult to support.

  But the premise of all this is....

  He has to have enough emotional value!

  Otherwise, no discussion.

  Thinking like this, he rubbed his chin and murmured: "Since the time is so urgent, then I don't need to come step by step, otherwise I have to wait until the year of the monkey and the horse month, and I can only take a slightly aggressive, or rather domineering way!".

  Like putting Godzilla into a human city?

  As such.

  He must be able to get a lot of emotional points!


  In which city is he going to drop Godzilla?



  PS: The first update.

  Thanks to the big guy [Ran Zhixing] for the 100 VIP point reward and the big guy [Singing Xia Shang] for the monthly pass, and thanks to the big guys for their flowers and evaluation votes.

  Keep asking for flowers~~~

  No surprise today, there should be about three or four chapters.

  When the house is found to be stable tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, the author will update his liver~~~.

Chapter 35

  He needs to get a lot of emotional points.

  It is necessary to exchange for the second monster as soon as possible, so as to get more emotional value, but he is thinking, which city should Godzilla be put into?


  He You suddenly seemed to remember something: "That girl, Chu Ziqi, has been leisurely enough this month, it's time to give her some tasks!"

  Thinking like this, his figure disappeared in a flash.


  Just as Chu Ziqi came out of the bathroom, her tall and slender figure was set off by the pink bath towel, which was extremely attractive, and her exposed skin was white, tender and delicate.

  Just as she sat down and was about to blow her hair, she suddenly saw a flash of light behind her in the mirror, and then, He You appeared behind her like a ghost.

  She was startled, stood up and said, "Mr. Zero!"

  The tone was full of respect.

  At the same time, she couldn't help but muttered in her heart, why does No. [-] always like to appear when she is taking a bath?Could it be that this adult has some strange hobby?

  But she didn't dare to say it.

  "Your mission has arrived."

  He You put his hands on his back and said indifferently.

  "Please say!"

  Chu Ziqi's expression was stagnant, and then she said solemnly.

  He You said indifferently: "As far as I know, many countries, including Daxia, have secretly established organizations responsible for researching monsters!"

  He said: "Now I want you to recruit excellent people for our organization immediately. These people must have absolute loyalty to the organization and excellent quality. If we can arrange our people into special organizations that are secretly established by countries around the world , of course it could not be better!".

  Hear this.

  Chu Ziqi was stunned for a moment, and then a smile appeared on her fair and pretty face: "It sounds like this is a very good game!".

  He You said: "If you have any difficulties, you can tell me."

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